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looking for a scientific explanation for the after life

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  • looking for a scientific explanation for the after life

    it's been 3 weeks now and i haven't buried my cat yet. she's been in a container next to my bed. she doesn't smell yet. but i've always dreaded this. i know i need to bury her sooner or later. yet the last three weeks coming home and looking at her has helped me cope with the loss better.

    i just don't ****ing get it. as big as the universe is, it just doesn't seem to be conducive to intelligent life. and not just this universe but all realities.

    death is such a big loss! there has to be some philosophical answer. there has to be.

    i said earlier that informational relativity is bigger than physical relativity. .. but actually both work together.

    but why have things die and not mean anything? it just doesn't make sense. unless your'e looking for some sort of temporary experience. yet, even scientists know that the universe is not some temporary thing. it follows logic.

    im greedy. i not only want this experience to be real, which im sure it is, i want the after-experience one to be real also. .. i want my cat. she was a gift from heaven. i want her back.

  • #2
    whether it's a 100 or 1000 years from now the only thing saving man is religion. a nuclear missile will never have more providence than a god... or a vulture capitalist, lol.

    it depresses me to see religion on the wrong side right now. but they will eventually correct it.


    • #3
      I am sorry for your loss.

      It may feel safer to live in our intellect, but that is not how we are wired. We have feelings, and we will have to deal with them. I always wondered why we would evolve feelings. They seem counter productive to survival of the fittest.

      I believe the Bible has the answers for a lot of this. Given how the board has become a bit snarkier about things like this, I will pm you.

      One of our friends died with his daughter in a plane crash a week ago Sunday. My wife went over on Monday. The Mother held my wife and screamed "I just want her back." Same as your words above. The funeral was yesterday. He was 50, she was 14. So much saddness, so many questions. Are there some answers? Yes but yesterday was not the time. Yesterday was not the time for intellect. Yesterday was the time for mourning. My daughters and wife are crushed, torn between their own grief and that of the family. I have my own grief, and the saddness that comes with watching loved ones grieve. Then there is the family, best not to say many words and just cry with them.


      • #4
        Even as an atheist, I don't think science is the place to look for comfort about death. To me it's social. Every person or pet who dies leaving behind loved ones lives on through those loved ones. You are forever changed by the love you gave to your cat and the love your cat gave you in return. In that sense, you are your cat's afterlife.


        • #5
          should i have my cat hanging upside down next to Ted Williams?

          as big as the universe is, every important thing should be frozen like that. it's not like the universe is too big.

          no one should ever have to die.

          why must we accept being barbarians when the technology is right around the corner.

          isn't life more important than money?


          • #6
            So your cat died 3 weeks ago? You have the dead cat in a box next to your bed decomposing. You look at the decomposing cat every night. Yeah I think you need some professional help buddy, but that's the no brainer of the century. The rest of you can overlook this nugget and act like he didn't say it, but that's just bat shit insane.


            • #7
              I lost my dog of 15 years in july. The loss was way greater to me to handle than the loss of my friends and family that have passed over the years. I would not say that to any of my friends or family of course, as they would think me ridiculous, or mentally ill. But I can admit it here, the passing of my dog completely smacked me hard. My wife was shaken more by my reaction, days and weeks after passing I would erupt in uncontrollable sobbing when looking at his picture. We had been married for years and she had never seen me cry, over lost relatives, broken bones, our house being vandalized, etc. But this loss hit harder. I think you have to give yourself room and time to grieve, know you gave your pet the best life possible, but know that after a certain point, wallowing is not productive or healthy. The pet in your shoebox by bed for 3 weeks is very unhealthy.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Roto Rooter View Post
                So your cat died 3 weeks ago? You have the dead cat in a box next to your bed decomposing. You look at the decomposing cat every night. Yeah I think you need some professional help buddy, but that's the no brainer of the century. The rest of you can overlook this nugget and act like he didn't say it, but that's just bat shit insane.
                no, it's just an emotional reaction. In fact a logical one given a strong enough emotional tie.

                I agree with nullnor re: group theory being the reason we developed emotions. we need others - emotions cements that.

                of course, knowing this - or anything - doesn't make it any easier.
                It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


                • #9
                  The psychopath who lives with his dead cat for WEEKS and probably still pets it among other things gets called out, but i'm the retarded one? Ha. I hope you don't still have your father's body lying around too.


                  • #10
                    life matters. to be in a house with just yourself is not natural.

                    why is that?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Roto Rooter View Post
                      The psychopath who lives with his dead cat for WEEKS and probably still pets it among other things gets called out, but i'm the retarded one? Ha. I hope you don't still have your father's body lying around too.
                      the question remains, has anyone ever died in front of you?

                      i wish i could still pet my dead cat but alas, some kind of weird black fluid comes out of her nose and mouth when i do.


                      • #12
                        JC ON A CRUTCH !.....This thread has all the attributes of a reality show script.

                        Un freaking believable...So much for Doig crossing some imaginary locker room line and offending our sensitive little selves...LOL


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Frank View Post
                          JC ON A CRUTCH !.....This thread has all the attributes of a reality show script.

                          Un freaking believable...So much for Doig crossing some imaginary locker room line and offending our sensitive little selves...LOL
                          Frank, RR's comment is just as bad. Sorry I didn't flash my sensitivity badge fast enough.
                          "Looks like I picked a bad day to give up sniffing glue.
                          - Steven McCrosky (Lloyd Bridges) in Airplane

                          i have epiphanies like that all the time. for example i was watching a basketball game today and realized pom poms are like a pair of tits. there's 2 of them. they're round. they shake. women play with them. thus instead of having two, cheerleaders have four boobs.
                          - nullnor, speaking on immigration law in AZ.


                          • #14
                            i made a stupid thread with no meaning at all. im sorry.

                            Trinity: Please Neo, you have to trust me.
                            Neo: Why?
                            Trinity: Because you have been down there Neo, you know that road, you know exactly where it ends. And I know that's not where you want to be.


                            • #15
                              nully, I don't think this is anything you have to apologize about. Death is a personal thing and how each of us processes it is personal as well. You asked:

                              should i have my cat hanging upside down next to Ted Williams?

                              as big as the universe is, every important thing should be frozen like that. it's not like the universe is too big.

                              no one should ever have to die.

                              why must we accept being barbarians when the technology is right around the corner.

                              isn't life more important than money?
                              The only person that can give you the right answers to these questions is you! If keeping your cat in a container next to your bed is your way of coping with your grief, then so be it. You may run into health and sanitary concerns very shortly, so I would be wary of that. Something else to consider is that at some point seeing your cat in a more decayed state could actually trigger a break and you may have difficulty remembering the good times with your cat as a result.

                              My mom had to put one of her dogs to sleep recently and it was a dog that I was pretty tight with. How I dealt with that loss is different from how you or gcstomp may deal with it.

                              I think you're asking interesting and relevant questions about death. It's not a topic that everyone wants to discuss. In fact, most of us avoid it as much as we can. That doesn't mean the discussion shouldn't be had. In the meantime, please consider your safety carefully and make sure having your cat next to you at night is not doing more physical harm than mental/emotional good. Good luck.
                              "Igor, would you give me a hand with the bags?"
                              "Certainly. You take the blonde and I'll take the one in the turban!"

