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'16 Democratic Nomination Thread

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  • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
    So if you and I indeed do have a beer this April will both our assholishness cause the town to implode?
    I can vouch that both these guys are less of an asshole in person when I'm baked
    "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

    "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski


    • Originally posted by BuckyBuckner View Post
      I feel like there is a joke to be made about someone from the internet inviting someone to their basement. No, that's not sketchy at all. Haha. But seriously, I might have an opening in my AL only keeper league if you are interested. I the same league with bigjonempire who might have asked you are joining at point.
      Make sure to put the lotion in the basket or you'll get the hose
      "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

      "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski


      • Originally posted by In the Corn View Post
        Oh, I realize that...all who has control of Congress. Republicans are just the latest to take advantage.
        Not Congress. State legislatures. Republicans have both parts of more than half of them.

        Ad Astra per Aspera

        Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

        GITH fails logic 101. - bryanbutler

        Bah...OJH caught me. - Pogues

        I don't know if you guys are being willfully ignorant, but... - Judge Jude


        • Yes - currently HRC is supposed to receive the same number of delegates in NH even though she lost by a wide margin. Hillary currently has the "super delegates" in her pocket making up the difference.

          It would seem that this rollback would be another tactic that would allow the HRC machine to continue accepting more money and tilting the battle further in one direction.

          If I was a Dem I would really be getting sick of having her pushed down my throat like a Lewinsky BJ.
          It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must stop it.
          Bill Clinton 1995, State of the Union Address

          "When they go low - we go High" great motto - too bad it was a sack of bullshit. DNC election mantra


          • Bernie received 15 delegates in NH to Clinton's 9. Currently, the super delegates from NH have been pledged to Clinton but they can change at any time.

            No, Clinton Doesn't Really Have More Delegates Than Sanders After Losing New Hampshire
            I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

            The Weakerthans Aside


            • Originally posted by BuckyBuckner View Post
              Bernie received 15 delegates in NH to Clinton's 9. Currently, the super delegates from NH have been pledged to Clinton but they can change at any time.

              No, Clinton Doesn't Really Have More Delegates Than Sanders After Losing New Hampshire
              Well sort of: (from the article)

              And it's true that of 712 superdelegates that will cast their votes at the Democratic National Convention in 2016, 362 of them have already said that they support Clinton, according to an Associated Press analysis. Sanders has eight.

              The DNC is trying to spin this - Hillary has a majority of the NH super-delegates pledging support. So the count is 15 /15 (or so). If I recall correctly there are a couple "undecided" super delegates.

              What a total crock!
              It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must stop it.
              Bill Clinton 1995, State of the Union Address

              "When they go low - we go High" great motto - too bad it was a sack of bullshit. DNC election mantra


              • Originally posted by baldgriff View Post
                Well sort of: (from the article)

                And it's true that of 712 superdelegates that will cast their votes at the Democratic National Convention in 2016, 362 of them have already said that they support Clinton, according to an Associated Press analysis. Sanders has eight.

                The DNC is trying to spin this - Hillary has a majority of the NH super-delegates pledging support. So the count is 15 /15 (or so). If I recall correctly there are a couple "undecided" super delegates.

                What a total crock!
                The point is that super delegates can change their vote at any time.

                Also from the article:

                These superdelegates have said that they support Clinton's campaign, not that they will vote to nominate her at a convention five months away in the face of hypothetically massive support for Sanders when all of the primaries and caucuses are over. These are mayors and senators and governors and party leaders, not morons. Voting to nominate Clinton if Sanders enters the convention with a big lead among regular delegates would handicap her as the party's nominee, as would the opposite.

                I'm not defending the super delegate system but you have to realize that there are 4,763 delegates available and only 712 super delegates.
                I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

                The Weakerthans Aside


                • Originally posted by BuckyBuckner View Post
                  The point is that super delegates can change their vote at any time.

                  Also from the article:

                  These superdelegates have said that they support Clinton's campaign, not that they will vote to nominate her at a convention five months away in the face of hypothetically massive support for Sanders when all of the primaries and caucuses are over. These are mayors and senators and governors and party leaders, not morons. Voting to nominate Clinton if Sanders enters the convention with a big lead among regular delegates would handicap her as the party's nominee, as would the opposite.

                  I'm not defending the super delegate system but you have to realize that there are 4,763 delegates available and only 712 super delegates.
                  Thanks for this detailed breakdown! Given these wrinkles, it seems the superdelegates could easily flip to support Bernie if he wins the popular vote or looks most electable. Looks more like Bernie all the time.
                  Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                  • The thing is, this is just another veiled attempt to discourage Sanders support, just like the unelectable moniker. I wish they would get out of the way and let us decide without all this subterfuge.


