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The new COVID thread

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by Bene Futuis View Post
    Breast milk from vaccinated mothers contains COVID antibodies. That's pretty cool.
    I see where you are going with this....

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  • Bene Futuis
    Breast milk from vaccinated mothers contains COVID antibodies. That's pretty cool.

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  • Sour Masher
    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    Well, Breitbart echoes your sentiment and goes one step further. Apparently, Democrats are intentionally bullying right-wingers into taking the vaccine because they know it will stop them from taking it, and they'll die of Covid. Yes, reverse psychology. Using the "own the libs" mantra to kill conservatives because we knew telling them to get vaccinated would send them right to their local farmer to stock up on de-wormer.

    It's truly just an extremely big class of Darwin Awards recipients this year.

    Taking a vaccine is being cucked. Wow.

    People so invested in their political identity as to align with a humanity-crippling pandemic over people, deserve 1000x more scorn and derision than they're currently receiving. Fucking idiots.
    You might blast me for this, but I applaud this tact from this guy--he clearly knows vaccines save lives and is trying to get his people vaccinated. If the only way to get the radical right to get vaxxed is to convince them that the left really does not want them to get vaxxed and to call them Trump vaccines, I am all for it. We can relabel them as vaccines against the mental disease of liberalism in some areas for all I care. Whatever works, man, whatever works.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
    Welcome back.

    I agree that conservatism, in general, is cautious to change, questing of the new is necessarily better, and slow to adapt or adopt, but I don't if that is the primary factor here. It seems to be a general antagonism against science, or maybe just a reaction to how eager the left has been to accept these vaccines as safe and effective....I really don't know. I cannot wrap my head fully around how this has become such a dividing political issue in this country.
    Well, Breitbart echoes your sentiment and goes one step further. Apparently, Democrats are intentionally bullying right-wingers into taking the vaccine because they know it will stop them from taking it, and they'll die of Covid. Yes, reverse psychology. Using the "own the libs" mantra to kill conservatives because we knew telling them to get vaccinated would send them right to their local farmer to stock up on de-wormer.

    It's truly just an extremely big class of Darwin Awards recipients this year.

    In two new pieces, longtime Breitbart writer John Nolte — who is vaccinated and who is trying to reason with people who booed Trump himself for recommending the vaccines — made a surreal, bananas argument: that “leftists” like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, CNN, and Howard Stern — who recently had some choice words for anti-vaxxers — are “deliberately looking to manipulate Trump supporters into not getting vaccinated.”

    He added, “Nothing else makes sense to me.”

    "If I wanted to use reverse psychology to convince people not to get a life-saving vaccination, I would do exactly what Stern and the left are doing… I would bully and taunt and mock and ridicule you for not getting vaccinated, knowing the human response would be, Hey, f*ck you, I’m never getting vaccinated!"

    The article was widely mocked over the weekend. (More on that soon.) So on Monday, Nolte pulled a popular Republican trick: He doubled down.

    "The organized left is deliberately putting unvaccinated Trump supporters in an impossible position where they can either NOT get a life-saving vaccine or CAN feel like cucks caving to the ugliest, smuggest bullies in the world.

    In other words, I sincerely believe the organized left is doing everything in its power to convince Trump supporters NOT to get the life-saving Trump vaccine."
    Taking a vaccine is being cucked. Wow.

    People so invested in their political identity as to align with a humanity-crippling pandemic over people, deserve 1000x more scorn and derision than they're currently receiving. Fucking idiots.

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  • madducks
    Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
    And Florida for the win......

    Let's just get rid of ALL vaccine mandates.......
    History is going to repeat itself. We're going to end up with segregated schools again. Anti-vaxxer schools and vaxxer schools.

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  • heyelander
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    Hopefully this is just an outlier and the pastor is just a charlatan trying to capitalize on the situation. I sure hope this isn't a common practice. At this point it wouldn't surprise me though.
    It may be an outlier, but this is far from a little crazy strip mall church thing. It's the second largest church in the area. The church that sponsors the festival and fireworks display on the 4th of July. This dude makes local and statewide news on the regular.

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  • GwynnInTheHall
    And Florida for the win......

    Let's just get rid of ALL vaccine mandates.......

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer View Post
    you're really not
    Hopefully this is just an outlier and the pastor is just a charlatan trying to capitalize on the situation. I sure hope this isn't a common practice. At this point it wouldn't surprise me though.

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  • chancellor
    Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer View Post
    you're really not
    I agree. There's no sound Scriptural justification for such an action; Gregg noted a number of both theologically and politically conservative church leaders that have advocated for the vaccine. My personal view the medical support in favor of vaccines make this action is an outright defiance of the lesson Christ taught from his second temptation and is not merely a theological difference but outright sin.

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  • Kevin Seitzer
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    I diiisaggrrreee

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  • Kevin Seitzer
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    I just dont understand how this fits into Christianity. It makes no sense. Seems all political. Maybe I am missing something
    you're really not

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  • Kevin Seitzer
    Originally posted by heyelander View Post
    you know whatever song that dude is singing is terrible, right?
    Also, I had Bela Fleck playing in the background when I visited the website, so the dude sounded great to me.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer View Post
    Girrieg Fairringgton has two many i's, r's, and g's in his name.
    I diiisaggreee

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer View Post
    I just dont understand how this fits into Christianity. It makes no sense. Seems all political. Maybe I am missing something

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  • Kevin Seitzer
    Girrieg Fairringgton has two many i's, r's, and g's in his name.

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