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Female Only Draft Discussion Thread

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  • cool to see a local band up picked (metric is from Toronto in case anyone cares)
    It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


    • Was there music in your home? Rarely. My mom ONLY listens to Elvis Presley and my dad liked primarily doo-wop, so WCBS-FM was the only music station on in the car -- which is probably how I got to like "oldies" music as an early-teen.

      What got you into music? Were there early influences that set you on a certain path? Nope.

      How has your taste in music changed since your earliest years? It hasn't. I listened to oldies and pop music as a child, and Classic Rock (Q-104) as an adult. I still only listen to Classic Rock and 60s-80s pop. Some 90s music. Even in college my crew listened to Classic Rock almost exclusively.

      Do you play an instrument? Does that affect your ideas toward music? Nope.

      How much do you listen to music? At the gym, in the car, sometimes at home.

      Do you “study” music? By that I mean anything from fan magazines, to music theory, to reading about how your favorite album was recorded, to watching youtube videos about how to play the drums, etc. I enjoy reading about music history a lot.

      Are there genres of music you do not listen to? Nearly anything post-1998.

      Are there any artists of whom you have over 8 records (or their entire output if it is at least 5 records)? The Beatles & Billy Joel

      Do you own any bootleg records of artists? (By this I do not mean pirated copies of official releases, but copies of live performances such as the ubiquitous Grateful Dead tapes.) Nope.

      Do you still purchase physical copies of recordings? (as opposed to digital or other non-corporeal formats) Nope.

      Do you still purchase any music? (as opposed to services such as Spotify, and yes, I understand there is a charge for the premium package) I actually did buy a song off iTunes the other day, but this was probably the first one in a decade.

      If you could go back in time and see three bands/artists at their peak, who would it be? The Beatles, Queen & the Rolling Stones

      If you could see three bands right now, who would it be? Paul McCartney, Queen + Adam Lambert, The Rolling Stones


      • Originally posted by TranaGreg View Post
        cool to see a local band up picked (metric is from Toronto in case anyone cares)
        Metric are one of my 2 or 3 favourite bands form the last 10 years of so. Emily Haines writes terrific songs, and isn't afraid to deal with controversial topics unlike many of her contemporaries.

        A song of their debut record is called Combat Baby. I used to really aggravate my GF by playing it at parties and saying it was "our song". She hated it ... I of course kept doing it. She is now my ex GF.

        Haine means "hatred" in French BTW ...wonder if that's the route of her name?


        • Was there music in your home?
          Well ... my mum and her friends listened to a lot of country music ... mostly country and western type stuff though. I just always liked music, but can't say that home life was any real cause for that.

          What got you into music? Were there early influences that set you on a certain path?
          Just always liked music as far back as I can remember. Had some older friends when I was a kid get me into various different stuff. One got me into Dire Straits and INXS when I was a younger teen, and another gave me some mix tapes of late 1980's US indie /alt / punk bands ... but without bands names etc ... I had to discover who these bands were over the next 10 years (no internet back in the dark ages).

          How has your taste in music changed since your earliest years?
          My tastes have evolved to include almost all types of music ... good music's good music. But my tastes have gotten more picky over time.

          Do you play an instrument? Does that affect your ideas toward music?
          Yeah ...guitar. But I don't play or practice much anymore. Started to learn Oboe as a kid, but didn't have the lungs or the desire. Gave up quickly.

          How much do you listen to music?
          Every day ... most of the day.

          Do you “study” music? By that I mean anything from fan magazines, to music theory, to reading about how your favorite album was recorded, to watching youtube videos about how to play the drums, etc.
          Well I'm your typical self taught guitar player ... but no reading music etc.

          Are there genres of music you do not listen to?
          Ummmmm ... maybe sub-genres. But i can't think of any overall genres I dislike.

          Are there any artists of whom you have over 8 records (or their entire output if it is at least 5 records)?
          Lots ... REM, Pearl Jam, Neil Young, Bob Dylan etc etc.

