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Steve Jobs dead

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  • Steve Jobs dead

    "The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable." -NY Times

    "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts" - Joe Biden

  • #2
    Not unexpected, but Wow. An icon of the era.

    Ad Astra per Aspera

    Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

    GITH fails logic 101. - bryanbutler

    Bah...OJH caught me. - Pogues

    I don't know if you guys are being willfully ignorant, but... - Judge Jude


    • #3


      • #4
        Bummer. RIP.
        Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
        We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


        • #5
          Here's an incredible commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs on June 12, 2005 at Stanford University.


          “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

          ― Albert Einstein


          • #6
            "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. "

            Steve Jobs - June 12, 2005 at Stanford University
            “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

            ― Albert Einstein


            • #7
              google 'has steve jobs ever given money to charity'. of course maybe that will change. or maybe it won't. i don't see why ppl lionize him tho. he was good at marketing himself as an anti-establishment, anti-big brother when it seems like it was the opposite. Wozniak on the other hand seems like the genuine article. i'd go into detail, but that would be poor taste.


              • #8
                Regardless of what kind of person he was, he was a transformational visionary. We throw terms like that around a lot, but in this case it was appropriate.
                “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.”
                -Ralph Waldo Emerson


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nullnor View Post
                  google 'has Steve Jobs ever given money to charity'.
                  I think that's a bit of an unfair accusation without any concrete evidence that he did or didn't give money to charity.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
                    I think that's a bit of an unfair accusation without any concrete evidence that he did or didn't give money to charity.
                    Agreed. While that is pretty much the image he projected about himself, it does need substantiation.

                    Ad Astra per Aspera

                    Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

                    GITH fails logic 101. - bryanbutler

                    Bah...OJH caught me. - Pogues

                    I don't know if you guys are being willfully ignorant, but... - Judge Jude


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
                      I think that's a bit of an unfair accusation without any concrete evidence that he did or didn't give money to charity.
                      it's possible but it's pretty hard to remain anonymous when giving away large sums of money. there are reasons for it tho. religion, privacy or not wanting to be solicited. yet this is most likely not the case for Jobs when taking a close look. sure he might have gave 150 million to cancer research, after he got cancer. and he helped a organ donation thing after he needed a liver. he was persuaded to start a nutrition and vegetarian foundation once but then dropped it. Apple as a company has no charitable foundation except for a discount for schools. the company doesn't even match employee charity givings. this isn't even mentioning any of the recent closed platform etc.. stuff. even when Apple was a start up, the intial glory and stakes weren't shared with it's employees. and for what it's worth he didn't sign that billionare pledge. there's no schools, no libraries or stuff in his name... the list goes on.

                      i've used apples and pc's. my first computer was an apple 2 plus. im not anti-apple or anti-steve jobs. but this whole garage, hippie, hacker, free information, altruistic humanism thing seems untrue.

                      as a very successful company Apple and Jobs could've been a powerful voice for charity etc.. but in the end all he did was market himself as one while perhaps being neither.
                      The Mystery of Steve Jobs’s Public Giving
                      The co-founder of Apple, who stepped down as chief executive last week, has focused on his work and family, not philanthropy.

                      Mr. Jobs’s views on charity are unclear since he rarely talks about it. But in 1997, when Mr. Jobs returned to Apple, he closed the company’s philanthropic programs. At the time, he said he wanted to restore the company’s profitability. Despite the company’s $14 billion in profits last year and its $76 billion cash pile today, the giving programs have never been reinstated.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nullnor View Post
                        but this whole garage, hippie, hacker, free information, altruistic humanism thing seems untrue.
                        That was Wozniak's philosophy, not Jobs'.
                        Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
                        We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


                        • #13
                          i think it's an interesting discussion about this on the internet. lots of different points of view. i think it's worth noting that 3 weeks AFTER that article, Apple started an employee charity match program and they donated 9000 ipods to the Teach for America program. i wonder what will become of all this. was Steve Jobs a scrooge or did he do stuff in private. did he have a different philosophy, or will a foundation be set up? will Apple respond to prevent bad publicity or did they have a plan to give something back all along? and will ppl stop lionizing rich ppl because everyone wants to be rich and famous too?

                          also, there is a point where you can say social devices and computers are great and help make the world more free and a better place. and there's also a point where they overwhelm and prevent human growth. so the argument that his contibutions were from innovations and providing tools for others is valid; but to what extent.

                          at least he made his money as a innovator and creator and not from being a hedge fund manager or something.

                          i like to think without Apple there would've been no Microsoft. and without Microsoft there would've been no Apple. there would've been no competition to drive the prices of computers down enough so ppl could afford them. without Apple or Steve Jobs there would be no Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. so perhaps thats Steve Job's contribution to humanity.

                          yet, i do wonder if this is like charles dickens a christmas carol, and Steve Jobs just missed the part about meeting the 3 ghosts. because getting the chance to meet them is an opportunity and blessing we should hope to have.


                          • #14
                            Yeah, creating thousands upon thousands of jobs for people here and abroad within his company, in the industry at large, and in all the spinoff products and companies and industries that arose from his hard work, that's not enough of a societal contribution. Clearly he should have done more. What a wretched human being.

                            The sense of entitlement to the fruits of other people's labor by people who do nothing but sit around bitch is nauseating.
                            "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
                            "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
                            "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by senorsheep View Post
                              Yeah, creating thousands upon thousands of jobs for people here and abroad within his company, in the industry at large, and in all the spinoff products and companies and industries that arose from his hard work, that's not enough of a societal contribution. Clearly he should have done more. What a wretched human being.

                              The sense of entitlement to the fruits of other people's labor by people who do nothing but sit around bitch is nauseating.
                              I'm right with you. Selfish corporate bloodsuckers. Just like IBM.

                              Ad Astra per Aspera

                              Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

                              GITH fails logic 101. - bryanbutler

                              Bah...OJH caught me. - Pogues

                              I don't know if you guys are being willfully ignorant, but... - Judge Jude

