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2024 Election Thread

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  • gcstomp
    It just is not possible that a reasonable person would weigh cases where a file was on grounds, and promptly surrendered to the Trump situation. The Trump docs case, hundreds of boxes full of highly secret materials sitting unsecured in ballrooms and bathrooms and closets at Trump's private club and home, Mar-a-Lago, sitting unsecured for months with literally hundreds of people having unrestricted access. There's an audio recording of Trump admitting he still retained classified war plans.. The entire case would have been forgiven if Trump had surrendered documents when he was given month after month of opportunities to just give back the docs.

    This is not reasonable that Trump has that case, where we all saw the pictures of the mountain of boxes piled in the gold plated restroom etc. stalled and likely will be dismissed if Trump took office again.

    "The democrat communist party just installed a socialist as its nominee who received zero votes."
    Ok, this sentence is deranged. There is no party of that name, there is no socialist as nominee. There is a very old president who fumbled a debate so badly, that general consensus in his party, and of anyone else who saw debate, was that he should step aside for next term rather than commit to another 4 years. The point of having a vp is for such a time.

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  • wannabegriffey
    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post

    You're so gullible, swallowing the right wing rhetoric without looking at the data.

    I'm gullible? lol hilliary, pence, sleepy joe and DJT all had top secret documents in their possession but only the former President was arrested and his home was raided. TDS is deep in your veins...

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  • wannabegriffey

    The democrat communist party just installed a socialist as its nominee who received zero votes.

    They cancelled the primary, refused to hold a new one. No one even knows who is running the country, certainly not sleepy joe.

    Has there ever been a bigger political scandal in US history?​

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  • revo
    Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
    Harris was inevitable, after that debate. Biden was so feeble and incoherent, on such a bright stage, even his closest long time allies said is was time. That Trump exposed himself as literally unable to construct an honest sentence, with literally a substantial lie every minute he spoke, was on backburner as lying loud was deemed to be a winner over feeble and incoherent. Biden had what would more accurately be called errors, as in mis stating insulin costs, before correcting himself. Trump was issuing flat out alternate reality lies.

    If there is another debate, which I sincerely doubt there will be, but if there is one, for the prosecutor vs the felon, it is a no win for Trump. Harris would eviscerate Trump in stark facts vs Trump delusion. Right now, politico posted a tightening of all major polls, from a substantial Trump edge, to narrowing and within margin of error of statistical toss up.
    Not a bad 1st week. I am flat out certain that in the next 100 days this will edge further to democratic side, for no other reason than all focus can be removed from the fumbling feeble incoherence of Biden. Focus will now be on the differently bad, Trump loud and proud venomous racist with zero rational defense of what will be a daily barrage of shock threats, lies, backpedaling, gaslighting. What a week, and I look forward to be proven wrong if there is another debate as it will be hilarious.
    Couldn't agree more. There was a stark poll on the 2 candidates' favorability in the four major swing states, and Harris led by 5%-10% over him in each state.In Michigan, she was close to 60% favorable. If she chooses Shapiro, who has a 61% favorability rating in Pennsylvania, or Kelly as her Veep, which seems likely, start to see a snowball effect as the race turns from dementia to abortion/lies/dictatorship.

    And just wait when he uses the N word or calls her a "nasty woman," lol.

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  • heyelander
    Linking to posts from the lying mainstream media isn't going to convince any of us that have "done our own research" dude.

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  • gcstomp
    Trump made clear to his conservative christian coalition, more accurate would be replacing c's with k's but lets roll with promise uttered last night. Trump made clear, Go ahead and vote this time around, as you wont have to vote again. This will be the last election.

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  • gcstomp
    Harris was inevitable, after that debate. Biden was so feeble and incoherent, on such a bright stage, even his closest long time allies said is was time. That Trump exposed himself as literally unable to construct an honest sentence, with literally a substantial lie every minute he spoke, was on backburner as lying loud was deemed to be a winner over feeble and incoherent. Biden had what would more accurately be called errors, as in mis stating insulin costs, before correcting himself. Trump was issuing flat out alternate reality lies.

