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Explosion at Boston Marathon

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  • Originally posted by Gregg View Post
    I wonder if that is that people have a blurred line between justice and revenge?
    Yeah, we sure do. And, frankly, it's a blur that I can tolerate in most situations. I think we, ultimately, have a responsibility for each other, that goes beyond acts of charity. It's the bedrock of the freedoms we enjoy. When someone abuses those freedoms -ironically all-too-often using them to rail against them- then they are not just beholden to the laws they broke, but to the people they betrayed, their fellow Americans/humans.

    This story will plays itself out in one of any millions of possible scenarios, many of which involve this young man lying on his back choking back the blood pooling in his lungs from several vicious shiv stab wounds, spending his last moments recounting how he likely murdered his own beloved brother by running him over fleeing from the police (another fitting way to go). When he passes to the other side, still a young man, he will NOT be denied his 75 lovely virgins, but will find them instead stoking his flames and pouring the fat burning from his spoiled corpse all over him again, so he can burn better. For. All. Eternity.

    And it will all be fitting. But, until that day comes, read the man his rights. Give him his day in court. He isn't getting away with anything. Even if the jury found him not guilty, he won't find a safe place anywhere. This guy's end has been written, so let's do this right and be dutiful Americans until we get the pleasure to see him burn like the reasonable humans we are.


    • I think all this discussion is pointless. He will get his Miranda rights read to him they are just deferring by using the exemption. Glad he sucks at killing himself. The enemy combatant stuff won't fly I don't think.
      Find that level above your head and help you reach it.


      • Boston Bombing Suspect Will Not Be Charged As Enemy Combatant
        Find that level above your head and help you reach it.


        • Originally posted by nullnor
          we have good hospitals which is what they were trying to say when the older brother had injuries from head to toe and can't save him. they cut out his chest and tried to drain his pericardium. usually that sort of thing works.
          I'm sure there were plenty of people on scene who would have loved the chance to cut open his chest.


          • Originally posted by eldiablo505

            I will say that I'm glad that they got one of them alive.
            Just curious as to why? What kind of good do you hope will come out of this? Not arguing just wondering.


            • Originally posted by Gregg View Post
              Just curious as to why? What kind of good do you hope will come out of this? Not arguing just wondering.
              I don't want to speak for elD but personally I think getting one alive does two things:

              1. Keeps the person accountable for his crimes and for the families. No easy out.
              2. Opportunity to collect information on all the pieces of this attack to hopefully improve chances to thwart new attacks in the future.
              Find that level above your head and help you reach it.


              • Originally posted by nullnor
                Boston will not allow your right's to be taken away because of this.

                you can't make this stuff up. they picked the wrong town for that.
                As someone who lives in Boston can we please stop with this nonsense? To say this is to suggest that other towns/cities would allow for something like this to happen. I've seen my facebook page fill up with memes of this similar notion and it's just simply stupid. It's great to have pride in where you are from and it's great to know that this was handled very well but the chest thumping and claiming our city is tougher than yours is just stupid.
                I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

                The Weakerthans Aside


                • Keeping one alive extends the narrative, and whether we like it or not, we CRAVE the narrative. This story is just starting, and you guys can say what you want, but this event makes me feel good about being an American, especially in light of all the idiotic things our government has done lately.


                  • Originally posted by The Dane View Post
                    Keeping one alive extends the narrative, and whether we like it or not, we CRAVE the narrative. This story is just starting, and you guys can say what you want, but this event makes me feel good about being an American, especially in light of all the idiotic things our government has done lately.

                    That's a good point too. This story fascintes me. When 9/11 occurred, the FBI released the AlQaeda handbook in English which I read some of it and their techniques and strategies are really scary and thouught out. "Go to the USA, assimilate, infiltrate and attack." Some plans are to be doctors for years before executing a larger plan. It's crazy. I definitely am starved for more details in this story especially with it being with a 19 year old kid and his radical big brother.

                    Cmon kid. What the hell.
                    Find that level above your head and help you reach it.


                    • Originally posted by Judge Jude View Post
                      really, police don't have a solid case here without a confession?

                      and as our resident REAL judge here noted, Mirandizing is not mandatory - it just impacts what statements you can use at trial. where is the chipping away of rights again?
                      I don't know if they do or if they don't, it's certainly a weaker case if they can't use any statements or evidence gathered before they read him his rights. No doubt that there's not a jury in Massachusetts that wouldn't convict this guy, no matter how slim the evidence might be. But the point isn't even really Miranda, even though they call it reading a suspect his rights for a good reason. It's how quickly people are willing to just toss our rights aside when a case like this come up. And THAT is what's chipping away bat everyone's rights.

                      And it's more chipping away of a US citizens rights when the authorities decide that they're going to use a "public safety exception" at the same time that they tell the good people of Boston it's all good, and it's safe to come out now.
                      "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
                      - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

                      "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
                      -Warren Ellis


                      • Anzor Tsarnaev said he was "outraged" by his son's decision to drop boxing. He said Tamerlan told him that a Muslim must not punch another man in the face
                        But blowing them up is OK? Uh...
                        Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
                        We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


                        • I have good friends in Boston and was shocked at what happened. However, I'm stunned that it was felt necessary to announce that he would be given a trial.


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                            • I had dinner last night with a friend of mine who was visiting from Mexico. His wife ran the Boston. She finished and they were two blocks away when they heard the explosion. He was directly across the street from the bomb. He showed us an FBI picture that he took off of his TV that shows the highlighted package with his wife just coming into the picture frame. Good thing she runs fast. She finished in 3 hours 21 minutes.


                              • Not a surprise but Dzhokhar reported to feds brother was the mastermind trying to 'defend' Islam.

                                Find that level above your head and help you reach it.

