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The new COVID thread

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by rhd View Post
    I dont know why you're harping on this so much. I did not say that random posters are supporting crazy Chinese covid tactics. That evidently is your interpretation and one that I certainly didnt anticipate. I would assume that the poster that made the comment I was basing this on was unaware of just how crazy, ineffective and oppressive some of China's CV-19 policies are. That was part of the reason I was making the post. I hope this clears things up and I hope that this is the end of this.
    certainly the end on my part. Not sure why you made a point of saying that some on this forum called for policies like China's. I'm not aware of that at all, but apparently you felt it was important enough to include in your post. Nevermind, you are trying to help this poster, so I understand.
    Last edited by The Feral Slasher; 07-11-2022, 06:06 PM.

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  • rhd
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    Like I said, I don't care if you look for it or not. For some reason you wanted to claim that random posters are supporting crazy Chinese covid tactics. I think we are all fine with that.
    I dont know why you're harping on this so much. I did not say that random posters are supporting crazy Chinese covid tactics. That evidently is your interpretation and one that I certainly didnt anticipate. I would assume that the poster that made the comment I was basing this on was unaware of just how crazy, ineffective and oppressive some of China's CV-19 policies are. That was part of the reason I was making the post. I hope this clears things up and I hope that this is the end of this.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by rhd View Post
    I'm not making anything up and it's lame of you to insinuate that. And I'm not looking thru the morass of comments just to please you.
    Like I said, I don't care if you look for it or not. For some reason you wanted to claim that random posters are supporting crazy Chinese covid tactics. I think we are all fine with that.

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  • rhd
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    I don't care if you look for it or not...I'm just telling you that making shit up and attributing it to some random post earlier in the thread is lame.
    I'm not making anything up and it's lame of you to insinuate that. And I'm not looking thru the morass of comments just to please you.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by rhd View Post
    I gave you my basis, I'm not looking for it.
    I don't care if you look for it or not...I'm just telling you that making shit up and attributing it to some random post earlier in the thread is lame.

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  • rhd
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    I don't feel like looking for it. But if you throw stuff like that out there you should actually have some basis for what you are saying. Or maybe respond to the original post. Or just go with the Donald Trump "some people say" route
    I gave you my basis, I'm not looking for it.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by rhd View Post
    That was based on a post that TW made a while ago, somewhere in the morass of these Covid threads. That may be one reason why he reacted as he did. I dont remember the specifics of what he was referring to - it was more like a general comment. I dont feel like looking for it but you can if you want to.
    I don't feel like looking for it. But if you throw stuff like that out there you should actually have some basis for what you are saying. Or maybe respond to the original post. Or just go with the Donald Trump "some people say" route

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  • rhd
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    Do you have any examples of this ? I don't recall anyone calling for lockdowns until 2027. I don't recall anyone calling for testing tires or building exteriors...or disinfecting runways. I don't recall anyone calling for transporting people to quarantine centers or putting large amounts of people together in enclosed spaces. I don't recall anyone calling for entire cities to show up at test locations.

    I must have missed the posts where people promoted these ideas, so maybe you can point me in the right direction.
    That was based on a post that TW made a while ago, somewhere in the morass of these Covid threads. That may be one reason why he reacted as he did. I dont remember the specifics of what he was referring to - it was more like a general comment. I dont feel like looking for it but you can if you want to.

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  • rhd
    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    I have very little time to post and I'm operating on zero sleep (hemce the frenzied nature of my points). I apologize for my harshness. Sorry for any personal shit I may have said. I tried to edit it quickly, but wasn't quick enough.
    No worries.

    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    You've been on the anti-China thing since the start of the pandemic, so my response was a built up reaction.
    I'm definitely not anti-China. A few years ago, it was the next place I wanted to visit. I'd still love to go, but not under the present circumstances (they wouldnt let me in now anyway). I am very much anti-Chinese government, as any decent person should be IMO - same as any decent person should have been anti-Nazi Germany during WW2.

