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2024 Election Thread

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  • madducks
    Originally posted by madducks View Post
    Nikki Haley gets the coveted Koch endorsement which indicates that the GOP winds could be changing.
    The Koch funding for Haley has been pulled as the GOP saddles up with the sneaker huckster. They now realize they were throwing their money away by backing Haley.

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  • revo
    Republicans lose the George Santos seat as Tom Suozzi crushes Mazi Pilip 54-46

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  • madducks
    Even with Trump removed from the ballot, Nikki Haley still lost the Nevada Republican Primary because all of the angry Trumpers voted for “none of these candidates.”

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  • madducks
    Trumpers are going crazy over a potential Joe Biden endorsement from Taylor Swift on Super Bowl Sunday lol.

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  • madducks
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    DeSantis officially ends his disastrous campaign
    DeSantis must have figured his path to victory was dependent upon Trump going to jail. Or at least Trump being disqualified.
    Last edited by madducks; 01-21-2024, 08:22 PM.

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  • revo
    DeSantis officially ends his disastrous campaign

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  • Sour Masher
    Watching some of the speech Biden gave is painful to watch. Joe Biden has been a public servant for most of his life and I don't want to crap on a guy who I respect for all that he has given, but anyone who says he is not somewhat diminished is in denial or does not listen and watch him often (I'm not saying he isn't mostly on the ball and on message now, and once he gets going, he can still deliver his message, but it takes him longer to warm up and he is getting less consistent and I worry about where he will be in 4 years). He should be sipping lemonade on a porch being honored for what he has done in his long career, not revving up for a reelection that commits him to doing one of the most mentally and emotionally taxing jobs in the world in his mid 80s. Just watch the first minute of this one and you see a guy who is no longer able to precisely gather and passionately articulate his thoughts on a consistent basis, and there is nothing unusual or wrong about that for most people in their 80s, but for the president, which is like two full time jobs, it is an awful lot to ask of someone at his age (I know many will say he was never as sharp and on message as some, but there is a difference between Biden years ago and Biden today). It is like giving a four year guaranteed contract to a ball players in their 40s who is already showing clear signs of slowing down. Except instead of just wasting money if we are wrong, we are trusting our country to that person.

    But most are not watching. This video has 11k views. My kids watch youtubers who gets 10x that in the first hour when they post a new video. IDK, maybe it doesn't matter. His heart is in the right place and he has competent people around him. I'd still prefer if he stepped down right now, but it doesn't look like it will happen and waiting for a "Spring surprise" seems risky and not ideal.

    Last edited by Sour Masher; 01-19-2024, 03:31 PM.

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  • Sour Masher
    Originally posted by revo View Post

    Oh man, that would be unbelievable. Looking at MJ's list, it's amazing how deep the Dem bench is compared to Republicans. DeSantis's presidential dreams are completely and permanently gone, and who else do they have? Marjorie Taylor Greene? The crotch rubber? Kari Lake? It's like the Star Wars cantina with them, just an incredible bunch of election-denying losers.
    I thought Nikki Haley, at one time, might have been the future of the party, but one thing Trump knows that some actual Republicans (he just goes where the screaming fans tell him to) don't seem to grasp is that going after SS and Medicare are losing issues. Her stance on entitlements make her unelectable, I think.

    On the Dem side, I really do think most of them could beat Trump this time out, but so many are afraid after HRC couldn't beat him and seem to think Biden is the only guy who can, which is a real shame. Biden had his time in the sun and did his job defeating Trump, but he is just a figure head at this point and if he makes it through the election, I'm not sure he makes it through the 2nd term, if he manages to win. At least not in terms of actually making the decisions and being a full president. It is just sad to see when lifers like Hatch and McConnell, and now Biden, toward the end, are just mouthpieces for 30 something staffers telling them what to say in earpieces because they are no long as quick and sharp as they once were and really should have stepped aside or not sought that one last reelection.

