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2024 Election Thread

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  • madducks
    Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post

    And now Musk is giving away $1 million each day leading up to the election on top of the $100 bribe. I think what he is doing should be illegal, but I have to give him credit. Why spend on ads when you can just bribe voters directly? It is surely far more effective. HIs efforts in Pennsylvania in particular may prove to be the deciding factor in this election.
    I already voted by mail. I guess I should sign up for my $100.

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  • Sour Masher
    Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
    Musk bribing people in swing states with a $100 if they sign a pledge saying they support the 2nd amendment and register to vote is concerning. Both candidates have an absurd amount of money backing them, but the billionaires backing trump must really want to make sure the unrealized capital gains income loophole continues to make sure they pay next to no taxes while middle-class workers continue to foot the bills for this country. The wealth concentration has gotten so absurd (the top 1% control over 10x more wealth than the bottom 50%) and somehow all that ad money has convinced millions of relatively poor Americans that a modest tax restricted to only those making over $100 million that would still leave them paying less as a percentage than many poorer Americans is a big threat to capitalism. And despite this, we have about half of all union workers supporting trump/musk, as they laugh about abusing and firing workers who won't commit to working more for less. It boggles the mind.
    And now Musk is giving away $1 million each day leading up to the election on top of the $100 bribe. I think what he is doing should be illegal, but I have to give him credit. Why spend on ads when you can just bribe voters directly? It is surely far more effective. HIs efforts in Pennsylvania in particular may prove to be the deciding factor in this election.

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  • madducks
    Originally posted by onejayhawk View Post

    Are you saying that Trump will defeat Trump?

    If so, let me get $100 on Trump to win.
    I'm saying that the odds are meaningless. And the polls too.

    We just have to wait for election week, since it is no longer just one day anymore. Only because PA legislators can't agree to start counting mail-in votes ahead of time like other states, which prolongs the count for several additional days and opens the Pandora's box of election fraud conspiracy theories.

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  • onejayhawk
    Originally posted by madducks View Post
    I think Hillary was a big favorite too. And we know how that one turned out.
    Are you saying that Trump will defeat Trump?

    If so, let me get $100 on Trump to win.

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  • madducks
    I think Hillary was a big favorite too. And we know how that one turned out.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by onejayhawk View Post
    It's two weeks til the election. I wanted your sentiment about Trump pulling ahead in the final turn. The betting odds are

    Lol. People who like Trump are happy, people who don't are not thrilled. Glad I could help you with this.

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  • madducks
    Odds that the casinos win = 99.9%

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  • onejayhawk
    It's two weeks til the election. I wanted your sentiment about Trump pulling ahead in the final turn. The betting odds are


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  • Sour Masher
    Originally posted by madducks View Post

    Republicans seem to consider anything that benefits the middle class or the poor as socialism or communism. Middle class and poor Republicans must think they actually have a chance to join the top 1% and are voting to secure their future lol. Either that or they just simply worship billionaires and want to help them out as much as they can.

    And speaking of ad money, as Bernie Sanders says, there needs to be limits placed on campaign spending. The number of political ads on TV, radio, and internet has gotten ridiculous. That's not even mentioning all of the flyers that fill my mailbox every day.
    It's the inconsistency that gets me. I get the rural/urban divide where folks in rural areas don't have access to a lot of the accessible government resources, which leads them to being more tribal, more self-reliant, and more inclined to want to keep what they have and deal with things on their own, but the trick the GOP has managed in convincing these folks that it is in their and the country's best interest for the rich to keep getting richer, leaving the rest behind, accumulating absurd wealth without having to pay their fair share, that just amazes me.

    The rich republicans sell to the poor ones that they are the same--they just want to keep what they earn, but the rich earned what they have on the backs of the poor and with huge government aid. Asking them to give a little of that back for the greater good doesn't undermine capitalism, it makes it work better, and it should appeal to poorer republicans sense of fairness, since many of them are paying a higher effective tax rate than the .1%. These folks are still going to have more money than any human needs or should want. All they are doing is giving a fraction back to the society that made their vast fortunes possible. They still get to be rich beyond most people's comprehension--plenty of incentive to keep earning and pushing the capitalist machine forward. But even very modest moves to address this ever growing wealth gap gets labeled as communism or socialism.

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  • madducks
    Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
    Musk bribing people in swing states with a $100 if they sign a pledge saying they support the 2nd amendment and register to vote is concerning. Both candidates have an absurd amount of money backing them, but the billionaires backing trump must really want to make sure the unrealized capital gains income loophole continues to make sure they pay next to no taxes while middle-class workers continue to foot the bills for this country. The wealth concentration has gotten so absurd (the top 1% control over 10x more wealth than the bottom 50%) and somehow all that ad money has convinced millions of relatively poor Americans that a modest tax restricted to only those making over $100 million that would still leave them paying less as a percentage than many poorer Americans is a big threat to capitalism. And despite this, we have about half of all union workers supporting trump/musk, as they laugh about abusing and firing workers who won't commit to working more for less. It boggles the mind.
    Republicans seem to consider anything that benefits the middle class or the poor as socialism or communism. Middle class and poor Republicans must think they actually have a chance to join the top 1% and are voting to secure their future lol. Either that or they just simply worship billionaires and want to help them out as much as they can.

    And speaking of ad money, as Bernie Sanders says, there needs to be limits placed on campaign spending. The number of political ads on TV, radio, and internet has gotten ridiculous. That's not even mentioning all of the flyers that fill my mailbox every day.

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  • Sour Masher
    Musk bribing people in swing states with a $100 if they sign a pledge saying they support the 2nd amendment and register to vote is concerning. Both candidates have an absurd amount of money backing them, but the billionaires backing trump must really want to make sure the unrealized capital gains income loophole continues to make sure they pay next to no taxes while middle-class workers continue to foot the bills for this country. The wealth concentration has gotten so absurd (the top 1% control over 10x more wealth than the bottom 50%) and somehow all that ad money has convinced millions of relatively poor Americans that a modest tax restricted to only those making over $100 million that would still leave them paying less as a percentage than many poorer Americans is a big threat to capitalism. And despite this, we have about half of all union workers supporting trump/musk, as they laugh about abusing and firing workers who won't commit to working more for less. It boggles the mind.

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  • revo
    Reading through the released Jack Smith case file shows just how corrupt, unhinged and hellbent on performing a coup the clown was just after the '20 election. Griffey's too stupid to understand this, for sure, but how anyone else can even think of voting for that traitor only proves they'll look past everything because they hate what he hates (i.e. blacks, browns & females). Racism and misogyny cure all.

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  • revo
    Low energy

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  • madducks
    Is that why they call him Don "old" Trump?

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  • madducks
    Sleepy Don?

    "A Trump adviser told The Shade Room producers that Trump was “exhausted and refusing [some] interviews."

    Sounds like we have another elderly politician incapable of fulfilling the rigorous demands of being President due to declining health.

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