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So Amazon turns down NYC -

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
    I think all future presidential elections should be decided by a dance off.
    I've got mad dance skillz. let's do it

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  • Sour Masher
    I think all future presidential elections should be decided by a dance off.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
    during my pillow talk with AOC, I always try to steer her to TYT....

    I can feel the hatred, it's so palpable. so vile
    Last edited by GwynnInTheHall; 07-20-2019, 01:26 PM.

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  • Fresno Bob
    during my pillow talk with AOC, I always try to steer her to TYT....

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by Judge Jude View Post
    hmm, this one has gone silent for some reason - Teenwolf has shifted his ranting elsewhere.
    Dude, watch the fucking Michael Brooks video about this. Saying you don't have audio on your laptop is an excuse.

    I couldn't find the economic forum that aired on Young Turks. But they had 3 of them, I believe, each on different topics. Listen, I watch like 8 hours of progressive news shows a day in the winter. I don't have the ability to find an exact statement that fits your criteria from 5 months ago. But I know that 100% of lefty media were saying that the $3 Bn tax incentive was questionable on its own merits. Specifically, changing the zoning rules to allow a helipad as part of the deal seemed like an unnecessary piece of the deal, but that's a small kernal I recall.

    But my point is, if all of the lefty media was saying this deal was sketchy, and AOC, as I'm sure you're aware, relies on a staff of policy experts and such... you don't suppose her team was in her ear, saying "hey AOC... watch this TYT or Michael Brooks video, or read this article from The Intercept"...? They all lay it out clearly. I laid it out clearly. It's about stopping the corruption that creates monopoly, denying the proliferation of slave labour working conditions (try defending their workers peeing in bottles and diapers so they keep their productivity up). She also talked about the struggles created by gentrification and real estate speculation, and the housing instability fostered by that.

    So AOC saw a lot to question in the Amazon giveaway package. I mentioned a lot (all?) of these points within the thread months ago. If AOC's specific wording about the Amazon deal sticks in your craw, that's your petty issue, and it's a fuck of a lot more important that she was ultimately correct in her instinct.

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  • Judge Jude
    hmm, this one has gone silent for some reason - Teenwolf has shifted his ranting elsewhere.

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  • Judge Jude
    "I've watched AOC speak on these issues in a forum on affordable housing"

    what are "these issues?" there's only one issue here - the tax break proposal to Amazon.

    audio on my computer is not working, or I'd listen to the Brooks video. does he talk about the details of the Amazon tax break, either, or is it just opposing tax breaks in general for businesses? hmm, you just used the word "generally."

    there are way too many overly generous corporate tax breaks out there; no reason for disagreement there.

    you're on the 1-yard line, according to yourself. show me anywhere that AOC substantively discusses the details of the Amazon tax offer, and do a victory dance in the end zone. maybe somewhere she discusses the estimated annual benefit to the city, and questions specific portions of the projections such as number of jobs created annually and so forth. you know, that sort of thing.

    so far all we can go on is her incredibly dumb comment on the deal failing, and her struggles with all kinds of facts (I recall one of her defenses being 'not to get so caught up in facts.' lol)

    but if you only offer generalities, then that will be a turnover.
    Last edited by Judge Jude; 07-19-2019, 11:52 AM.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by Judge Jude View Post
    too bad you lump every criticism into one bucket.
    too bad you provide no evidence of her research into the issue, beyond her indisputedly and unrefuted ridiculously ignorant comment.
    too bad you ignored my opportunity to actually acknowledge what I posted instead of continuing to mischaracterize it.

    I was dumb enough to think that once you reread my comment, you would realize your error.

    I don't know why I waste my time.

    note to self: posters who begin posts with "Hahahahaha" are a little bit off their rocker.
    I've watched AOC speak on these issues in a forum on affordable housing, and I went into detail with the type of critiques that she and Bernie, and progressives were generally arguing. I made the arguments and I posted an intelligent discussion from Michael Brooks about it. Nobody watched or responded. So I gave you all the facts already. You're choosing to make assumptions, and choosing to defend them even after you're shown that those assumptions are wrong.

    Your assumption that AOC made her stance without research or supporting evidence is laughable. That's why I responded "hahahaha", because your post literally made me laugh.

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  • Judge Jude
    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    Your assumption that AOC made a "wild ass guess" is ridiculous. Based on your personal understanding of her public comments? Discrediting her stance as "blind luck" after she stood up publicly against the deal and had a TON of hate and derision directed at her...

    Yeah, she sure got lucky! Too bad BG and nots and you, were all so "unlucky" to have your posted opinions look so misplaced so quickly.
    too bad you lump every criticism into one bucket.
    too bad you provide no evidence of her research into the issue, beyond her indisputedly and unrefuted ridiculously ignorant comment.
    too bad you ignored my opportunity to actually acknowledge what I posted instead of continuing to mischaracterize it.

    I was dumb enough to think that once you reread my comment, you would realize your error.

