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Steve Jobs dead

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  • #16
    not about a sense of entitlement. it's about representation of an image that didn't fit. Apple sold their stuff on a positive, anti-big brother, free choice, do good message. it worked good enough to introduce a cult following to it's products, but was it the truth? the problem isn't Apple, or Jobs, it was the deceptive image they gave themselves while freely giving the opposite one to their competitors... perhaps the scrooge thing isn't fair but neither is false idolatry.

    in recent years they even banned charity apps from non-profits. Donations Ban on iPhone Apps Irritates Nonprofits
    The iPhone directs prospective donors out of the donation app and to the organization’s Web site, making the process more cumbersome.


    • #17
      Originally posted by senorsheep View Post
      The sense of entitlement to the fruits of other people's labor by people who do nothing but sit around bitch is nauseating.
      He's certainly not obligated to give anything, and nobody is entitled to his money. I reserve the right to think less of him for not giving though. He could even have done it without costing himself anything; I suspect that if he'd jacked up the price of the iPhone by $10 that would go to some charitable foundation run by Apple that it would not have cost them many sales.
      In the best of times, our days are numbered, anyway. And it would be a crime against Nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were presumably designed in the first place, and which the gravest statesmen and the hoarsest politicians hope to make available to all men in the end: I mean the opportunity to do good work, to fall in love, to enjoy friends, to sit under trees, to read, to hit a ball and bounce the baby.


      • #18
        Originally posted by mjl View Post
        He's certainly not obligated to give anything, and nobody is entitled to his money. I reserve the right to think less of him for not giving though. He could even have done it without costing himself anything; I suspect that if he'd jacked up the price of the iPhone by $10 that would go to some charitable foundation run by Apple that it would not have cost them many sales.
        In fact it could be a marketing point.

        Ad Astra per Aspera

        Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

        GITH fails logic 101. - bryanbutler

        Bah...OJH caught me. - Pogues

        I don't know if you guys are being willfully ignorant, but... - Judge Jude


        • #19
          i think im being unfair. i don't think the guy ever got a real chance to promote the Apple image or brand thru charity. he got sick in 2004 and Apple didn't really start making lots of money until later. the life or profits of a tech company can be fleeting these days. and im not sure Apple's future was really secure until the iphone. and by then he was already dying. given enough time i believe he would've done it. lets look at the only crystal ball we have.

          The beginning stroke of the first letter (S), which starts below the baseline, shows Jobs was resentful and he often misplaced his anger. And because he had a right slant, he often expressed his feelings without inhibitions.

          The second point is about aggression, which is seen in the angular stroke at the beginning of j in Jobs and. When this angularity appears in the middle zone, the writer has a tendency to show aggression in his day-to-day life. However, such a writer, because of his impulsive attitude (shown by the right slant of handwriting), regret his actions.

          According to graphology, people who have simplified handwriting are intelligent. Steve Jobs’s signature is plain and simple. No embellishments, no unnecessary strokes. Plus, Jobs is someone who likes to see jobs done fast, quickly, indicated by the pointed tops of his middle-zone letters, such as those in ‘n’ in Steven. Hence, his productivity has been way above average.

          As per handwriting analysis, a long t-bar is indicative of the writer’s healthy energy to push things forward, and say things in a very forceful manner. Jobs’s t-bar is fairly long, and appears to have been drawn with a firm pen pressure. Such writers are assertive, and they like to ensure their orders are executed exactly the way they want.

          At the same time, Jobs is a humble man: A look at Jobs’s resignation letter tells you that the man’s feet are on the ground...The letter suggests he is a humble man. But people may look at the tone of this letter with cynicism, and say he was just being formal there. So, we look at his signature to ascertaing if this person for whom people use words such as “ruthless, perfectionist and dictator” is capable of being humble.

          The answer again is yes. The moderate size of the signature, especially the first letter, confirms that the larger-than-life Jobs is indeed a humble person.
          i think, it's not that i wanted to disparage someone who died yesterday. but to hope that Apple will complete the legacy he never got a chance to. not for us, but for him.