                    • Originally posted by Hodor View Post
                      The thing is, this is just another veiled attempt to discourage Sanders support, just like the unelectable moniker. I wish they would get out of the way and let us decide without all this subterfuge.
                      But can you really blame the DNC for wanting Clinton over Sanders? Sanders is not a Democrat, he declares himself as an Independent. He is not "one of us." Of course the DNC would want their candidate to win, and the more Sanders threatens their wishes, the more he shows he might just become the candidate of a party he's not even a member, the more roadblocks they must throw out in front of him.

                      I get how the DNC feels. I have the same feelings on my side of the aisle. Trump? Good lord, he's not really a Republican! He's trying to become the leader of a party he's not really a member! The RNC probably figures there's still time for one candidate to shake out from the party (apparently also hoping it's not Cruz), so the roadblocks haven't been thrown up. At least not overtly like the DNC is doing!

                      I feel for you, and I feel for all the Sanders supporters. You love his message, and all you see is the party, YOUR party, trying to screw you over.

                      So I'll make a declaration right now. I'm not a Sanders guy, I don't like his democratic socialist platform. But if he gets screwed over, or makes it super close, and turns around and runs as an Independent, I'll give him my vote. I had my choice on the Republican side, but my candidate of choice is out. I'm disturbed as to what the Democrats are trying to pull (the Party leaders), and this kind of behavior needs to be slapped down.

                      By the People.
                      Considering his only baseball post in the past year was bringing up a 3 year old thread to taunt Hornsby and he's never contributed a dime to our hatpass, perhaps?


                      • The parallels between Sanders and Trump are becoming clearer by the day. People are fed up with both parties so it's not surprising that two 'non-members' are doing so well.
                        If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                        - Terence McKenna

                        Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                        How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                        • The flip side of Bernie being a populist is that Hillary is trying to recreate Obama's winning coalition. 538 has a new article out on Clinton's support and the lack of it.
                          Just as in 2008, Tuesday’s New Hampshire’s primary created an “a-ha moment,” illuminating the contours of each Democratic candidate’s coalition. It’s becoming i…

                          Hillary Clinton is relying on a coalition that looks almost the opposite of the one she assembled in 2008. Eight years ago, she prevailed among working-class whites while losing well-educated whites and African-Americans to Barack Obama. But her path to overcoming Bernie Sanders and winning the 2016 nomination now appears to rely on a marriage of upscale whites and African-Americans. ...

                          It’s unlikely that Clinton can replicate Obama’s margin among African-Americans, a group Obama dominated 82 percent to 15 percent in 2008. But because she begins this primary campaign ahead by 354 superdelegates rather than trailing by 106 as Obama did, she may not need to.

                          The downside of this is that Hillary Clinton is no Barack Obama but she is a Clinton. She lacks Obama's charisma and speaking ability but she drags a lot of baggage.

                          Ad Astra per Aspera

                          Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

                          GITH fails logic 101. - bryanbutler

                          Bah...OJH caught me. - Pogues

                          I don't know if you guys are being willfully ignorant, but... - Judge Jude


                          • Originally posted by Pogues View Post
                            But can you really blame the DNC for wanting Clinton over Sanders? Sanders is not a Democrat, he declares himself as an Independent. He is not "one of us." Of course the DNC would want their candidate to win, and the more Sanders threatens their wishes, the more he shows he might just become the candidate of a party he's not even a member, the more roadblocks they must throw out in front of him.

                            I get how the DNC feels. I have the same feelings on my side of the aisle. Trump? Good lord, he's not really a Republican! He's trying to become the leader of a party he's not really a member! The RNC probably figures there's still time for one candidate to shake out from the party (apparently also hoping it's not Cruz), so the roadblocks haven't been thrown up. At least not overtly like the DNC is doing!

                            I feel for you, and I feel for all the Sanders supporters. You love his message, and all you see is the party, YOUR party, trying to screw you over.

                            So I'll make a declaration right now. I'm not a Sanders guy, I don't like his democratic socialist platform. But if he gets screwed over, or makes it super close, and turns around and runs as an Independent, I'll give him my vote. I had my choice on the Republican side, but my candidate of choice is out. I'm disturbed as to what the Democrats are trying to pull (the Party leaders), and this kind of behavior needs to be slapped down.

                            By the People.
                            I can blame the DNC for selling out to the money makers and Sander IS the voice of the true Democrat. Hillary, she's a moderate republican who's soft on social issues, but a hawk on the Military and complicit in The Elite financial corruption.
                            If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

                            Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
                            Martin Luther King, Jr.


                            • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
                              I can blame the DNC for selling out to the money makers and Sander IS the voice of the true Democrat. Hillary, she's a moderate republican who's soft on social issues, but a hawk on the Military and complicit in The Elite financial corruption.
                              Is there a pretty good resource explaining the policy differences and actions of the two candidates anywhere?


                              • Seems like the closer we get to voting days, the more steam Bernie gains in the state in question.
                                It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must stop it.
                                Bill Clinton 1995, State of the Union Address

                                "When they go low - we go High" great motto - too bad it was a sack of bullshit. DNC election mantra