    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    I see zero purpose in claiming that China's precautions are "stupid" or "useless". I can only infer from your response that, like myself, you wish North America was closer to a middle ground between China's response and our "fuck it" response.
    They are not only stupid and mostly ineffective, they are incredibly oppressive. Many people have been welded or otherwise locked inside their homes, unable to get out even to get food, water or medicine. I guess I can agree generally w your "middle ground" comment. But the problems w the US response go far beyond the "laxity". At first, Fauci said that masks wouldnt be effective against the spread, which was gross negligence and should have gotten him fired right then. Then, after we got w the masks thing, people were insisting on wearing them outside in the open air. That's not how it spreads. And the preoccupation w disinfecting surfaces. That's not how it primarily spreads either. And no discussion at all on adequately ventilating enclosed spaces. That would have helped a lot. And now you can go inside most places w/o a mask. Why? There still are about 100,000 cases a day and altho people are dying less, they're still dying. It's like we havent learned our lesson yet.

    BTW, did you know that the Chinese government is against vaccine mandates? Beijing recently tried to institute one and the CCP overruled them.

    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    I understand that their numbers are very likely inflated, but its so silly for an American to focus on China, over and over again, without addressing the issues in your own country.
    It's not silly at all and the other issues in the US, of which there are many, have nothing at all to do w this.

    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    I was trying to imply that our capitalist system forces us into a dog eat dog mentality, where economic function is prioritized over health of the greater population. How interesting that as a culture, China looks out for one another by masking and isolating as a personal sacrifice for the greater population. Think about the people's willingness to personally sacrifice and understand that it's capitalism, and North America's hoarding vaccines and refusal to vaccinate the 3rd world, that are prolonging this fucking nightmare, not communism.
    This is one of the great myths that far too many people in the West believe. The Chinese government does not care about its people, it cares about maintaining its own power at the expense of everyone else, at home and abroad. The traditional Chinese culture, which has little or nothing to do w the CCP, is communalist, as are many Asian countries, and the concern for others stems from that. There is definitely a dark side to capitalism but the US government cares far more about its people than the CCP does.

    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    I hope that makes more sense. Cheers.
    Yep. Here's hoping that you and your family continue to stay safe. Cheers!

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  • heyelander
    I'm glad the US is at least going with a internationally accepted and effective vaccine rather than some home-grown ineffective one out of jingoistic pride.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by rhd View Post
    Meanwhile, they continue to lockdown major portions of the country and have stated that lockdowns will continue until at least 2027. Their lockdown strategy has got to be one of the most idiotic and unnecessary things in human history. I wont go into much detail but they administer CV-19 tests to things like seafood, truck tires, and building exteriors and disinfect things like airport runways. When just one person tests positive, entire apartment building populations are transported to "quarantine" centers where thousands of previously uninfected people are placed in close proximity in enclosed places for indefinite periods. Entire populations of cities are ordered to testing locations where they are all placed in close proximity to each other as they await testing. All this continues to devastate their economy and has turned vast percentages of their citizens into virtual prisoners who often do not even regularly get food and water. Meanwhile some in this forum have called for US CV-19 policies to be more like China's. Be very glad you dont live in China.
    Do you have any examples of this ? I don't recall anyone calling for lockdowns until 2027. I don't recall anyone calling for testing tires or building exteriors...or disinfecting runways. I don't recall anyone calling for transporting people to quarantine centers or putting large amounts of people together in enclosed spaces. I don't recall anyone calling for entire cities to show up at test locations.

    I must have missed the posts where people promoted these ideas, so maybe you can point me in the right direction.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by rhd View Post
    Sorry that you dont like the US. It remains a pretty good place to live despite the problems.

    In addition to being unnecessarily offensive, not much of what you said made sense or was even responsive to what I said. I didnt know what "agit-prop" meant but what I said is in no way propaganda but evidence reported by people actually living thru this in China, to the extent they are able to get this info out to the outside world. You didnt present any evidence countering what I said. You complain about the policies in the US but then you go on to complain about the policies in your own country which are probably similar. Contrary to the tone of your response, I have all along been and continue to be concerned about exercising reasonable preventative measures to combat CV-19 spread, which continues to be rampant, altho not quite as deadly. Most places I go, I am one of the few that continues to wear a mask inside enclosed spaces. Much of what you have to say seems to be based on your own false assumptions and misinformation.

