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Exceelent TV Shows

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  • ironfist
    I'm kind of enjoying Wayward Pines right now. I'm sure in a few episodes it will join the likes of Under the Dome and The Event, but at least it's entertaining at a time when there's not much else on.

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  • johnnya24
    As good as The Assets was, I caught up on a couple of really disappointing Netflix original series.

    Residue is a UK sci fi series about a supposed contamination in central London. Stars Ramsey and Osha from Game of Thrones. Starts off promising, then just gets crap. It's like this just ran out of ideas.

    Sense8 is the heavily hyped Wachawski Brothers sci fi / supernatural series. I got halfway through the first episode, and then gave up. If you aren't interested in the Wachawshi vision of the world: transgender, BDSM, techno music, druggy coked up characters, convoluted ideas, Xtreme-far-fetchedness ...then don't go here. It's usually bad to make a snap judgement based on 40 minutes of one episode, but I feel comfortable giving up on this given what I've seen from these guys/gals in the past.

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  • johnnya24
    I watched the first 2 episodes of The Assets when it aired last year ... then ABC immediately dropped it because of the ratings. Idiots.

    Finally caught up on the rest of the mini-series on Netflix. It's really well worth watching, and helluva lot better than the RT and IMDB ratings. Mad Max has 98% on RT, and The Assets has 56% #RTirrelevant.

    They did a great job of authentically recreating the era.

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by Judge Jude View Post
    Is A-Rod in it?

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  • Judge Jude
    Is A-Rod in it?

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  • johnnya24
    Catch up weekend continues ...

    Bosch - another cop series, but this is excellent. Have only seen the first 2 episodes and I'm hooked already. Really strong attention to detail, lot's of nice little touches ... this series screams "top class" (so far).

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by eldiablo505
    Odd, I just finished The Man in the High Castle in book form. It was widely considered to be Dick's best book, won awards and all that, but it's pretty different than the others of his that I've read. I especially appreciated the role the I Ching played in the book. Hopefully that's around for the series. I also really liked the "story within the story" concept going on. It's like an alternate history within an alternate history. Alternate historyception or something.
    Yeah, there was definitely something weird going on. Did they sell the series in the pilot though? I'm not so sure ... I fell they might have been a bit too cryptic. But I'll definitely stick around.

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  • johnnya24
    So I checked out the pilot to the new Amazon series, The Man in the High Castle. It's set in the USA about 15 years after hte NAZI's and Japan won the war and occupied the USA. I read some of Philip K. Dick's stuff back in the 90's ... you know, the dark ages ... but I didn't know about this one. Not bad. It's hard to judge these Amazon pilots, but this one looks promising if they can imprint a clear narrative. So many of these sandbox type TV shows get lost and turn out boring. I guess my one big worry is that none of the characters really stood out for me as being special ... they were kinda boring if I'm being honest.

    I'm not 100% sure what's going on here, but it seems there might be something else going on. The newsreel footage showed the events at the actual end of the war. And we're supposed to believe that int he space of 15 years, everyone just forgot? I dunno ... I was thinking this was going to turn into some kind of Fringe type alternate universe type reality. I really dunno. Definitely worth a further look I reckon.

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  • Gregg
    Originally posted by Gregg View Post
    Yes it is. I am looking forward to the conclusion. But I will miss the show.
    Justified was a great ride. This last season was a lot of fun. The conclusion did not disappoint. I think they gave the fans of the show a good ending.

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  • heyelander
    Daredevil on Netflix has been pretty darn good

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  • swampdragon
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    Binged the first half of Amazon's Transparent on a particularly lazy Sunday. I'm really liking it so far. Jeffrey Tambour plays a father who comes out as Trans to his dysfunctional family. A bit like Better Call Saul, it's billed as a comedy, but not a "haha" comedy ... more like comical or humourous. Anyway ... dysfunctional families always make for great fodder, and this is good stuff.

    Amazon Prime's TV service is really clunky and unpleasant to use ... though we may have a different software platform to the US. Netflix kicks its ass in that department for sure.
    I watched the first two episodes - interesting and clever stuff
    The three siblings are highly believable characters as Tambor's kids - especially in looks

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  • Gregg
    Originally posted by ironfist View Post
    Justified is sure going out with a bang. This has been a fun season.

    Yes it is. I am looking forward to the conclusion. But I will miss the show.

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  • johnnya24
    The first 4 episodes of GoT series 5 have been leaked online ... not sure I want to, although I want to. Kills all the anticipation to binge watch it like this.

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  • heyelander

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  • ironfist
    Justified is sure going out with a bang. This has been a fun season.

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