          • #20


            • #21
              i still think Suite Madam Blue is the best song on that album. who knew it was about the Statue of Liberty. the fall equinox was a week or so ago. it's much easier to balance an egg on the fall one than spring. i don't know why, even tho they first discovered it on the spring one.

              i realized the exact changeover 15 minutes beforehand this year and had the exact time. i was at work (at night) and ran to to store to get some eggs this year. but when i got there and had the egg carton in my hand, i stopped. i thought about whether the eggs were cage grown. i really wanted to show my coworkers how to balance eggs on the autumnal equinox. but for some reason i changed my mind.

              it's not a conspiracy and you cant do it at any other time of the year. the reason is because the earths orbit is exactly inline with the sun underneath the earth. it pulls the short end of the egg perfectly, causing it to balance. you have 5 minutes to do it before the change to autumn and 5 minutes after. the suns gravity will hold it in place for like 12 hours, then the egg will fall over on it's own the next day. it's true. and it's why they give you the exact time to attempt to perform it.

              ..i still think snowblind is the best styx song. any song sung by Tommy Shaw instead of Dennis DeYoung seems better. but you can't beat Paradise Theatre.


              • #22
                Blue Collar Man FTW.

                Snowblind is about cocaine but you probably knew that.
                Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
                We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


                • #23
                  yeah, i know. i was never a coke addict, but i like to see the song in metaphors. thats why i tied it to overworking. which kind of happened to Steve Jobs. man to man, cancer or no cancer, he overworked himself to death. which is why we pay tribute.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by nullnor View Post
                    it's not a conspiracy and you cant do it at any other time of the year. the reason is because the earths orbit is exactly inline with the sun underneath the earth. it pulls the short end of the egg perfectly, causing it to balance. you have 5 minutes to do it before the change to autumn and 5 minutes after. the suns gravity will hold it in place for like 12 hours, then the egg will fall over on it's own the next day. it's true. and it's why they give you the exact time to attempt to perform it.
                    I'm not sure what this has to do with Steve Jobs, but FYI, the egg thing is a myth. Yes, on the equinox the sun and earth align in the manner you describe, but there's no scientific reason to believe that this yields any noticeable gravitational effects. You can balance an egg any day of the year, if you have enough patience.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Erik View Post
                      Blue Collar Man FTW.

                      Snowblind is about cocaine but you probably knew that.
                      Lorelei and Suite Madam Blue are neck and neck. I was in a D&D scenario once, loosely based on that album. Madam Blue's Suite was the penultimate point, but Lorelei was there.

                      Crystal Ball is definitely the right one for this thread, as is Styx.

                      Ad Astra per Aspera

                      Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

                      GITH fails logic 101. - bryanbutler

                      Bah...OJH caught me. - Pogues

                      I don't know if you guys are being willfully ignorant, but... - Judge Jude


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by JetersGlove View Post
                        I'm not sure what this has to do with Steve Jobs, but FYI, the egg thing is a myth. Yes, on the equinox the sun and earth align in the manner you describe, but there's no scientific reason to believe that this yields any noticeable gravitational effects. You can balance an egg any day of the year, if you have enough patience.
                        science is messing with you. they know. but they're not saying. and only you will know once you try... on the short end of the egg. trust me. try it now and you can't. and then try it next year during that 10 minute window.

                        i've done the experiment. seriously this is like one of the few times that science is messing with you and calling you out. i suppose it's because there's only 10 minutes during the year that you can do it. and they don't think anyone will.

                        let me know how it goes next year. i want to hear you've balance a couple eggs. 1 or 2.
                        Last edited by ; 10-07-2011, 01:46 PM.


                        • #27
                          it's better when a girl show's you for the first time. it's romantic. but you can show her too. there's no law against that... you cannot do it except suring that ten minute window. don't be a conspiracy theorist.


                          • #28

                            The widow of the Apple co-founder is even more intensely private than her husband, rarely giving interviews and only occasionally appearing in public at his side. But the former investment banker has long supported a range of progressive causes -- by working to help disadvantaged students and women, and donating money to environmental campaigns and Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential run.
                            Laurene Jobs has shown a particular interest in education, applying herself directly to giving disadvantaged students a hand. After volunteering as a mentor several years ago at Belmont's Carlmont High School, Jobs co-founded and led a successful nonprofit, College Track, which helps minority and low-income kids prepare for college and overcome the many challenges they encounter there.
                            "Jesus said to them, 'Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.'"


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by onejayhawk View Post
                              Lorelei and Suite Madam Blue are neck and neck. I was in a D&D scenario once, loosely based on that album. Madam Blue's Suite was the penultimate point, but Lorelei was there.

                              Crystal Ball is definitely the right one for this thread, as is Styx.

                              yeah. i forgot all about that one. ..thats like the best one.

                              ..brighter than the stars together.

                              it's like cranking the tunes and hauling ass in your truck at night. those cranked keyboards are all you hear in the night's silence.


                              • #30