    I wish the left would not be so afraid of letting go of a candidate from the Silent Generation, who previously was considered an also ran for decades before, somehow, becoming the only viable candidate for president at a time when he is a step behind where he was when he was in his prime and considered an also ran. But I understand that unseating a sitting president who does not want to go is really tough. I assume he could be convinced to step aside, but it seems the effort to sell him on that hasn't been there. And with each passing day, it becomes a worse and worse idea to switch candidates, so at some point soon, I'm going to switch from wishing for new blood (even a boomer would be a fresh young face) to hoping Biden can hang on and carry on, and maybe the voices in his earpiece in his second term will push for a federal raise to minimum wage and step up the fight for college tuition reforms and environmental initiatives and legalizing weed at the federal level (Biden is against it so it won't happen on his watch, but it also isn't a big issue compared to many others).
    Last edited by Sour Masher; 01-19-2024, 02:56 PM.

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  • revo
    Originally posted by Pauly View Post

    I thought the prevailing opinion is Obama parachutes in. She is starting to raise her profile already...
    Oh man, that would be unbelievable. Looking at MJ's list, it's amazing how deep the Dem bench is compared to Republicans. DeSantis's presidential dreams are completely and permanently gone, and who else do they have? Marjorie Taylor Greene? The crotch rubber? Kari Lake? It's like the Star Wars cantina with them, just an incredible bunch of election-denying losers.

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  • Pauly
    Originally posted by Moonlight J View Post
    What's the list of alternatives if Biden pulls a spring surprise?
    • Buttigieg (my personal favorite)
    • Booker
    • Newsome (he's acting like a candidate already)
    • Warren
    • Whitmer
    I thought the prevailing opinion is Obama parachutes in. She is starting to raise her profile already...

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  • Moonlight J
    What's the list of alternatives if Biden pulls a spring surprise?
    • Buttigieg (my personal favorite)
    • Booker
    • Newsome (he's acting like a candidate already)
    • Warren
    • Whitmer

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  • revo
    Originally posted by heyelander View Post

    This would be monumentally irresponsible. Cripes, I made a list last night of like 10 liberals I would rather vote for over him, but if he waits that long, he's gotta stay in in. Get the fuck out now if you are going.
    Agreed, unless it was for some health related issue. Any other Dem (well, maybe besides Harris) would mop the floor with the traitorous conman.

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  • heyelander
    Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post

    I wish he would. I'm not a Biden hater, but he is 81, diminished, and his approval rating is lower than prices on xmas decorations right now. He says it is too early to look at polls, but it is a sad state of affairs that we keep running out the same old (very old) people as if we don't have anyone else to take these positions on in our country of 350 million people.
    Seriously. I'm 56 and worried I could ever find another job if something happened here, but apparently you need to be nearly 80 to be trusted to run the country?

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  • Sour Masher
    Originally posted by heyelander View Post

    This would be monumentally irresponsible. Cripes, I made a list last night of like 10 liberals I would rather vote for over him, but if he waits that long, he's gotta stay in in. Get the fuck out now if you are going.
    I wish he would. I'm not a Biden hater, but he is 81, diminished, and his approval rating is lower than prices on xmas decorations right now. He says it is too early to look at polls, but it is a sad state of affairs that we keep running out the same old (very old) people as if we don't have anyone else to take these positions on in our country of 350 million people.

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  • heyelander
    Originally posted by madducks View Post
    Top JPMorgan strategist Michael Cembalest, who heads the market and investment strategy unit in the Wall Street bank’s asset management division, made the bold forecast in his list of “Ten Surprises” for 2024 that Joe Biden will not will not run for re-election.

    Cembalest surmised that 81-year-old Biden will drop out of the race “sometime between Super Tuesday [March 5] and the November election, citing health concerns.”
    This would be monumentally irresponsible. Cripes, I made a list last night of like 10 liberals I would rather vote for over him, but if he waits that long, he's gotta stay in in. Get the fuck out now if you are going.

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