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2018 Midterm Election Thread

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  • Originally posted by chancellor View Post
    Of course, my POV is that it's more likely Cook County level corruption going on. As Marco Rubio accurately pointed out, by law in Florida, early voting and vote-by-mail are to be reported 30 minutes after polls closed. Only two counties are...hmmm...pushing two days over, and they're the heavily Democratic counties of Palm Beach and Broward. Nor have they published an scheduled outcome for reporting those votes.
    I’m not up on FL and and am being lazy but don’t Republicans control the Gov mansion and the state AG office? You guys are running the election. I currently think we are having issues with the actual vote in Broward or at least what I’m mainly talking about with the 27k difference between gov votes cast and senate votes cast. You are right they are still counting as those are the votes we are slowly getting that has pulled it within .26 last I saw.


    • Originally posted by chancellor View Post
      Vote early, vote often!
      Since I’m not a registered Democrat they won’t let me vote more than once. (I kid, I kid, no but really.)
      I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph and there is purpose and worth to each and every life.

      Ronald Reagan


      • Originally posted by chancellor View Post
        Vote early, vote often!
        Vote your family tree.

        Ad Astra per Aspera

        Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

        GITH fails logic 101. - bryanbutler

        Bah...OJH caught me. - Pogues

        I don't know if you guys are being willfully ignorant, but... - Judge Jude


        • Originally posted by chancellor View Post
          Of course, my POV is that it's more likely Cook County level corruption going on. As Marco Rubio accurately pointed out, by law in Florida, early voting and vote-by-mail are to be reported 30 minutes after polls closed. Only two counties are...hmmm...pushing two days over, and they're the heavily Democratic counties of Palm Beach and Broward. Nor have they published an scheduled outcome for reporting those votes.
          they will just keep producing ballots until they get the outcome they want.
          "The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable." -NY Times

          "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts" - Joe Biden


          • Well Rubio is playing fast and loose but... Florida law requires all early votes and TABULATED vote by mail to be posted 30 minutes after close. Unofficial returns have to be submitted to Sec. of State by noon the fourth day after the election . It's all there on the Div. of Elections website. Rubio is also leaving out some really important details.

            For one, Broward County Supervisor of elections Snipes was a Jeb Bush appointee, and has been caught in trying to suppress Democrat vote in prior elections. (Snipes has interesting history of botching Florida elections, take a look and get ready to be sick.) The person in charge of election recounts at the state level is Secretary of State Ken Detzner, whom Republican Scott appointed to the job. Detzner and Scott were repeatedly accused of working together to hatch schemes designed to suppress Democratic votes over the past eight years. It is, frankly, a blatant conflict of interest for Detzner to oversee Scott's recount, but Rubio isn't complaining about that here.


            • Snipes was confronted a couple of hours ago by reporters asking the obvious question, why cant Broward count the freakin votes, again. She does not present a compelling case, but it is certainly not for tying to do democrats favors.


              • One thing, and this is something provable. Voter fraud is insanely rare. It is a painful process for 1 person to stand in the long Florida lines with proper id and vote once and have it counted.

                "The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent. Given this tiny incident rate for voter impersonation fraud, it is more likely, the report noted, that an American “will be struck by lightning than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls.” yet Trump constantly talks about voter fraud, and most republicans believe this is something that occurs at a rate somewhat more than getting struck by lightning.

                The very real issue is voter suppression. Also an issue that has debunked our system as democracy in action, gerrymandering has been so effective for republicans its mind reeling. Something over 100 million votes were cast for senate this cycle, with democrats holding about a 7% edge in higher totals. Yet dems lost ground in Senate. When 4 years ago republicans held same 7% edge in vote total, it was, as Obama said, a shellacking of historic proportions that resulted in huge loss totals. Oh this is all ridiculous.


                • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                  Well Rubio is playing fast and loose but... Florida law requires all early votes and TABULATED vote by mail to be posted 30 minutes after close. Unofficial returns have to be submitted to Sec. of State by noon the fourth day after the election . It's all there on the Div. of Elections website. Rubio is also leaving out some really important details.