    With regard to my assumption about China's infection rate, I was making an analogy to North Korea, which like China was perpetrating a massive cover-up of their CV-19 cases. It is reasonable to assume, and there are plenty of indications, that China's CV-19 cases are much higher than what they report. An infection rate of even 6.23% would give them more cases than the US has had. China's infection rate based on the cases they report is 0.016%. No other country that has reported cases (Turkmenistan still hasnt reported any) is as low as that, not even small island nations that have taken many precautions to prevent spread. The fact is that a virus as highly transmissible and ubiquitous as CV-19 cannot be prevented from spreading widely and there will be a high number of infections, particularly in a country that has such an ineffective vaccine. No one but an idiot would believe that China's CV-19 are as low as they report.
    I have very little time to post and I'm operating on zero sleep (hemce the frenzied nature of my points). I apologize for my harshness. Sorry for any personal shit I may have said. I tried to edit it quickly, but wasn't quick enough.

    You've been on the anti-China thing since the start of the pandemic, so my response was a built up reaction.

    I see zero purpose in claiming that China's precautions are "stupid" or "useless". I can only infer from your response that, like myself, you wish North America was closer to a middle ground between China's response and our "fuck it" response.

    I understand that their numbers are very likely inflated, but its so silly for an American to focus on China, over and over again, without addressing the issues in your own country.

    I was trying to imply that our capitalist system forces us into a dog eat dog mentality, where economic function is prioritized over health of the greater population. How interesting that as a culture, China looks out for one another by masking and isolating as a personal sacrifice for the greater population. Think about the people's willingness to personally sacrifice and understand that it's capitalism, and North America's hoarding vaccines and refusal to vaccinate the 3rd world, that are prolonging this fucking nightmare, not communism.

    I hope that makes more sense. Cheers.

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  • rhd
    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    Fuck off with your anti-China agit-prop based on assumptions. America is a shithole that inflicts oppression on its populace in countless other ways. I'm so fucking thankful I don't live in YOUR country.

    I have no idea what's going on in China. But I know that as a new parent, it's become extremely difficult to protect myself (and therefore, my baby with a compromised immune system) from getting infected. This is because restrictions have nearly completely disappeared here except for hospital and clinical settings, due to economic pressures.

    I just bought a few n95 masks for myself to go to a concert tomorrow. I figured if I'm being exposed to 100 unmasked people every time I buy groceries, I should allow myself the simple pleasure of a few small concerts. But I'm not happy about North Americans' refusal to exercise precautions for the greater good. Masking isn't difficult, yet i see 20% masked at most when i go shopping, even motherfuckers who cough through stores. If you go to an Asian supermarket, the percentage of masked shoppers is WAY higher than other stores. Culturally, I appreciate their sensitivity to reducing the spread. Culturally... your country is a dumpster fire on the brink of civil war. Enjoy your "freedoms" to be left to die if you don't have health insurance, or your daughter to die if she has an issue giving birth, or your whole family to die if you attend any event that entices a mass shooter. Freedom? Yeah fucking right.
    Sorry that you dont like the US. It remains a pretty good place to live despite the problems.

    In addition to being unnecessarily offensive, not much of what you said made sense or was even responsive to what I said. I didnt know what "agit-prop" meant but what I said is in no way propaganda but evidence reported by people actually living thru this in China, to the extent they are able to get this info out to the outside world. You didnt present any evidence countering what I said. You complain about the policies in the US but then you go on to complain about the policies in your own country which are probably similar. Contrary to the tone of your response, I have all along been and continue to be concerned about exercising reasonable preventative measures to combat CV-19 spread, which continues to be rampant, altho not quite as deadly. Most places I go, I am one of the few that continues to wear a mask inside enclosed spaces. Much of what you have to say seems to be based on your own false assumptions and misinformation.

    With regard to my assumption about China's infection rate, I was making an analogy to North Korea, which like China was perpetrating a massive cover-up of their CV-19 cases. It is reasonable to assume, and there are plenty of indications, that China's CV-19 cases are much higher than what they report. An infection rate of even 6.23% would give them more cases than the US has had. China's infection rate based on the cases they report is 0.016%. No other country that has reported cases (Turkmenistan still hasnt reported any) is as low as that, not even small island nations that have taken many precautions to prevent spread. The fact is that a virus as highly transmissible and ubiquitous as CV-19 cannot be prevented from spreading widely and there will be a high number of infections, particularly in a country that has such an ineffective vaccine. No one but an idiot would believe that China's CV-19 are as low as they report.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by rhd View Post
    I stopped posting in this thread a long time ago altho I've continued to follow this topic. But I felt I had to post this.