          Do you own any bootleg records of artists? (By this I do not mean pirated copies of official releases, but copies of live performances such as the ubiquitous Grateful Dead tapes.)
          Not really ... well not own ... but downloaded ... yeah.

          Do you still purchase physical copies of recordings? (as opposed to digital or other non-corporeal formats)
          No. But I'd like to own vinyl copies of all my stuff. Lost most of my CD collection a long time back in a flooded basement.

          Do you still purchase any music? (as opposed to services such as Spotify, and yes, I understand there is a charge for the premium package)
          No ... I have Amazon and Apple music subscriptions.

          If you could go back in time and see three bands/artists at their peak, who would it be?
          Rage Against the Machine
          Pink Floyd

          If you could see three bands right now, who would it be?
          Bands I haven't seen?

          The Strokes
          Sufjan Stevens

          List five good songs you have listened to in the last couple of days.
          Bjork - Bachelorette
          The Decemberists - Leslie Anne Levine
          Old Crow Medicine Show - Wagon Wheel
          Peter Bradley Adams - Ohio
          Dave Rawlings Machine - Method Acting / Cortez

          If you could persuade everyone in this draft to listen to three albums, your purpose being to brighten their day through the magic of music, what would those records be?
          Brighten their day? I'm not sure my music could brighten anyone's day

          OK here's 3 albums ... you probably won't have heard off (maybe the last) ... all excellent ... all close to the singer-songwriter category.

          Foy Vance - Joy of Nothing
          Edwina Hayes - Pour Me A Drink
          Peter Bradley Adams - Leavetaking

          So, anyone up for this?


          • Love the Karen Carpenter pick. She had a great voice, and before management insisted she move out front, she was an excellent drummer. She took pride in her work. Her demons got the best of her.

            Super pick with Anita Baker, too. I always compared her to Whitney Houston. I thought Anita had nearly as good a voice, but not great material and nowhere near the promotion or backing. My pick would have been "Rapture", but the selected album is excellent, too. Sultry voice, muy romantico. Check her out if you don't know her.
            If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. - Karl Popper


            • Originally posted by Redbirds Fan View Post
              Love the Karen Carpenter pick. She had a great voice, and before management insisted she move out front, she was an excellent drummer. She took pride in her work. Her demons got the best of her.

              Super pick with Anita Baker, too. I always compared her to Whitney Houston. I thought Anita had nearly as good a voice, but not great material and nowhere near the promotion or backing. My pick would have been "Rapture", but the selected album is excellent, too. Sultry voice, muy romantico. Check her out if you don't know her.
              I love the richness in Karen Carpenter's voice. Her voice is one that I distinctly remembering as a kid and having one of those aha moments about music. Her demons definitely got the best of her. It makes you wonder how far she could have gone, if not stricken by a horrible disease.

              I had a roommate in college who turned me on to Ms. Anita. She is sultry and jazzy. I picked my album, as that is the one my roommate introduced me to, so I have fond memories of that album.
              "Looks like I picked a bad day to give up sniffing glue.
              - Steven McCrosky (Lloyd Bridges) in Airplane

              i have epiphanies like that all the time. for example i was watching a basketball game today and realized pom poms are like a pair of tits. there's 2 of them. they're round. they shake. women play with them. thus instead of having two, cheerleaders have four boobs.
              - nullnor, speaking on immigration law in AZ.


              • I'm a big fan of that Mazzy Star album.
                If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                - Terence McKenna

                Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                • While I enjoy Anita Baker, my list would have had a different "Quiet Storm" artist.
                  Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
                  We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


                  • Was there music in your home? Yes. While my parents were still married (they divorced when I was 12), their record collection was mostly classical with some jazz mixed in, but also had lots of Carly Simon, Paul Simon and CSN(Y). They definitely preferred the softer side of things but I liked to sneak a listen to Side 2 of Rust Never Sleeps and Disc 2 of Four Way Street when I could. My father remarried when I was 13, and my stepmother had a very diverse record collection, so I got exposed to lots of stuff that way in my teens.

