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Election 2020

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer View Post
    I hope you're right, but they polled about 5 million likely Georgia voters just a couple months ago, and the Republicans came out narrowly ahead in those polls. Why should I believe some samples of several hundred voters that say something slightly different?
    I personally believe in a 3 pt Republican swing to any poll, as I think polling methodology is outdated and unable to capture the far right in any sampling.

    I was just saying that the Dems are up in polls for both races, not endorsing their veracity. I agree with your pessimism... but there's a shot Trump's maniacal interference negatively affects R turnout... I'm not counting on this coming to fruition either, but all my fingers and toes are crossed.

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  • Kevin Seitzer
    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    Polls in Georgia look good for both Dems to win
    I hope you're right, but they polled about 5 million likely Georgia voters just a couple months ago, and the Republicans came out narrowly ahead in those polls. Why should I believe some samples of several hundred voters that say something slightly different?

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  • Teenwolf
    As per request, some positive thoughts on the Biden administration....

    Progressives extracted a key concession in the speakership vote negotiations. They got exemptions from PAYGO for Green New Deal, M4A, and other large expenditures. Its a long way off from passing these things, but its something. Hopefully it doesn't get taken out before they pass the bill. Its the first domino that needs to fall.

    Here's the tweet thread from Ryan Grim on the issue.

    Originally posted by Ryan Grim
    Progressives in the House have won a rules change that would allow Medicare for All, a Green New Deal or other big ticket agenda items to be exempted from paygo. This was a necessary step in opening the way for it.

    Paygo is short for “pay as you go,” which Democrats proposed in the 80s to get clever with Reagan, whose tax cuts and defense spending drove up the deficit. Since then it has been used to hamstring progressive policy. Last time Pelosi won this fight.

    The value of changing the rules, even though they don’t yet have the votes for M4A, is that it is easier to defend the rules as they are than fight for changes. Also it applies to things this term that can actually pass, like more checks, Medicaid and Medicare expansion etc.

    Also it’s too early to call it a victory. It has to get approved on the House floor, but getting it into the package is big.
    Polls in Georgia look good for both Dems to win, so Biden wouldn't have any excuses for austerity. People need to understand that its Biden who is failing, and pressure him directly, so I really hope they remove his excuses and give him both of these Georgia seats. Maybe if people saw that Biden had the power to do M4A or student debt cancelation or Green New Deal and was unwilling, they would do something substantive like a national strike. Remember how quickly the airline strike kicked the government's ass into action? Thats my longshot hope in all of this.

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  • GwynnInTheHall
    Originally posted by umjewman View Post
    Trump is apparently giving a speech tonight where he will present the REAL numbers. So, Biden won't have to work with Republicans since Trump is still going to win this election. You just wait!
    Where is that episode of Ow My Balls, when you need it?

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  • umjewman
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    Exactly, how can Biden work with Republicans if he imprisons their leader.
    Trump is apparently giving a speech tonight where he will present the REAL numbers. So, Biden won't have to work with Republicans since Trump is still going to win this election. You just wait!

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by umjewman View Post
    I suspect that they will not do anything so that the country can "heal" and" "unify" despite the fact that neither of those things will happen and Trump will just lob twitter bombs for the rest of his life.
    Exactly, how can Biden work with Republicans if he imprisons their leader.

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  • GwynnInTheHall
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Today, two House members asked the FBI to look into the call. Still not enough. I understand Biden isn't in yet, but he needs to put his foot down.
    I don't suspect he will without a push from congress to do so.

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  • revo
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    Yeah, not sure how anyone who claims that Trump is attempting to steal the election or conducting a coup can justify the Biden administration not taking action. (Assuming that he doesn't prosecute. Maybe he has done enough that they will do something, but I'm doubtful)
    Today, two House members asked the FBI to look into the call. Still not enough. I understand Biden isn't in yet, but he needs to put his foot down.

