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Exceelent TV Shows

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Well, it was based off a true story.
    Yeah. And I have big problems with the veracity of their interpretation. Especially the portrayal of the female lead. Somehow this was all her fault because of her promiscuity. If she wasn't such an unrepentant grotesque whore, none of this would have happened. The whole series started with her, and ended with her. They even tried to paint her ex-husband as a innocent victim of the Whore of Dannemora ... clearly such a nice guy given that he completely abandoned his 6 year old son because he didn't want to pay child support. What a great character witness on which to end the series. What sort of man abandons his kid? According this show, a hero.

    The fact that her infidelity was given equal measure to the murdering torturing antics of the two males leads in episode 6, and in fact given precedence, was a "WTF am I watching moment?". Whereas the male guard who delivered the tools, supposedly unaware, was just an innocent gormless fool.

    I'm also curious about the political allusions underpinning this series. Some of these people were presented as beyond stupid, almost retarded. That was very striking. There was one particularly unsubtle moment near the end when they were listening to a Trump election speech while she was waiting to get arrested. There was also the stark contrast they wanted to draw between this "kind" of person, and the ultra-professional all-business female investigator. The big city coming to Hickville to sort this shit out.

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by Gregg View Post
    We are about 4 episodes in to the Alienist. It is good. But the filming is spectacular!

    My wife read that it is all shot in Budapest. 1896 New York City found in Budapest. Jaw dropping.
    Yeah, they really caught the mood The Alienist. Felt really authentic.

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  • revo
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    Enjoyed it up to episode 6, then it revealed itself as some of the most misogynistic crap I've ever seen. They should have called it the Whore of Dannemora. Disgusting. Performances were terrific though.
    Well, it was based off a true story.

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  • Gregg
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    Condor is good if anyone is looking for a political intrigue suspense drama.

    Better Call Saul is back, and brilliant as ever.

    The Terror is terrific if you're looking for a mini series without any long term commitment.

    Ozark season 2 is upcoming, and looking forward to that ... highly recommend season 1 on Netflix.

    Also from Netflix, Jessica Jones (S2) and The Alienist were good

    Goliath (Amazon) is one strange f**king series, I don't even know, but it keeps me watching.
    We are about 4 episodes in to the Alienist. It is good. But the filming is spectacular!

    My wife read that it is all shot in Budapest. 1896 New York City found in Budapest. Jaw dropping.

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  • Fresno Bob
    I just bingewatched Killing Eve which I enjoyed

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Escape at Dannemora is most exceelent
    Enjoyed it up to episode 6, then it revealed itself as some of the most misogynistic crap I've ever seen. They should have called it the Whore of Dannemora. Disgusting. Performances were terrific though.

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  • Fresno Bob
    The newest Black Mirror episode, Bandersnatch, is awesome, if you can view it on something that supports the interactive element

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  • johnnya24
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Escape at Dannemora is most exceelent
    Benicio Del Toro and Paul Dano ... count me in. Don't even need to know what it's about.

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  • TS Garp
    Been watching Animal Kingdom - good show, very addictive. Ellen Baskin is excellent as the creepy, cold-blooded, manipulative matriarch of her family.

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  • revo
    Escape at Dannemora is most exceelent

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  • BuckyBuckner
    Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
    I too watched the 1st episode on a plane, and was intrigued, but if this kind of show is at all interesting to you, you've got to watch both "Hannibal" and "Mindhunters"

    "This is my design"
    I liked Hannibal but never watched Mindhunters. I'll add that one to my list.

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  • Fresno Bob
    Originally posted by BuckyBuckner View Post
    Anyone watch the first season of Killing Eve? It was really good. Binged it on a long flight. It's about an assassin and the person tasked to look for the assassin and their rather interesting relationship.
    I too watched the 1st episode on a plane, and was intrigued, but if this kind of show is at all interesting to you, you've got to watch both "Hannibal" and "Mindhunters"

    "This is my design"

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  • heyelander
    Originally posted by BuckyBuckner View Post
    Anyone watch the first season of Killing Eve? It was really good. Binged it on a long flight. It's about an assassin and the person tasked to look for the assassin and their rather interesting relationship.
    About to fly home. I started episode 1 on my way out here and hope to finish it on my return.

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  • nullnor
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by TranaGreg View Post
    wait 'til you get to the prison scenes ... most of the series is romantic drama, but they threw in a few pretty harsh episodes
    i guess there's not enough action to call it romance action. it's funny because these types of plots make men think they are watching one thing, and women watching another. the men are saying 'why the fuck are they having so much sex?' and the women say 'why the fuck are they always shooting and sword fighting?'

    which bring me to one of the great mysteries of life, what kind of movie was Rocky? was it action or was it romance? did men and women think they were watching something different? which is why it makes Rocky one of greatest movies of all time. and boxing is pretty violent.

    drama suggests there is going to be a deep or complicated plot. and romance drama guarantee's that the main male character, will always succeed and do the right thing or make the correct move. because his character is always seen though the main female. it's her fantasy and it wouldn't be a romantic fantasy if he failed her. so you know what's going to happen before it does, you just don't know how it is.

    that's what they mean by feel good movies. if an action movie has romance, the good guy always wins. this is because women are usually optimistic while we can be fatalistic or despairing. female bell's and whistle's is a good way to describe this show. it's kind of deep -even all the little things play out in the correct romantic drama. you have the temporary perfect lover in the past in Scotland with the fantasy playing out -even a lot of the action is female inspired- who she can't stay long term with because of instability from war. also, she was a nurse in WWI, so we haven't even seen her at her best yet. you have the 'safe' home and husband in the future searching for her, who she wants to get back to but not before her adventure is over. the only thing that is weird is the villain is played by her husband (ancestor) in the past. i am not sure what that is supposed to mean.

    at first i though i was watching an action show. and then by episode 4 or 5 she had sex, a lot. and i was like wtf is this? also, i thought it was kind of early, but show's get cancelled early all the time, so you have to get the ball rolling in the first season. it's also what i mean by the little things playing out the correct way. in real life when women find their perfect lover, they don't wait around. you don't risk befriending yourself too much into a corner where the friendship is too risky to lose.

    romantic dramas are really a 'guide to women for men'. they show you the way you're supposed to do things. i find it rewarding to be watching and guess and be right because i already know. for example, the movie Shirley Valentine, afterwards you'd probably be less inclined to get mad and throw a steak at your woman during dinner. but i also find the male character inspiring. how he acts with the bros. man to man is a different language.

    season 1 episode 12 and only now is she starting to use her knowledge of past history to her advantage. which is why i am even watching the show. but it gets props for having 2 GOT actors in it so far.

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  • Steve 2.0
    Originally posted by BuckyBuckner View Post
    Anyone watch the first season of Killing Eve? It was really good. Binged it on a long flight. It's about an assassin and the person tasked to look for the assassin and their rather interesting relationship.
    I've heard it's good. Maybe I'll get around to watching it over the winter.

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