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Exceelent TV Shows

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Yep, it's good so far. Not as good as Daredevil, though.
    I'm struggling though Daredevil a little bit. I'm not enjoying it as much as JJ. I watched all of Jessica Jones in a week.

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by DMT View Post
    Making a Murderer, holy fuck.
    Saw the first part ... looks interesting.

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  • revo
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    Anyone else been watching Jessica Jones on Netflix? Halfway through, and I'm liking it a lot.
    Yep, it's good so far. Not as good as Daredevil, though.

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  • DMT
    Making a Murderer, holy fuck.

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  • johnnya24
    Anyone else been watching Jessica Jones on Netflix? Halfway through, and I'm liking it a lot.

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  • Controller Jacobs
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    Just caught up with the first few episodes of Gotham. I normally hate comic book movies, but this has been top notch.
    I've watched two of these on Netflix, and like it.
    The locales are well done, and it's a natural showplace for character actors - I really like the guys doing the Penguin, Edward Nigma and Falcone.

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  • johnnya24
    Almost done with Season 3 of The American's ... the episode with the old lady in the office was amazing.

    The KGB must have had the most amazing make up department.

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  • revo
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    I'm probably gonna binge watch all of Netflix's Narcos this weekend. Halfway though, and it's pretty damn good so far.

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  • johnnya24
    Season 2 of Fargo has started very well. Different era (late 70's / early 80's), amazing cast, and also a stylistic shift in direction ... but the same unmistakable Fargo world the Coen Bro's created 20 years ago. Getting a much better vibe from this than I did from True Detective 2.

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  • heyelander
    I can't imagine this will be exceelent, but the dude who is the King was a fellow life guard at the pool I worked summers at all through college. Very nice, "anything for a laugh" kind of guy. Starts tonight but airs all week.

    TLC’s latest reality series feels refreshingly human and rather charming. Okay, it’s on TLC, so it still feels like the participants still have a few loose screws rattling around somewh…

    'Suddenly Royal' review: TLC's reality show about auto mechanic who believes he's a king is sweetly human

    TLC’s latest reality series feels refreshingly human and rather charming.

    Okay, it’s on TLC, so it still feels like the participants still have a few loose screws rattling around somewhere. Otherwise there’d be no show, would there, old chap?

    David “Drew” Howe is a 45-year-old auto mechanic from Maryland who discovered in 2007 that his ancestry goes back to the last titled king of the Isle of Man, a small British island, in the 14th century.

    So he claimed the monarchy for himself, by posting a notice in a British newspaper. When it went unchallenged, he declared himself the presumptive king.

    Seven years later, he and his wife Pam saved enough quid to make the trip to claim the throne.

    So they start out at the lower end of impoverished royalty, and David, in particular, has manners to match. His ability to “fit into” actual royalty about matches his ability to debate Stephen Hawkings on quantum physics.

    All that said, we like him. He has no delusions about who he is, other than maybe the king part, and he’s funny. When his 12-year-old daughter Grace says she’s nervous about the trip, he asks her deadpan if maybe she should just “get all likkered up.”

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  • DMT
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    It's excellent all the way.
    Just finished Ep #8 and I'm really surprised there are two more episodes.

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by DMT View Post
    Two episodes in, really enjoying it.
    It's excellent all the way.

    Really like the theme song also.

    Last edited by johnnya24; 09-06-2015, 06:33 AM.

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  • DMT
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    I'm probably gonna binge watch all of Netflix's Narcos this weekend. Halfway though, and it's pretty damn good so far.
    Two episodes in, really enjoying it.

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  • johnnya24
    I'm probably gonna binge watch all of Netflix's Narcos this weekend. Halfway though, and it's pretty damn good so far.

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  • heyelander
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    anyone watching the two new HBO comedies, The Brink & Ballers? The Brink is hysterical; Ballers has been decent enough to continue watching.
    not sure how I missed it, but just learned that the dude playing Ricky Jerret (dysfunctional WR) on Ballers in Denzel Washington's kid.

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