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  • umjewman
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    Yeah, not sure how anyone who claims that Trump is attempting to steal the election or conducting a coup can justify the Biden administration not taking action. (Assuming that he doesn't prosecute. Maybe he has done enough that they will do something, but I'm doubtful)
    I suspect that they will not do anything so that the country can "heal" and" "unify" despite the fact that neither of those things will happen and Trump will just lob twitter bombs for the rest of his life.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Yup. And yesterday Trump called Georgia Sec of State Raffensperger to pressure him to “find 11,870 more votes.” How he doesn’t get indicted for treason on 1/21 is beyond me. I’m starting to get pissed at Biden and the rest of the Dems that they’re just dfelecting this rather than being forceful with retaliatory threats.

    This is serious shit the GOP is pulling here and the Dems are just sitting back and watching it happen. All it takes is one shady judge or governor.
    Yeah, not sure how anyone who claims that Trump is attempting to steal the election or conducting a coup can justify the Biden administration not taking action. (Assuming that he doesn't prosecute. Maybe he has done enough that they will do something, but I'm doubtful)

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  • revo
    Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
    You left out that he also threated Raffensperger, saying that if he did not find them, he could end up in jail:

    Trump is doing everything he can to become an autocrat, and he has a frightening number of enablers. It used to be Republicans hated Democrats. Now they hate Democracy too.
    Trump apparently made EIGHTEEN calls to Raffensberger over the last 2 months.

    My prediction for tomorrow:
    - if the GOP wins both races, no fraud.
    - if they split, fraud alleged by the GOP loser.
    - if the Dems win both races, travesty of justice, fraud, civil war, secession.

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  • Sour Masher
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Yup. And yesterday Trump called Georgia Sec of State Raffensperger to pressure him to “find 11,870 more votes.” How he doesn’t get indicted for treason on 1/21 is beyond me. I’m starting to get pissed at Biden and the rest of the Dems that they’re just dfelecting this rather than being forceful with retaliatory threats.

    This is serious shit the GOP is pulling here and the Dems are just sitting back and watching it happen. All it takes is one shady judge or governor.
    You left out that he also threated Raffensperger, saying that if he did not find them, he could end up in jail:

    Trump is doing everything he can to become an autocrat, and he has a frightening number of enablers. It used to be Republicans hated Democrats. Now they hate Democracy too.

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  • GwynnInTheHall
    I'd like to recalculate the points in all 3 of my RJEL leagues so that I officially win like I know I really did--I did!!

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  • fuhrdog
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Yup. And yesterday Trump called Georgia Sec of State Raffensperger to pressure him to “find 11,870 more votes.” How he doesn’t get indicted for treason on 1/21 is beyond me. I’m starting to get pissed at Biden and the rest of the Dems that they’re just dfelecting this rather than being forceful with retaliatory threats.

    This is serious shit the GOP is pulling here and the Dems are just sitting back and watching it happen. All it takes is one shady judge or governor.
    And since the Dems won't retaliate for anything that has been pulled...wait until you see how brazen they will be next time they are in office...while hard to believe, I'd bet it is far worse with no worry of any reprisals.

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  • revo
    Originally posted by MagSeven View Post
    It's amazing that they don't even care that it is specified in the Electoral Count Act that Congress meets Jan 6 @ 1pm to count the votes. The Act would need to be changed for a 10 day extension. The Constitution sets inauguration on Jan 20. It can't be changed arbitrarily. *sigh* This shit show gets more and more embarrassing with each passing day.
    Yup. And yesterday Trump called Georgia Sec of State Raffensperger to pressure him to “find 11,870 more votes.” How he doesn’t get indicted for treason on 1/21 is beyond me. I’m starting to get pissed at Biden and the rest of the Dems that they’re just dfelecting this rather than being forceful with retaliatory threats.

    This is serious shit the GOP is pulling here and the Dems are just sitting back and watching it happen. All it takes is one shady judge or governor.

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