    After claiming to have no CV-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, starting in May this year North Korea has begun to report a massive number of cases. It now says they have 4,767,660 cases (from the Worldometer site) in the country. Why they decided to all of a sudden start reporting their cases now, I have no idea. This is out of a total population of 26,006,468 (also from Worldometer). That gives an overall infection rate of 18.33%.

    One can assume a similar infection rate for China, whose vaccine was relatively ineffective against the first CV-19 strain and is even less effective against later strains which are more transmissible. Their population is listed at 1,450,538,657 (Worldometer). An 18.33% infection rate would give them 265,883,736 cases, which would be by far the most of any country (US cases are listed at 90,338,657). Meanwhile, they continue to lockdown major portions of the country and have stated that lockdowns will continue until at least 2027. Their lockdown strategy has got to be one of the most idiotic and unnecessary things in human history. I wont go into much detail but they administer CV-19 tests to things like seafood, truck tires, and building exteriors and disinfect things like airport runways. When just one person tests positive, entire apartment building populations are transported to "quarantine" centers where thousands of previously uninfected people are placed in close proximity in enclosed places for indefinite periods. Entire populations of cities are ordered to testing locations where they are all placed in close proximity to each other as they await testing. All this continues to devastate their economy and has turned vast percentages of their citizens into virtual prisoners who often do not even regularly get food and water. Meanwhile some in this forum have called for US CV-19 policies to be more like China's. Be very glad you dont live in China.
    Your anti-China stuff is real hot garbage. Stick to baseball prospects.

    I have no idea what's going on in China. But I know that as a new parent, it's become extremely difficult to protect myself (and therefore, my baby with a compromised immune system) from getting infected. This is because restrictions have nearly completely disappeared here except for hospital and clinical settings, due to economic pressures.

    I just bought a few n95 masks for myself to go to a concert tomorrow. I figured if I'm being exposed to 100 unmasked people every time I buy groceries, I should allow myself the simple pleasure of a few small concerts. But I'm not happy about North Americans' refusal to exercise precautions for the greater good. Masking isn't difficult, yet i see 20% masked at most when i go shopping, even motherfuckers who cough through stores. If you go to an Asian supermarket, the percentage of masked shoppers is WAY higher than other stores. Culturally, I appreciate their sensitivity to reducing the spread. Culturally... your country is a dumpster fire on the brink of civil war.

    Don't throw rocks in glass houses.
    Last edited by Teenwolf; 07-11-2022, 09:30 AM. Reason: Edited for sensitive American readers/mod request

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  • rhd
    I stopped posting in this thread a long time ago altho I've continued to follow this topic. But I felt I had to post this.

    After claiming to have no CV-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, starting in May this year North Korea has begun to report a massive number of cases. It now says they have 4,767,660 cases (from the Worldometer site) in the country. Why they decided to all of a sudden start reporting their cases now, I have no idea. This is out of a total population of 26,006,468 (also from Worldometer). That gives an overall infection rate of 18.33%.

    One can assume a similar infection rate for China, whose vaccine was relatively ineffective against the first CV-19 strain and is even less effective against later strains which are more transmissible. Their population is listed at 1,450,538,657 (Worldometer). An 18.33% infection rate would give them 265,883,736 cases, which would be by far the most of any country (US cases are listed at 90,338,657). Meanwhile, they continue to lockdown major portions of the country and have stated that lockdowns will continue until at least 2027. Their lockdown strategy has got to be one of the most idiotic and unnecessary things in human history. I wont go into much detail but they administer CV-19 tests to things like seafood, truck tires, and building exteriors and disinfect things like airport runways. When just one person tests positive, entire apartment building populations are transported to "quarantine" centers where thousands of previously uninfected people are placed in close proximity in enclosed places for indefinite periods. Entire populations of cities are ordered to testing locations where they are all placed in close proximity to each other as they await testing. All this continues to devastate their economy and has turned vast percentages of their citizens into virtual prisoners who often do not even regularly get food and water. Meanwhile some in this forum have called for US CV-19 policies to be more like China's. Be very glad you dont live in China.
    Last edited by rhd; 07-11-2022, 08:18 AM.

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