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Y2K..I mean Judgement Day this Saturday

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  • #31
    Jehovah's Witnesses do the same thing every so many years. Its amazing to me that people still follow these religions/churches as the Bible says you will know a false prophet when there prophecies do not come true. Time to move on people!

    Literally means "pulling your pants down to fart" which is a Chinese idiom for "wasted effort." Makes sense to me!


    • #32
      I didn't think the world was going to end tomorrow. Then the unexpected happened. Somehow, I found myself watching a youtube video of Liza Minelli doing a Bob Fosse choreographed version of the Joe Tex hit, "I Gotcha" from 1972. Now I'm just not sure. It may be the end of the world as we know it.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Trader Mac View Post
        Jehovah's Witnesses do the same thing every so many years. Its amazing to me that people still follow these religions/churches as the Bible says you will know a false prophet when there prophecies do not come true. Time to move on people!
        Hey, isn't it tomorrow over there already? Anything going on that we need to know about?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Lucky View Post
          Hey, isn't it tomorrow over there already? Anything going on that we need to know about?
          This is true. We are 12 hours ahead of East Coast time in the US. I can give you guys a heads up when something big happens. Then again when Jesus returns it will be to the whole earth all at once so I'm not sure I'll be able to give any advanced notice on that one.

          Literally means "pulling your pants down to fart" which is a Chinese idiom for "wasted effort." Makes sense to me!


          • #35


            • #36
              Just saw this on Twitter: I'll make you a deal: if you're wrong on the Rapture, we get gay marriage.


              • #37
                Hey, where did everybody go? Guest? Chancellor?

                There certainly is a lot of humor to it, but I was listening to NPR this morning and they re-ran an interview with a young married couple. They had quit their jobs, given everything away and budgeted their money so it ran out yesterday.

                They have a two year old child.
                “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.”
                -Ralph Waldo Emerson


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Wonderboy View Post
                  Hey, where did everybody go? Guest? Chancellor?

                  There certainly is a lot of humor to it, but I was listening to NPR this morning and they re-ran an interview with a young married couple. They had quit their jobs, given everything away and budgeted their money so it ran out yesterday.

                  They have a two year old child.
                  Ok absent the simple fact that they are now poor and unemployed, that kid was screwed to begin with having those genes
                  Last edited by Trautdiggity; 05-21-2011, 09:17 AM.


                  • #39
                    Mitch: Hi Curly. Killed anybody today?
                    Curly: [smiling] Day ain't over yet.



                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Trader Mac View Post
                      when Jesus returns
                      I'm sure he'll be pissed
                      If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

                      Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
                      Martin Luther King, Jr.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Wonderboy View Post
                        Hey, where did everybody go? Guest? Chancellor?

                        There certainly is a lot of humor to it, but I was listening to NPR this morning and they re-ran an interview with a young married couple. They had quit their jobs, given everything away and budgeted their money so it ran out yesterday.

                        They have a two year old child.
                        You would think that people that have this much faith, would read the Book and know that this is false teaching.

                        It is very sad.


                        • #42
                          By the way, your Guest Chancellor comment made me smile.

                          I think I am going to put piles of clothes on the seats of my van, and shoes in front of them. Then leave it it the middle of a busy intersection.


                          • #43
                            Someone's (who shall rename nameless) facebook friend

                            It's now 7:32pm in New Zealand. Can we say that it won't be at even?
                            It would have to be bigger than 9.5 Magnitude since that was the biggest one we've had.
                            Be patient..
                            1 minute to go!!!!!!!
                            Be anxious for nothing. I have a very good iPhone program that gives me a push notification when something happens. I got one late May 20 for a 6.5 Magnitude. I'll keep you guys posted.
                            Maybe no man knows the day or hour is still true in that we don't know May 21 which region?
                            God bless you brother, for the end is near. It was really nice being class mates with you
                            God Bless you Harry. I am sitting in my Judgment Day RV and waiting for the comming Judgment. We are at an RV park in Oakdale, WI. and finished our work of sounding the warning. May God have mercy on me a sinner. I love you my brother !!!
                            I'm with my family having dinner. I'm sorrowing. May God have mercy on you sister.
                            Start saying goodbye to everyone. Goodbye! See you in the new heavens and the new earth.
                            Already saying goodbye to my family.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Moonlight J View Post
                              Someone's (who shall rename nameless) facebook friend
                              Note to self... never ever ever go to Oakdale Wisconsin


                              • #45
                                I'm sounding the warning that if you believe this madness, you are a frakking IDIOT!
                                "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

                                "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski

