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  • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
    One thing for sure though-- I am going to enjoy watching her lose. Again.

    Well HRC conceded by next morning after election, so she is not losing again, she lost already. To be certain, all educated and reasonable people lost who understand we lost face in the world. We elected the ugly american stereotype, the boastful, bullying, coarse, crude head for the body. But if you want to celebrate some perceived pain you wish HRC to endure, I suppose that is fine. Maybe summon up some absurd claims on a message board and tie it to her somehow. Recall the recount effort was not started by HRC, but by Stein, and supported by millions of people who jumped in a few hours to throw money at the recount.
    I suppose you think those people who donated the money voted Stein?

    FWIW after all the bullshit HRC and the DNC pulled during the primaries, why is it absurd to think she or they are not being completely forthcoming about it? Or did you miss the part where they screwed Sanders and lied about it (I guess they didn't actually lie, but rather weren't forthcoming through omission of the truth and questionable ethics)
    If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

    Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.


    • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
      I suppose you think those people who donated the money voted Stein?

      FWIW after all the bullshit HRC and the DNC pulled during the primaries, why is it absurd to think she or they are not being completely forthcoming about it? Or did you miss the part where they screwed Sanders and lied about it (I guess they didn't actually lie, but rather weren't forthcoming through omission of the truth and questionable ethics)
      Exactly. The only thing we know for sure is that the one person who has been proven to have benefited from a rigged election is Hillary Clinton.


      • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
        One thing for sure though-- I am going to enjoy watching her lose. Again.

        Well HRC conceded by next morning after election, so she is not losing again, she lost already. To be certain, all educated and reasonable people lost who understand we lost face in the world. We elected the ugly american stereotype, the boastful, bullying, coarse, crude head for the body. But if you want to celebrate some perceived pain you wish HRC to endure, I suppose that is fine. Maybe summon up some absurd claims on a message board and tie it to her somehow. Recall the recount effort was not started by HRC, but by Stein, and supported by millions of people who jumped in a few hours to throw money at the recount.
        America wouldn't have voted for (insert DNC whining insult here) if your team had run a better candidate. And oops, you had one. But it wasn't his turn. Or he wasn't a real Democrat. Or we have to break the glass ceiling. Or something.


        • Not that this is going to change the made up minds...but an interesting read about the double edged sword that is the recount...

          Hillary Clinton’s closest allies are irritated with Jill Stein.

          Most of the small circle of operatives and friends surrounding the vanquished Democratic nominee have no illusions that the former Green Party candidate’s recount pushes in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and maybe Michigan, will even come close to flipping the result of the presidential election. And they have no interest in handing Donald Trump another political victory when Stein’s efforts fall short.

          Indeed, there’s no push to have Clinton say anything public about the recount — or even for anyone on the campaign side to weigh in beyond occasional blog posts and tweets from campaign lawyer Marc Elias.

          The election, they know, is over.

          “Recounting votes is as American as apple pie. There’s nothing wrong with the effort, but it’s not somewhere where I would put the political energy of my groups, and I’m not,” said David Brock, a Clinton ally whose network of Democratic political firms supported the nominee's White House bid.

          Brock said top party donors were asking him whether they should contribute to Stein’s effort, but he said he was already focused on the incoming Republican administration. “We’re focused on watch-dogging the Trump transition."
          "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
          - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

          "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
          -Warren Ellis


          • "I suppose you think those people who donated the money voted Stein?"

            Of course not. People who donated were against Trump, same as every single person of higher education I know, same as every one of the top 100 Fortune 100 CEO's, same as virtually every major newspaper outlet in country who if they did not endorse HRC, they went out of way to say they were against Trump.

            HRC conceded morning after election. She has been completely unplugged from anything political since then, hiking trails in upstate NY, and spending time with family. There is no reason to keep bringing up HRC, other than to try to paint her in a conspiracy. But same way she had nothing to do with any DNC gamesmanship during election, she had nothing to do with recount efforts after. This is the single most investigated person on planet, and she is clean. She wears a cloak of darkness from being relentlessly targeted to such an extent that people equate her with being dishonest, and voted in someone who should not be able to secure a visiting day pass to a WH tour.

            This is silly. Why live in a place of perpetual conspiracy where you start with premise that HRC is somehow behind it, and then backfill from there. She should no longer even be mentioned, she is unplugged and on her next life and a private citizen, and the forces at Kremlin, the FBI, the millions of people on FB who weaponize false memes and tirelessly pump them out, they win. Recount is not a bad thing, especially if winner based campaign on expectation of widespread fraud, despite experts weighing in that in our system its not possible to hijack machines from afar and mass flip votes.

            I hope we can move beyond this small squabble go to place, and proceed as if there is no HRC. Deal with what we have, and what it means to have a uniquely unqualified person in office who on a daily basis sends out tweets not only unbecoming of office, but elicits pitying from the sensible that a dunce with a short fuse, who has passed up all but 2 of his daily intel briefings because they bore him, will be in charge of nuclear football.

            BTW, if Trump would send his tweet war over to support the water protectors of Standing Rock, that would erase loads of bad in my mind. If he pushes agenda I can get behind that helps the disenfranchised, which is basic D definition but he may go there, I would support him to extent he helps the ones who need help most.


            • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
              ... I hope we can move beyond this small squabble go to place, and proceed as if there is no HRC. Deal with what we have ...
              I second this sentiment.
              It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


              • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                "I suppose you think those people who donated the money voted Stein?"

                Of course not. People who donated were against Trump, same as every single person of higher education I know, same as every one of the top 100 Fortune 100 CEO's, same as virtually every major newspaper outlet in country who if they did not endorse HRC, they went out of way to say they were against Trump.

                HRC conceded morning after election. She has been completely unplugged from anything political since then, hiking trails in upstate NY, and spending time with family. There is no reason to keep bringing up HRC, other than to try to paint her in a conspiracy. But same way she had nothing to do with any DNC gamesmanship during election, she had nothing to do with recount efforts after. This is the single most investigated person on planet, and she is clean. She wears a cloak of darkness from being relentlessly targeted to such an extent that people equate her with being dishonest, and voted in someone who should not be able to secure a visiting day pass to a WH tour.

                This is silly. Why live in a place of perpetual conspiracy where you start with premise that HRC is somehow behind it, and then backfill from there. She should no longer even be mentioned, she is unplugged and on her next life and a private citizen, and the forces at Kremlin, the FBI, the millions of people on FB who weaponize false memes and tirelessly pump them out, they win. Recount is not a bad thing, especially if winner based campaign on expectation of widespread fraud, despite experts weighing in that in our system its not possible to hijack machines from afar and mass flip votes.

                I hope we can move beyond this small squabble go to place, and proceed as if there is no HRC. Deal with what we have, and what it means to have a uniquely unqualified person in office who on a daily basis sends out tweets not only unbecoming of office, but elicits pitying from the sensible that a dunce with a short fuse, who has passed up all but 2 of his daily intel briefings because they bore him, will be in charge of nuclear football.

                BTW, if Trump would send his tweet war over to support the water protectors of Standing Rock, that would erase loads of bad in my mind. If he pushes agenda I can get behind that helps the disenfranchised, which is basic D definition but he may go there, I would support him to extent he helps the ones who need help most.
                "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
                - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

                "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
                -Warren Ellis


                • Here is a fun little clip about messaging consistency....
                  It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must stop it.
                  Bill Clinton 1995, State of the Union Address

                  "When they go low - we go High" great motto - too bad it was a sack of bullshit. DNC election mantra


                  • Sure, if you insist HRC initiated recount, which she didnt, but to make a story, lets shout she did. But whats the point? Why lie to make points? Oh, fun, its just a fun clip. This is demented.


                    • How about we keep current of Trump daily tweets. He is next President, its really happening, and every day he makes news worthy shock utterances straight from his gut to the free world.

                      His latest yesterday, regarding flag burning, if anyone burns flag they should be thrown in jail, or lose citizenship. Is that an issue that has come up, did someone ask him about this? No, he conjured a scenario to rile base. I have never witnessed anyone burning a flag, its not a widespread thing that happens. I am sure some overboard wackadoo has done it in some protest, but Trump has declared an action that we all find offensive to be worthy of losing citizenship, unilaterally. Now if some poor sap wants to oppose that viewpoint, you know, because it is silly and we have 1st amendment rights that specifically have been upheld by higher courts, thats not an argument someone wants to have. You can tattoo a swastika to your forehead, you cant be thrown in jail or lose citizenship for it. You would be a dumbass and have to suffer consequences with your every waking moment. But hey, manipulate a media in creating a false story to divert attention.


                      • Eh, I don't see any evidence of Hillary pulling the recount levers from the shadows. Notorious control freak that she is, if she was planning to launch THE most important political action of her career, I doubt she'd let a lightweight like Jill Stein carry her water.

                        It's a colossal waste of effort and resources, but it's Stein's right to do so. If this is what it takes to close out the election out and move on, then recount and be done with it.
                        "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
                        "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
                        "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."


                        • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                          How about we keep current of Trump daily tweets. He is next President, its really happening, and every day he makes news worthy shock utterances straight from his gut to the free world.