    I don't know why I waste my time.

    note to self: posters who begin posts with "Hahahahaha" are a little bit off their rocker.
    Last edited by Judge Jude; 07-19-2019, 08:27 AM.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
    Does overpopulated NYC really need all this? Or, even the limited and and resources of the area, would Amazon simply be displacing other businesses? Most places would be able to justify bending and breaking all the rules to land Amazon in their area. NYC is one if the few places that don't need to do that. Also, they didn't really need to give all that to get Amazon there. They totally pulled a Yankees, outbidding themselves.
    Hey, Sour Masher nailed it, 100%!


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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by Judge Jude View Post
    I never did see any evidence that AOC knew anything about this deal. closest I saw to her commenting about even vague details were the idiotic comments I posted earlier. maybe you can show me otherwise.

    also, read the post more closely, like this part: "the rise or fall of the Amazon project would have a massive impact on her own constituents - for better, for worse, or for both. jobs, traffic, and so forth. the parameters of this mega-billion dollar deal were out there for months, yet neither she nor apparently her staff appears to have paid attention to them - judging from her clueless comment."

    what part of "for better or for worse" are you missing?

    if you tell me that the Miami Marlins are going to win the World Series in 2020, and they do, I'm not going to proclaim you a genius unless before the season you laid out for me the pathway to victory that the team pretty closely followed. sounds like for you, wild-ass-guesses can be signs of genius. ok

    how is any of this not obvious? tax incentive programs are not "good" or "bad" - the devil is in the details. any politician who doesn't know the details is not contributing anything but noise.
    Your assumption that AOC made a "wild ass guess" is ridiculous. Based on your personal understanding of her public comments? Discrediting her stance as "blind luck" after she stood up publicly against the deal and had a TON of hate and derision directed at her...

    Yeah, she sure got lucky! Too bad BG and nots and you, were all so "unlucky" to have your posted opinions look so misplaced so quickly.

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  • Judge Jude
    I never did see any evidence that AOC knew anything about this deal. closest I saw to her commenting about even vague details were the idiotic comments I posted earlier. maybe you can show me otherwise.

    also, read the post more closely, like this part: "the rise or fall of the Amazon project would have a massive impact on her own constituents - for better, for worse, or for both. jobs, traffic, and so forth. the parameters of this mega-billion dollar deal were out there for months, yet neither she nor apparently her staff appears to have paid attention to them - judging from her clueless comment."

    what part of "for better or for worse" are you missing?

    if you tell me that the Miami Marlins are going to win the World Series in 2020, and they do, I'm not going to proclaim you a genius unless before the season you laid out for me the pathway to victory that the team pretty closely followed. sounds like for you, wild-ass-guesses can be signs of genius. ok

    how is any of this not obvious? tax incentive programs are not "good" or "bad" - the devil is in the details. any politician who doesn't know the details is not contributing anything but noise.
    Last edited by Judge Jude; 07-18-2019, 08:20 PM.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by Judge Jude View Post
    whataboutism aside, the site of this planned project is adjacent to AOC's own district. the rise or fall of the Amazon project would have a massive impact on her own constituents - for better, for worse, or for both. jobs, traffic, and so forth.

    the parameters of this mega-billion dollar deal were out there for months, yet neither she nor apparently her staff appears to have paid attention to them - judging from her clueless comment. "isn't perfect" seems like defensive squared - or cubed.

    I think I saw a couple of progressives here acknowledge this as a significant unforced error; I respect their candor.
    Hahahahaha... you almost got it right! Your first response in the thread said that you hadn't seen any solid analysis on the finanacial details, and you'd wait to see some before making a conclusion... but this post makes a ton of vague assumptions and pulls a failing grade out of nowhere.

    This AOC derangement is fascinating. 18 pages of derangement gold.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by baldgriff View Post
    You idiot - they arent giving them the money to support jobs. They are using the TAX CREDIT - to lure jobs (needed jobs) to that area. Its a fucking trade of assets. Amazon has the jobs and needs a place to do them. NYC had an opportunity to bring 25000 good paying jobs and all of the down stream positive economic impacts buy offering a TAX credit.

    Polls showed a pretty large majority of the population in that city though that the 3Billion Tax Credit was a really good trade off to bring the jobs and future economic boon associated with it to the area.

    But you go ahead thinking that people didnt want it when the poll stating $3Billion (as posted by JJ) was in fact just the opposite of what you stated.
    Hahahaha... BG was foaming at the mouth through 18 pages of this shit, and now he returns today to talk about... the electoral college. Hey, BG, if you want to get into such serious discussions that it causes you to call people idiots, maybe try and defend your idiocy or apologize for it after you've been proven wrong.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by nots View Post
    Pity that statement doesn’t come with a possible solution—only criticism for those who (slightly) believe in free markets over government.
    Like I said: cowardly.
    Cowardly would be ignoring this thread after being proven wrong. Good thing you gambled away $3 Bn of taxpayer money on nothing, then chastised lefties for "not having solutions". AOC's solution to say "fuck off, no special treatment", worked out pretty well. Your "solution"?.... yeah, not so much.

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