                  For one, Broward County Supervisor of elections Snipes was a Jeb Bush appointee, and has been caught in trying to suppress Democrat vote in prior elections. (Snipes has interesting history of botching Florida elections, take a look and get ready to be sick.) The person in charge of election recounts at the state level is Secretary of State Ken Detzner, whom Republican Scott appointed to the job. Detzner and Scott were repeatedly accused of working together to hatch schemes designed to suppress Democratic votes over the past eight years. It is, frankly, a blatant conflict of interest for Detzner to oversee Scott's recount, but Rubio isn't complaining about that here.
                  While Jeb did appoint her, Snipes is a registered Democrat. She may be marginally less incompetent than her predecessor, but this is near unbelievable. And, on top of it, there’s reports of an unsecured box of provisional ballots found at a grade school.

                  We do agree that her record is staggeringly bad.
                  I'm just here for the baseball.


                  • Do we really not have a gun control thread in here?

                    12 more dead, including one who survived the Vegas shooting.
                    If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                    - Terence McKenna

                    Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                    How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                    • Sinema just took the lead by a little less than 2,500 votes. There is now a legit chance that we wind up R+1.

                      Follow the latest on the Midterm Elections 2018 and view Arizona live results by county as voters exit the polls.


                      • Originally posted by frae View Post
                        Sinema just took the lead by a little less than 2,500 votes. There is now a legit chance that we wind up R+1.

                        Excellent (assuming it holds), my door knocking wasn't in vain.
                        If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                        - Terence McKenna

                        Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                        How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                        • Originally posted by DMT View Post
                          Excellent (assuming it holds), my door knocking wasn't in vain.
                          Long way to go, but at least it showed there were enough outstanding votes to close the gap. The problem with the Senate for me (average person trying to read precincts) is I can't tell exactly what votes are out. With a House race especially on the NYT's site I can tell what is outstanding and can look at trends from those precincts. All this does is tell us there is a chance just like I can now say there is chance in FL


                          • Originally posted by frae View Post
                            Long way to go, but at least it showed there were enough outstanding votes to close the gap. The problem with the Senate for me (average person trying to read precincts) is I can't tell exactly what votes are out. With a House race especially on the NYT's site I can tell what is outstanding and can look at trends from those precincts. All this does is tell us there is a chance just like I can now say there is chance in FL
                            From my understanding most of them are from Maricopa which helps Sinema. The Republican party is suing to stop any more votes from being counted, er just treating every vote the same lol.

                            With the U.S. Senate race too close to call, Republicans filed a lawsuit against all county attorneys and the Secretary of State late Wednesday.
                            If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                            - Terence McKenna

                            Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                            How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                            • The Democrats are not going to get the night of elation that sometimes comes with a swing election like this in the House because so many races were so close. Even those of us willing to just take the 538 projection of +34 couldn't really celebrate because the races were so close the sites were only able to report the races they could definitely call. Heck even at this minute the NYT only has it at 225 when it is almost certainly 230 with 5 true tossups out there. This could still wind up at 235-200 if they all break for the Democrats.

                              The Senate looked miserable when IN, ND, and Mizzou all went big to the Republicans fairly early. FL looked to be going too, MT was in a fight, NV still had no votes out and we had to watch TX slip slowly away from Beto. So there was at one point in the night the chance of R+6 and even after overnight it was still R+5 on the table because while it looked certain where the MT votes were going to come from nothing is for sure. So after NV and MT, we had R+3 booked with AZ outstanding and unsure where it would go.

                              If and it is a big if, this ends up +37 or better and the Republicans only gain 1 Senate seat this is a really impressive result. If the Senate is R+3 then so be it I hope we run up the score in the House, but for this specific moment it is exciting to see.

                              As of right now FL is down to 15,514 between Scott and Nelson. Sinema's lead has stretched to 8,859 over McSally. I use the word stretch loosely, but still wherever the votes are coming in from tonight are going her way. ABC is still only projecting that 83% of the vote is in.
                              Last edited by frae; 11-08-2018, 09:22 PM.


                              • Down to 15,093 or .18% . Palm Beach is now the only county still counting the mail in votes. Palm Beach went 58-42 for Nelson at this point so the margin should continue to shrink a bit. This will have a recount done by hand. Big question for me is was the strange number of votes in Broward for Gov vs Sen based on people forgetting to vote for the Senate, it was apparently in the lower left hand corner or was it because the machine in Broward had trouble reading it. If the machine couldn't read it this definitely could flip as we are talking about 27K votes that might go 60/40ish for Nelson.