                    What got you into music? Were there early influences that set you on a certain path? I just enjoyed listening to it whenever I could, for as long as I can remember. The main influence was the car radio -- my mother usually had the top 40 stations on. When I was 6, I had the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack and was obsessed with the Bee Gees. A year later, I got Billy Joel's 52nd Street on cassette for my birthday because I loved "My Life." Once I was old enough to have my own spending money, I started buying as many cassettes as I could. At first I was influenced by classmates with older siblings who got them into the Who, Zeppelin, etc., and then I started finding stuff on my own via MTV, the radio and print media.

                    How has your taste in music changed since your earliest years? In high school I almost exclusively listened to what we now call Classic Rock. I branched out to different genres of rock in college and to non-rock genres afterward.

                    Do you play an instrument? Does that affect your ideas toward music? I have no musical talent whatsoever, nor do any of my blood relatives. My grandfather was a huge jazz aficionado, so I think I got my music obsession from him.

                    How much do you listen to music? Once my son was born, not as much as I used to. It's mostly confined to during my commute (40 minutes total per day) and to a few hours each night after he goes to bed if I'm not watching TV or a movie.

                    Do you “study” music? By that I mean anything from fan magazines, to music theory, to reading about how your favorite album was recorded, to watching youtube videos about how to play the drums, etc. Starting at age 14 or so, I was a voracious reader of Rolling Stone and various books about rock and roll history. Those were a huge influence on my tastes.

                    Are there genres of music you do not listen to? I'm not a huge fan of rap and EDM, so I don't really listen to them.

                    Are there any artists of whom you have over 8 records (or their entire output if it is at least 5 records)? A ton. Too many to name. I have all of Neil Young's, even the '80s stuff.

                    Do you own any bootleg records of artists? (By this I do not mean pirated copies of official releases, but copies of live performances such as the ubiquitous Grateful Dead tapes.) Yes. I traded tapes (and later CDs) with fellow Phish and Neil Young fans when I first got an internet connection in the late '90s. Money was never exchanged.

                    Do you still purchase physical copies of recordings? (as opposed to digital or other non-corporeal formats) Occasionally, but only for selected artists. Most of my listening these days is through Youtube.

                    Do you still purchase any music? (as opposed to services such as Spotify, and yes, I understand there is a charge for the premium package) When I do purchase, it's a physical copy.

                    If you could go back in time and see three bands/artists at their peak, who would it be? Hendrix, the Allman Brothers and Mandrill.

                    If you could see three bands right now, who would it be? My Morning Jacket, Ween and Failure.

                    List five good songs you have listened to in the last couple of days. "Mirage" by Santana, "Song of the Evergreens" by Chicago, "Marquee Moon" by Television, "You" by Bill Withers and "Ice Age" by Ambrosia.

                    If you could persuade everyone in this draft to listen to three albums, your purpose being to brighten their day through the magic of music, what would those records be? Fantastic Planet by Failure
                    Chicago VII, the most batshit crazy album that spawned three major hits
                    Ozark Mountain Daredevils s/t debut Playlist is missing track 5, which is here:
                    Last edited by Erik; 08-29-2017, 10:12 PM.
                    Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
                    We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


                    • I forgot about Ween, they'd be one of my top 3 current acts to see live as well, replacing Radiohead. I've already seen Radiohead but I'd love to see them again.
                      If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                      - Terence McKenna

                      Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                      How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                      • I didn't care for Joan Baez's singing until Diamonds and Rust came out.

                        I really appreciated her when her voice got deeper with age. She was a complete turnaround for me. I went from not listening to her to wearing the grooves out of her Live from Every Stage (1975) double album.


                        • I had Allison Krauss on my shortlist ... love that album with Plant, nice pick
                          It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


                          • Is anyone missing year blocks still? I had forgotten about 2000s myself


                            • check the first post of the draft thread, johnny's done a good job of keeping it current
                              It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


                              • Originally posted by TranaGreg View Post
                                I had Allison Krauss on my shortlist ... love that album with Plant, nice pick
                                Ditto...I was fortunate to see them perform at an outdoor venue near Chicago (Ravinia).
                                If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                                - Terence McKenna

                                Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                                How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige

