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2024 Election Thread

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  • Ken
    Originally posted by wannabegriffey View Post

    I guarantee the propaganda wing of the biden/harris communist party shall never speak of these hearings

    my question for you rj'ers ... do you simply believe none of this is true even though the spot light has exposed so many "conspiracies" to be truth? For those with a sliver of open mindedness, I am sure there is something scratching...
    Without even opening that link I can tell the video is nothing but clickbait. Are you really this gullible? Have you never seen clickbait before? "What he said is INSANE" --- have you never seen that tag line before? Have you ever used the internet before or is this your first time? I'm honestly concerned about your ability to function if you think that's anything but clickbait. How do you have any money left in your bank when the prince of Nigeria is so excited about taking it from you?

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  • Sour Masher
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    If it was such a problem, they would have voted to approve the toughest border law in US history. But, they didn't, because they want to use it as a prop. It will be enacted on the first day of the Harris Admin.
    The evidence does support that if this is the issue you care most about, it is logical to vote for Harris and not Trump, since unauthorized immigration fell under Biden but rose slightly under Trump.

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  • revo
    If it was such a problem, they would have voted to approve the toughest border law in US history. But, they didn't, because they want to use it as a prop. It will be enacted on the first day of the Harris Admin.

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  • Sour Masher
    Anecdotal evidence is inconsequential compared to the much larger and more verified data we have access to. The facts are that the number of unauthorized immigrants living in the US is currently 11 million people. That number is lower than it was in 2010, when it was 11.6 million people, when our overall population was nearly 40 million less than it is today, so by any measure, the number of unauthorized immigrants is less than it was 15 years ago. That number did not go down at all under Trump's presidency. In fact, it went up some before falling off some at the start of Biden's tenure. It has risen a bit to almost be at the level it was under Trump, but it is still under. So, while this is an issue, just as it has always been an issue, it isn't one Republicans actually want to solve, as evident by the fact that they did jack shit about it when Trump was president and they didn't sign off on legislation that could have helped this issue, because they did not want to work with Democrats on it.

    So, if we accept this reality, we must conclude that the reason republicans talk about this so much in each election cycle, but never do anything about it when in power, is that they don't really see it as a problem, or they do, but they don't want to fix the problem, because they want to use these numbers to continue their campaigns of FUD, which seems to be the only way they can appeal to voters--by scaring them.

    Here is a video on it that aims to be objective that includes the numbers I references from reliable, credible sources:

    Join Steve Ballmer, founder of USAFacts, as he breaks down the data behind immigration. Learn the difference between authorized immigration and unauthorized,...

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  • wannabegriffey

    I guarantee the propaganda wing of the biden/harris communist party shall never speak of these hearings

    my question for you rj'ers ... do you simply believe none of this is true even though the spot light has exposed so many "conspiracies" to be truth? For those with a sliver of open mindedness, I am sure there is something scratching...

    MERCH: for MORE EPIC VI...

    Last edited by wannabegriffey; 09-30-2024, 07:59 AM.

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  • madducks
    Saturday Night Live Harris & Trump Rally Coverage:

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  • revo
    Originally posted by madducks View Post
    Another nutjob attempts to assassinate Trump at his golf course in Palm Beach, Florida. Apparently, the Secret Service is getting better at their job and engaged the gunman before he could take a shot at Trump. The gunman fled the scene and was quickly arrested.
    And it’s another deranged Republican who hates him

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  • madducks
    Another nutjob attempts to assassinate Trump at his golf course in Palm Beach, Florida. Apparently, the Secret Service is getting better at their job and engaged the gunman before he could take a shot at Trump. The gunman fled the scene and was quickly arrested.

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  • revo
    The StableGenius literally posted “I hate Taylor Swift” today. Literally. A 78-year old man. What a f’ing loser.

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  • madducks
    That's also a good video.

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  • Sour Masher
    Originally posted by madducks View Post
    Trump's Project 2025 "School House Rock" style:

    That is a great video. This one isn't as catchy at that one, but another animated video worth watching:

    This is a cartoon remix of a @gmcxm211@Stevetriedtotellyou In this segment we take look back at the political la...

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  • madducks
    This needs to be followed up with "I'm Just a Shill" ... "and I'm rioting on Capitol Hill."​

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  • madducks
    Trump's Project 2025 "School House Rock" style:

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  • revo
    Originally posted by DMT View Post

    You're an embarrassment to humanity.
    Trump told him this, he bought it no questions asked. What an F ‘ing moron.

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  • gcstomp
    wannabe, that you think that what you are posting seems reasonable, and you are making some kind of case for yourself, or your cause, is troubling. You are posting truly vile, racist, and idiotic messages.

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