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NYC Junkie - Your Help Is Needed

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Roto Rooter View Post
    i really love you guys. you amy not have the same views as wme but we are a intenternt faimly. i'd defend ou guys to the death
    Even hen e share our opinion about a computer game trailer that has us geeked to play cuz....

    Originally posted by Roto Rooter View Post
    This reads like a review from some pretentious hipster talking about the latest indie flick he saw. Dude it's a game. LoL and a bad one at this point.

    You aren't going to play because of the storyline or if the Orc has matured. You're going to play because this is part of your daily routine and you're hooked on the crack. And that's fine. If you get enjoyment out of it then more power to ya, but gimmie a break with this BS fluff stuff about chills and the wonder of exploring new lands. LOL