                          His latest yesterday, regarding flag burning, if anyone burns flag they should be thrown in jail, or lose citizenship. Is that an issue that has come up, did someone ask him about this? No, he conjured a scenario to rile base. I have never witnessed anyone burning a flag, its not a widespread thing that happens. I am sure some overboard wackadoo has done it in some protest, but Trump has declared an action that we all find offensive to be worthy of losing citizenship, unilaterally. Now if some poor sap wants to oppose that viewpoint, you know, because it is silly and we have 1st amendment rights that specifically have been upheld by higher courts, thats not an argument someone wants to have. You can tattoo a swastika to your forehead, you cant be thrown in jail or lose citizenship for it. You would be a dumbass and have to suffer consequences with your every waking moment. But hey, manipulate a media in creating a false story to divert attention.
                          these twitter comments are embarassing to me as a citizen of the united states - this person is the soon to be the leader of the most powerful nation in the world and this is what is on his mind-

                          so - what should we do?


                          • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                            "I suppose you think those people who donated the money voted Stein?"

                            Of course not. People who donated were against Trump, same as every single person of higher education I know, same as every one of the top 100 Fortune 100 CEO's, same as virtually every major newspaper outlet in country who if they did not endorse HRC, they went out of way to say they were against Trump.

                            HRC conceded morning after election. She has been completely unplugged from anything political since then, hiking trails in upstate NY, and spending time with family. There is no reason to keep bringing up HRC, other than to try to paint her in a conspiracy. But same way she had nothing to do with any DNC gamesmanship during election, she had nothing to do with recount efforts after. This is the single most investigated person on planet, and she is clean. She wears a cloak of darkness from being relentlessly targeted to such an extent that people equate her with being dishonest, and voted in someone who should not be able to secure a visiting day pass to a WH tour.

                            This is silly. Why live in a place of perpetual conspiracy where you start with premise that HRC is somehow behind it, and then backfill from there. She should no longer even be mentioned, she is unplugged and on her next life and a private citizen, and the forces at Kremlin, the FBI, the millions of people on FB who weaponize false memes and tirelessly pump them out, they win. Recount is not a bad thing, especially if winner based campaign on expectation of widespread fraud, despite experts weighing in that in our system its not possible to hijack machines from afar and mass flip votes.

                            I hope we can move beyond this small squabble go to place, and proceed as if there is no HRC. Deal with what we have, and what it means to have a uniquely unqualified person in office who on a daily basis sends out tweets not only unbecoming of office, but elicits pitying from the sensible that a dunce with a short fuse, who has passed up all but 2 of his daily intel briefings because they bore him, will be in charge of nuclear football.

                            BTW, if Trump would send his tweet war over to support the water protectors of Standing Rock, that would erase loads of bad in my mind. If he pushes agenda I can get behind that helps the disenfranchised, which is basic D definition but he may go there, I would support him to extent he helps the ones who need help most.
                            Tell you what, the day Hillary supporters admit she's been complicit in the shenanigans or at the very least that she should have denounced and apologized for the shit the DNC did on her behalf--I'll stop hammering home her questionable ethics.

                            To standing Rock, Guess who, of all the remaining Presidential candidates, is the ONLY one to Stand with them publicly?

                            Sanders--Not Obama, Not Clinton, Not Stein, Not Johnson and Not Trump.

                            So if you're gonna bash Trump for his inaction, jump on the others as well.
                            If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

                            Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
                            Martin Luther King, Jr.


                            • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                              Sure, if you insist HRC initiated recount, which she didnt, but to make a story, lets shout she did. But whats the point? Why lie to make points? Oh, fun, its just a fun clip. This is demented.
                              If you were honest you'd have to say--You don't know that she didn't and we have no proof that she did.

                              Perfectly Political.
                              If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

                              Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
                              Martin Luther King, Jr.


                              • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                                How about we keep current of Trump daily tweets. He is next President, its really happening, and every day he makes news worthy shock utterances straight from his gut to the free world.

                                His latest yesterday, regarding flag burning, if anyone burns flag they should be thrown in jail, or lose citizenship. Is that an issue that has come up, did someone ask him about this? No, he conjured a scenario to rile base. I have never witnessed anyone burning a flag, its not a widespread thing that happens. I am sure some overboard wackadoo has done it in some protest, but Trump has declared an action that we all find offensive to be worthy of losing citizenship, unilaterally. Now if some poor sap wants to oppose that viewpoint, you know, because it is silly and we have 1st amendment rights that specifically have been upheld by higher courts, thats not an argument someone wants to have. You can tattoo a swastika to your forehead, you cant be thrown in jail or lose citizenship for it. You would be a dumbass and have to suffer consequences with your every waking moment. But hey, manipulate a media in creating a false story to divert attention.
                                He's an idiot as we all expected. He may not serve his full 4 years.

                                Now maybe people will get off their asses and change the system that gave us Trump and if they don;t--They deserve to have more like him going forward.
                                If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

                                Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
                                Martin Luther King, Jr.

