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Griswold plays baseball - Part Deux

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  • Griswold plays baseball - Part Deux

    So, as some of you may remember from last year, I finally decided to play in a 48+ baseball league.

    Well, after dishing out $400 in fees, jerseys, and equipment, I played 1 full game and then tore my ACL in the second game.

    So, a year has past and after much rehab, I'm ready to try this again.

    So, Buckeye1 and I are now playing in a 45+ baseball league here in Canton.

    All games are played at Thurman Munson Stadium (former AA Indians field from the early 1990's).

    My first game is this Tuesday night (May 6th).

    I'm really looking forward to this AGAIN....and hopefully I'll stay semi-healthy.

    I'll keep everyone (or anyone who cares) up-to-date with my progress as the season progresses.

    Please say a prayer or ten for me to have a safe and healthy season!

    Hey, just my real-life fantasy!


  • #2
    Break a leg! Wait...that's not right...

    Glad to see your knee is healthy again. Good luck!
    Considering his only baseball post in the past year was bringing up a 3 year old thread to taunt Hornsby and he's never contributed a dime to our hatpass, perhaps?


    • #3
      how did your ACL heal? My 58 year old dad wanted to get his operated on but they told him unless he does a knee replacement, don't bother.

      So he plays softball with a torn ACL and its painful to watch but hey he wants to play so who am I to tell him no?
      After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”


      • #4
        Totally claiming you on waivers this week. Good luck!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hammer View Post
          how did your ACL heal? My 58 year old dad wanted to get his operated on but they told him unless he does a knee replacement, don't bother.

          So he plays softball with a torn ACL and its painful to watch but hey he wants to play so who am I to tell him no?
          Sounds like you have a bad orthopedic surgeon for your dad!

          Mine asked me if I wanted to continue to be active and I said yes....he said then we do an operation.

          I couldn't even imagine trying to mow my lawn with my knee like that, let alone playing softball....and especially at 58 yrs old.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hammer View Post
            how did your ACL heal? My 58 year old dad wanted to get his operated on but they told him unless he does a knee replacement, don't bother.

            So he plays softball with a torn ACL and its painful to watch but hey he wants to play so who am I to tell him no?
            Sorry I didn't answer on how did it heal.

            There's a ton of rehab and stuff involved and it always feels better when I keep moving then when I sit down for awhile.

            It's not perfect...and it may never be perfect, but I can still run and cut in the outfield to catch fly in my mind, it's fine!


            • #7
              Originally posted by griswold View Post
     in my mind, it's fine!
              All that matters. Good luck, griz...and be careful, my friend.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Steve View Post
                All that matters. Good luck, griz...and be careful, my friend.
                Thanks buddy!


                • #9
                  Jealous. Would love to play hardball again. Good luck!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Friarfan View Post
                    Jealous. Would love to play hardball again. Good luck!
                    Ditto. We can all live vicariously through Gris and this thread without having to worry about our own ACLs.

                    Just kidding Gris. Good luck and let us know how the season goes.
                    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

                    ― Albert Einstein


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by madducks View Post
                      Ditto. We can all live vicariously through Gris and this thread without having to worry about our own ACLs.

                      Just kidding Gris. Good luck and let us know how the season goes.
                      Thanks! Watch the Karma Fairy doesn't bite you in the ACL this summer!


                      • #12
                        And here we go....

                        GAME #1

                        Good news.....

                        Defensively, I played 2B most of the game. I had 3 put-outs in 3 attempts with no errors. Woot!

                        So, sabergeeks....does this make my WAR or whatever defensive metrics there are look good? lol

                        Bad news.....

                        Hitting...ugh.....0-3 with 2 K's.

                        I battled in all of my at-bats working the counts to 2-2 and 3-2 but got fooled badly with a slider and curveball.

                        So I've got some work to do on that.

                        Even though, we lost 4-1, overall, it was a beautiful night weather-wise and there were no major injuries!

                        Game #2 is next Monday.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by griswold View Post
                          Defensively, I played 2B most of the game. I had 3 put-outs in 3 attempts with no errors. Woot!

                          So, sabergeeks....does this make my WAR or whatever defensive metrics there are look good? lol
                          It depends...where were the balls hit, and how hard?
                          "Jesus said to them, 'Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.'"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer View Post
                            It depends...where were the balls hit, and how hard?
                            You mean how hard they were hit at me and whether I had to move to catch them?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by griswold View Post
                              You mean how hard they were hit at me and whether I had to move to catch them?
                              i think he assumes you played all three off your cup...
                              I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...

