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It's Back: Exceelent Movies I've Seen Lately

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  • Saw both [i]Wolf of Wall St[/b] and [i]Inside Llewyn Davis[/b]. I thought both were excellent and, interestingly, I got the same reaction from a buddy who'd seen it as heye (i.e., no moral direction, not enough details of the victims or the scams, etc). My reply was pretty much what Johnny said: isn't that that point? Fuckin' bastards, and they're still getting away with it. Matthew McConaghy definitely deserved more air time, and Jonah Hill was brilliant. And Margot Robbie, hot dayum!

    And the Coen Brothers pull off another classic, hard to believe that this was Oscar Isaac's recording debut.

    If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
    - Terence McKenna

    Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

    How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


    • Originally posted by DMT View Post
      And the Coen Brothers pull off another classic, hard to believe that this was Oscar Isaac's recording debut.

      Inside Llewyn Davis
      was the movie I forgot to mention. Terrific. In the same mold of The Man Who Wasn't There, it plays with the traditional movie narrative, gets you thinking the movie is going to go one way, and then takes you in the opposite direction.

      It was based on the autobiography of Dave Van Ronk ... even down to Llewyn's album cover:


      • Originally posted by DMT View Post
        Saw both [i]Wolf of Wall St[/b] and [i]Inside Llewyn Davis[/b]. I thought both were excellent and, interestingly, I got the same reaction from a buddy who'd seen it as heye (i.e., no moral direction, not enough details of the victims or the scams, etc). My reply was pretty much what Johnny said: isn't that that point? Fuckin' bastards, and they're still getting away with it. Matthew McConaghy definitely deserved more air time, and Jonah Hill was brilliant. And Margot Robbie, hot dayum!
        The guy who introduced Jordan Belfort in the final scene was the real Jordan Belfort ... I knew I'd seen him somewhere before..


        • If you like old movies (from the early '60s, I think), I recently saw one that I'd never heard of before. The Visit, starring Ingrid Bergmann and Anthony Quinn. Excellent. Kind of a film-noir, suspense thriller.


          • Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
            That's why I didn't go and see it. It seemed really contrived
            That's Lee Daniels for ya.
            Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
            We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


            • Watched The Spectacular Now last night and it blew me away. It's a high school coming-of-age movie but avoids all the claptraps and just focuses on two different yet similar kids who experience the real highs and lows of being 17. When I saw the preview I wondered how it would be believable that the main boy (Miles Teller) could be out of the main girl's (Shailene Woodley - best known as George Clooney's daughter in The Descendants) league but Miles pulls off the happy-go-lucky average looking kid who everyone loves to a T and Shailene absolutely nails the geeky, shy, yet not socially inept teenage girl. Alcoholism plays a key role in the film and the director/screenwriters do a great job avoiding the stereotypical drunken teenager, instead showing a troubled kid who just needs a constant buzz to stay happy and avoid facing reality. I really would have liked to have seen this movie get at least an Adapted Screenplay nod, but unfortunately high school movies don't usually get much love from the Academy. Anyway, you should check it out, I give it my highest recommendation.


              • Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
                Watched The Spectacular Now last night and it blew me away..
                Sounds good ... I really like these kind of movies. Shailene Woodley was really good in The Descendants.


                • Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
                  Sounds good ... I really like these kind of movies. Shailene Woodley was really good in The Descendants.
                  I thought she was really good in The Descendants as well, but her character was somewhat limited by her bratty demeanor and secondary role. This one's her true coming out party and I could see her having a Jennifer Lawrence-like career arc.


                  • Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
                    I thought she was really good in The Descendants as well, but her character was somewhat limited by her bratty demeanor and secondary role. This one's her true coming out party and I could see her having a Jennifer Lawrence-like career arc.
                    I watched Winter's Bone again last week. That was the movie that made me stand up and take notice of Jennifer Lawrence. It was obvious she was going to be a star. If you haven't seen that, definitely check it out.


                    • Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
                      I watched Winter's Bone again last week. That was the movie that made me stand up and take notice of Jennifer Lawrence. It was obvious she was going to be a star. If you haven't seen that, definitely check it out.
                      Saw it when it first came out on DVD and didn't like it much although I knew Jennifer Lawrence was going places. Then again, I was quite tired when I saw it so I should probably give it another shot.


                      • Looking forward to the Lego Movie as I heard it was pretty good (for us that only see animated movies at this point in our lives).


                        • Richard Pryor - Omit The Logic - New documentary on Richard Pryor. Really incredible and emotional story. Majority of the film highlights his early life, growing up around pimps and prostitutes, his 7 marriages, and substance problems. Interesting to see that every time he started making crappy movies, he would sink further into his addictions and destructive behaviour. Such a sad life, but he really made some magic happen in between.

                          These aren't from the doc, they're just clips from Pryor's show (which he canceled himself after 4 episodes due to creative differences).

                          Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                          • Watched the Way Way Back last night with my wife. Enjoyed it and would recommend it. Steve Carrel played a real dick.


                            • Wife sent this link to me and it worked.


                              • For those of you who like the horror genre, my wife and I just finished Haunter. Some surprisingly good acting, a decent story line. More creepy than scary. But a lot of creepy.

                                Not a bad way to spend 90 minutes if you like this sort of thing.

