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Exceelent TV Shows

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  • TranaGreg
    just finished binging The Great (ie Catherine The Great). Damn that was good. And fun. Highly recommended.

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  • Ken
    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    The 1st half of the final season of Ozark is out on Netflix. 7 episodes in the first batch, I've watched 4.

    This show is extremely maddening to watch, pausing every 5 minutes to yell at the TV, kinda like Dexter was for me. I hope they wrap it up in a satisfying way.
    We binge watched them on Friday/Saturday. Ready for the 2nd batch.

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  • Teenwolf
    The 1st half of the final season of Ozark is out on Netflix. 7 episodes in the first batch, I've watched 4.

    This show is extremely maddening to watch, pausing every 5 minutes to yell at the TV, kinda like Dexter was for me. I hope they wrap it up in a satisfying way.

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    the first few seasons were really good. I hate binge watching and then the season is over and 8 months later you need to start over and try to remember what is going on. Just watched the last season over the weekend and it was still good fun.
    Yeah I get his too. Its the big problem with binge watching ... it just doesn't sink as much. I usually watch the final episode of the previous series before a new one starts.

    I started watching season 5 of The Expanse ... 2 episodes in, I realized I don't have a clue what was going on ... took me that long to realize I hadn't even finished season 3!

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by heyelander View Post
    Hey Johnny, did we ever get the British take on Ted Lasso?
    I was actually going to ask if anyone had seen it. I saw the initial stuff from years back and liked it, and the new series has won a ton of awards. Been meaning to check it out. Always liked Jason Sudeikis.

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  • TranaGreg
    Originally posted by heyelander View Post
    Hey Johnny, did we ever get the British take on Ted Lasso?
    this should be fun ...

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  • heyelander
    Hey Johnny, did we ever get the British take on Ted Lasso?

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by Bene Futuis View Post
    Our family has also been watching a couple shows together:

    Cobra Kai - fucking awesome. I'm squarely in their "hey, remember all this stuff about the 80s?" demographic, so it's perfect. Probably inappropriate for my kid. “Light beer. Veggie burgers. Automatic transmission. Might as well let another dude bang your chick." LMAO
    Lost in Space - moderately entertaining. However, I just can't ever seem to get too investted into any of these characters. While I don't actively want them to die off, I just don't care that much. I've been watching for too long to not really know wtf is going on which is likely due to my apathetic approach.
    Agents of SHIELD - I love it, my family is kind of "meh". Just finished season 2. Apparently this Marvel stuff is pretty easy for me to geek out on. Just like Star Wars and pizza, even the bad stuff is still pretty damn good.
    the first few seasons were really good. I hate binge watching and then the season is over and 8 months later you need to start over and try to remember what is going on. Just watched the last season over the weekend and it was still good fun.

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  • Bene Futuis
    Our family has also been watching a couple shows together:

    Cobra Kai - fucking awesome. I'm squarely in their "hey, remember all this stuff about the 80s?" demographic, so it's perfect. Probably inappropriate for my kid. “Light beer. Veggie burgers. Automatic transmission. Might as well let another dude bang your chick." LMAO
    Lost in Space - moderately entertaining. However, I just can't ever seem to get too investted into any of these characters. While I don't actively want them to die off, I just don't care that much. I've been watching for too long to not really know wtf is going on which is likely due to my apathetic approach.
    Agents of SHIELD - I love it, my family is kind of "meh". Just finished season 2. Apparently this Marvel stuff is pretty easy for me to geek out on. Just like Star Wars and pizza, even the bad stuff is still pretty damn good.

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  • Bene Futuis
    Has anyone watched The Wheel of Time? I finished the books and while they were a definite slog in the middle, I really liked them overall.

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  • revo
    Just finished Hunters on Amazon Prime after almost 2 years, lol. It's really pretty good, and I didn't see the twist coming. About a team of Nazi Hunters in NYC in 1977, starring Al Pacino.

    If dry humor is your thing, especially with a NYC bent, How to with John Wilson on HBO is for you. I watched the first episode to see what it was about, and I was hooked. If you watch it, I bet the first thing you'll think is "Dafuq is this??" But it grows on you. He starts off with a topic and kind of goes off on bizarre tangents from there.

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  • DMT
    Altered Carbon, both the book and season 1, were great. Couldn't get through 1st episode of season 2.

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  • johnnya24
    I read somewhere that by episode 2/3 they are pretty much on par with the books

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  • Bene Futuis
    Originally posted by ironfist View Post
    Yes, it's nothing at all like the books. Like they took the name and created something else. Overall pretty mediocre. As someone who loved the books, this was a huge disappointment.
    I also read the first one of these books and it was pretty amazing, honestly. Guess I'll take a pass on the show.

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  • ironfist
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    Has anyone seen Foundation?
    Yes, it's nothing at all like the books. Like they took the name and created something else. Overall pretty mediocre. As someone who loved the books, this was a huge disappointment.

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