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Exceelent TV Shows

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  • Teenwolf
    Blunt Talk is 3 episodes into its 2nd season, and I quite enjoy it. Patrick Stewart is really funny, and it gets pretty raunchy.

    Atlanta is 8 episodes in, mostly very good. It's sometimes shocking to see them contrast comedy with shootings and street violence, and the tonal shifts can be jarring, but it's showing strong potential. Every episode has had a legit LOL moment or two for me... but the laugh is high tend because the buildup to the punchline feels like someone's going to get shot. Pretty ballsy writing.

    High Maintenance was an awesome Web series with surprisingly complex and interesting characters, and I think the whole series was maybe a little over an hour... So I was super excited for this HBO series to debut. 5 episodes in, I absolutely love it. It's not super pot-heavy either, mostly about the various strange characters that he meets in his Bicycle delivery service travels.

    The Fall
    season 3 has started... Agent Scully is such a grown up sexy-lady-badass in this show. REALLY enjoy it, and the Scottish atmosphere is a good setting.

    Transparent season 3 was good. My only frustration with the show is how mega-rich they all are, and the type of BS that rich people engage in to feel loved... It's usually highly effective as a characterrible drama, and often quite funny... I just wish they showed more than the struggles of various rich, priveleged people.

    Girls final season starts soon, which I look forward to... I was very reluctant to watch this show with my wife, but I came around to really enjoying it. I find some of the girls to be really despicable at times, mostly through the early seasons, but they're all maturing in different ways. Except Hannah, who seems like a lost cause.


    Luke Cage... would I be obligated to start watching other Marvel shows? Because I can't keep up with 10% of the Marvel licensed content coming out these days.

    Mr. Robot... I like some pretty dumb Sci fi, so I'm sure I could stick with this series through its more ludicrous twists and turns.

    Westworld... I've not had the time, though I know I'll love it. I prefer waiting til a season is at least half over to start into it though, as I find it less coherent to watch a show week by week when you're watching 10 other shows in between each episode. Especially so with dramas.

    I'll have a lot more time for watching TV after this election is over, I hope. So much of my screen time has been devoted to election coverage. Thank G-d we're now only afraid of Trump whining and crying his way to starting a civil war, as opposed to a month ago, thinking about him starting WW3.

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  • Fresno Bob
    If you haven't watched Black Mirror, that's what you should watch, Season 3 just hit Netflix, I highly recommend the Christmas Special

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Westworld has been most exceelent. After watching it, it's amazing that it took this long to revive. It's kind of like a Jurassic Park with robots, which makes sense considering Michael Crichton wrote both.
    I'm watching it. Enjoying it. Looking forward to the next episode.

    I think it's going to get cancelled.

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  • DMT
    Rectify final season starts on Wed. I'm catching up on season 3 now. Great stuff.

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  • revo
    Westworld has been most exceelent. After watching it, it's amazing that it took this long to revive. It's kind of like a Jurassic Park with robots, which makes sense considering Michael Crichton wrote both.

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  • GwynnInTheHall
    I have to say I really love 'This is Us' it connects and through the first 4 episodes, there's so much interesting Exposition going down that I see nothing but possibilities ahead for the multiple story lines. Very well done.

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  • Gregg
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Two episodes in and Luke Cage is very good.

    I'm really enjoying Designated Survivor and Kevin Can Wait as well, which is rare for network shows these days!
    We are also really enjoying Designated Survivor. What an emotional ride.

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  • Hodor
    I also loved season two of Mr Robot, nutty but in a great way.

    Westworld Is gonna rock.

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  • BuckyBuckner
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    Loved season 2 of Mr Robot :shrugg:

    Nice to see a successful show be prepared to take some risks.
    Season 2 was great. I love that show.

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  • johnnya24
    Loved season 2 of Mr Robot :shrugg:

    Nice to see a successful show be prepared to take some risks.

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  • TranaGreg
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    I dunno, Pauly, I'm still only on episode 5? I can't bring myself to really watch them, because I completely agree with you.
    give it to episode 7.

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  • Pauly
    oh did anyone see Westworld this weekend? Super cool!

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  • revo
    Originally posted by Pauly View Post
    I agree...everyone raves about Mr Robot and I loved the first season, but I am about 4 episodes into season 2 and it is just really dull to me and very difficult to plow through any of the episodes to this point - they all just seem like the ravings and inside the messed up head of a lunatic. I was considering jumping ship and just deleting the ones still on my DVR...does it get any better?
    I dunno, Pauly, I'm still only on episode 5? I can't bring myself to really watch them, because I completely agree with you.

    Originally posted by TranaGreg
    no kidding, I found it to be either brilliant or complete shite, & I'm still not sure where I land.
    I agree. It was brilliant in that it absolutely did mimic a 1980s sitcom, complete with actual 1980s commercials. But it was just waaaaay too out of leftfield.

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  • TranaGreg
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    That 1980s sitcom episode of Mr Robot was extremely bizarre.
    no kidding, I found it to be either brilliant or complete shite, & I'm still not sure where I land.

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  • TranaGreg
    Originally posted by Pauly View Post
    I agree...everyone raves about Mr Robot and I loved the first season, but I am about 4 episodes into season 2 and it is just really dull to me and very difficult to plow through any of the episodes to this point - they all just seem like the ravings and inside the messed up head of a lunatic. I was considering jumping ship and just deleting the ones still on my DVR...does it get any better?
    yeah, it somewhat comes together in the end, tho don't get me wrong, this show will never completely "make sense" ... it's primary premise after all is exactly what you said, the ravings and inside the messed up head of a lunatic. If you enjoyed season 1 I'd say stick with it; if you just tolerated season 1, then I'd say there's your marker.

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