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  • cardboardbox
    I watched the first 4 eps of The Leftovers and its really not grabbing me. I realize people think season 3 is great and thats a reason to push through but I dont know if I can keep going. Its a nearly plotless waste of time so far. Does season 1 get better? Is the whole series kind of plotless?

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  • Fresno Bob
    Originally posted by Wonderboy View Post
    I officially gave up on "American Gods" last night. Just not working for me and I LOVE Ian McShane.
    Have you read the book?

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  • cardboardbox
    Is Quarry season 1 worth watching or does it end in some sort of cliff hanger? I just noticed it was cancelled.

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  • Wonderboy
    I officially gave up on "American Gods" last night. Just not working for me and I LOVE Ian McShane.

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  • TranaGreg
    We watched the first three episodes of Westworld on the plane back home on Saturday, then proceeded to watch the rest of season 1 yesterday. That was some fun tv, really well done show - great twists, and I'm surprised nobody has commented on the soundtrack of the player piano in the show - Radiohead, Amy Winehouse, Soundgarden, & NIN. Very cool.

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  • DMT
    Originally posted by Pauly View Post
    While nothing will ever approach the total awesomeness of season 1, Fargo is really good this time around (much better than season 2 imo). Here's a show with good acting where stuff actually happens as opposed to Better Call Saul which has good actors but basically nothing ever happens.
    Yea we seem to be in the minority, but I thought season 1 was much better as well.

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  • Pauly
    While nothing will ever approach the total awesomeness of season 1, Fargo is really good this time around (much better than season 2 imo). Here's a show with good acting where stuff actually happens as opposed to Better Call Saul which has good actors but basically nothing ever happens.

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  • Fresno Bob
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    I think I'm about 6 episodes in. I haven't ditched it yet, but not as motivated to watch it as I am other series.
    Legion is a super slow burn, worth sticking it out to 10 minutes from the very end, which I found a bit unsatisfying given the leadup

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  • Fresno Bob
    Originally posted by ironfist View Post
    Agree with both of these.

    Has anyone seen American Gods yet? The first episode was interesting, and as someone who read the book, I'm looking forward to the rest of this one.
    I've watched the first two episodes after a fairly recent reread, true to the book in spirit and tone, and Ian McShane is freaking awesome

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
    I ditched Legion and am now starting in on this--I liked the premier quite a bit.
    I think I'm about 6 episodes in. I haven't ditched it yet, but not as motivated to watch it as I am other series.

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  • GwynnInTheHall
    Originally posted by ironfist View Post
    Agree with both of these.

    Has anyone seen American Gods yet? The first episode was interesting, and as someone who read the book, I'm looking forward to the rest of this one.
    I ditched Legion and am now starting in on this--I liked the premier quite a bit.

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  • Gregg
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    Believe it or not, season 2 is even better. I didn't believe that would have been possible ... but it was.
    This is good to read. I can't imagine it being better, but I am looking forward to being wrong. I haven't looked forward to a tv show in a long time.

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by ironfist View Post
    Agree with both of these.

    Has anyone seen American Gods yet? The first episode was interesting, and as someone who read the book, I'm looking forward to the rest of this one.
    Intriguing ... I hope it works. First episode had some intense moments among all the strangeness.

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  • ironfist
    Originally posted by MrFurious View Post
    I agree. Season 2 was phenomenal. Season 3 is very odd to me so far...Not bad, just different. I think the pace will pick up in the next couple of weeks.

    And, Better Call Saul has been very good this season. Much better than seasons 1 and 2. You can see where Jimmy is gravitating to Saul. The next couple of episodes should be really good. The story is definitely going more in the Breaking Bad direction now. Not sure if they got feedback in the off-season that they needed to go in a different direction or if this was just the natural progression. The 2nd season was very slow, but instructive on how Jimmy thinks. I'm enjoying it so far this season.
    Agree with both of these.

    Has anyone seen American Gods yet? The first episode was interesting, and as someone who read the book, I'm looking forward to the rest of this one.

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  • MrFurious
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    Believe it or not, season 2 is even better. I didn't believe that would have been possible ... but it was.
    I agree. Season 2 was phenomenal. Season 3 is very odd to me so far...Not bad, just different. I think the pace will pick up in the next couple of weeks.

    And, Better Call Saul has been very good this season. Much better than seasons 1 and 2. You can see where Jimmy is gravitating to Saul. The next couple of episodes should be really good. The story is definitely going more in the Breaking Bad direction now. Not sure if they got feedback in the off-season that they needed to go in a different direction or if this was just the natural progression. The 2nd season was very slow, but instructive on how Jimmy thinks. I'm enjoying it so far this season.

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