    If there is another debate, which I sincerely doubt there will be, but if there is one, for the prosecutor vs the felon, it is a no win for Trump. Harris would eviscerate Trump in stark facts vs Trump delusion. Right now, politico posted a tightening of all major polls, from a substantial Trump edge, to narrowing and within margin of error of statistical toss up.
    Not a bad 1st week. I am flat out certain that in the next 100 days this will edge further to democratic side, for no other reason than all focus can be removed from the fumbling feeble incoherence of Biden. Focus will now be on the differently bad, Trump loud and proud venomous racist with zero rational defense of what will be a daily barrage of shock threats, lies, backpedaling, gaslighting. What a week, and I look forward to be proven wrong if there is another debate as it will be hilarious.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by wannabegriffey View Post
    kamala opens her campaign on the rupaul show

    the dei border czar may be the worst presidential finalist in the history of the United States ... totally unlikeable

    I'll take mean tweets, secure borders, historically low unemployment (just to start) from the United States soon to be re-elected President

    You're so gullible, swallowing the right wing rhetoric without looking at the data. The source of the article I've provided is from a right wing think tank founded by the Koch brothers. You're really talking out of your ass on immigration.

    Biden has had the record low unemployment, it's real wage growth and purchasing power that's gone down because of inflation under Biden. Keep your arguments straight, LOL. You're so funny, trying to find arguments for supporting Trump when really you just love revenge, pure and simple.

    Originally posted by The CATO Institute
    According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden.
    In absolute terms, the Biden DHS is removing 3.5 times as many people per month as the Trump DHS did. These figures are important for understanding how each administration has carried out border enforcement.

    During the Trump administration, DHS made 1.4 million arrests—what it calls “encounters”—in fiscal years 2019 and 2020 (24 months). Of those people arrested, only 47 percent were removed as of December 31, 2021, which includes people arrested by Trump and removed by Biden, and 52 percent were released into the United States.

    Under Biden, DHS made over 5 million arrests in its first 26.3 months, and it removed nearly 2.6 million—51 percent—while releasing only 49 percent. In other words, the Trump DHS removed a minority of those arrested while the Biden DHS removed a majority. Biden managed to increase the removal share while also increasing the total removals by a factor of 3.5.
    By ANY metric, Biden has done more to enforce the border than Trump did, because Biden is an even more heartless (and clueless) piece of shit than Trump. Just get your fucking arguments straight!

    Also, you realize every single Vice President pick is a "diversity, equity, inclusion", pick, right? "Balancing the ticket"? Like, Joe Biden was the whitest most racist VP they could pick to balance the Obama ticket. It happens with literally every presidential ticket.

    So when Kamala picks a WHITE MAN as her VP, to balance the ticket, that's DEI getting a white man a job! Imagine that!

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  • umjewman
    I don’t think Trump has mean tweets anymore. It’s now mean Truth Social posts. Or mean x’s if he comes back on there.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by wannabegriffey View Post
    kamala opens her campaign on the rupaul show

    the dei border czar may be the worst presidential finalist in the history of the United States ... totally unlikeable

    I'll take mean tweets, secure borders, historically low unemployment (just to start) from the United States soon to be re-elected President
    I'm not a fan of Kamala, but saying she is the worst presidential finalist in the history of the United States? If she wins what does that say about Trump ? Don't tell me i know, if she wins you will claim it was all fixed. If you don't win it's cheating. So tiresome.

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  • wannabegriffey
    kamala opens her campaign on the rupaul show

    the dei border czar may be the worst presidential finalist in the history of the United States ... totally unlikeable

    I'll take mean tweets, secure borders, historically low unemployment (just to start) from the United States soon to be re-elected President

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  • Ken
    Originally posted by umjewman View Post

    I am so unbelievably happy that I honestly do not know the answer to that question.
    Look at that, I dropped that name and ended the thread for a couple days hah

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  • umjewman
    Originally posted by Ken View Post

    Didn't that guy from post 182 marry a Kardashian?
    I am so unbelievably happy that I honestly do not know the answer to that question.

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  • Ken
    Originally posted by umjewman View Post

    That's a lot of words from someone who refuses to refer to post number 182. At least refer to posts close to post 182 for your response, you communist.
    Didn't that guy from post 182 marry a Kardashian?

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  • umjewman
    Originally posted by Ken View Post

    Thanks. I honestly can't remember the last time I watched CNN or MSNBC... ? Likely one of the several channels I scanned through during the last election cycle. (I tend to look for many different viewpoints)

    So what next? This was an edict to me that I had to read it, and it made absolutely no fucking sense and had no relevance, what now?

    I always find it amusing when someone in a cult assumes I disagree with them because I watch certain channels or follow a specific party religiously. Nope, I have my own brain and my own thoughts, I don't agree with any party closely. I disagree with you because your viewpoints make no sense and I have no interest in joining your cult, but thanks.

    And if you are assuming I have opinions because of a specific media outlet or a specific party line that's called deflecting.

    So every time I see a reference to "look at my post 182", I'll just read it as "I have no actual opinions or thoughts on my own so I assume you are the same".
    That's a lot of words from someone who refuses to refer to post number 182. At least refer to posts close to post 182 for your response, you communist.

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