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Arab Spring

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  • #61
    The French are helping to set out the true context of these action - Iran. Jean-Marc Ayrault:

    To not act would be to put in danger peace and security in the entire region. What credibility would our international commitments against non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons stand for?

    What message would this send to other regimes, and I am thinking like you of Iran and North Korea? The message would be clear: You can continue.
    Edit: Eliot Engel basically confirmed that Iran was the real target. Engel was the person who presented the "arm the rebels bill" last year. in response, Kerry tried to argue that not getting involved would lead to more extremism among the Opposition.

    Also Barrage Obomba is now trying to convince us that Assad used chemical weapons to test the resolve of the International Community. So yet another change in narrative. Previously it was part of the Assad's regime general use of chemical weapons. Then it was a lunatic or panicked officer who temporarily lost his mind. And now it was a deliberate challenge from Assad to the the USA and UN. So Assad committed suicide in his domestic civil war to send out a message to an international community? He did this despite having the support of Russia and China.

    Now Obama is denying he set any "red line". Of course, if he set the red line, then that would make him responsible for inducing the Rebels to plan this attack. Just like yesterday Kerry tried to convince Congress this wasn't a war.

    I didn't set a red line, the world did. My credibility is not on the line. The international community's credibility is on the line. America and Congress' credibility is on the line, because we give lip service to the notion that these international norms are important.
    Sounds more like an unraveling lie than a confident expression of the truth.

    Also today we have some new semantics on the evidence. Previous Kerry said they "knew". Then that became "highly confident". Now Obama is saying that that the Syria evidence is "more robust" than Iraq. More robust that a pack of lies false flag? How reassuring Mr President.
    Last edited by johnnya24; 09-04-2013, 12:09 PM.


    • #62
      There are so many bizarre happenings around this story. Today Turkey presented the Syrian Defense minister General Ali Habib who apparently defected last week. The Internets now report that this person was sacked 2 years ago, and was reported dead a short time later.

      General Ali Habib, who was dismissed as Syria's defense minister Monday, found dead in his home, websites affiliated with opposition report. Report yet to be confirmed by authorities

      Wonder where this will go. Could of course be all bullshit ... the Internets are not the best "source".

      Edit: Syrian TV reports he's "at home" in Syria, which is either state propaganda because they don't like/fear the fact he defected, or something weird is happening.

      Strange story.
      Last edited by johnnya24; 09-04-2013, 11:23 AM.

