ChiSox currently are 31-101, 44 G behind the 1st place Guardians. Their winning pct. currently is .235, which is the same as the 1916 Athletics, which represents the worst win pct. in modern MLB history So the record for worst win pct. and the most losses in a season are both very much in play for the Sox.
But if you're wondering whether they have a chance at finishing the furthest games behind in history, that record is safe. The most games a team has finished behind in a season in modern MLB history is 66.5 by the 1906 Boston Braves. That was the year the Cubs set the record for best win pct. by going 116-36.
But if you're wondering whether they have a chance at finishing the furthest games behind in history, that record is safe. The most games a team has finished behind in a season in modern MLB history is 66.5 by the 1906 Boston Braves. That was the year the Cubs set the record for best win pct. by going 116-36.