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12TO - NL Only Auction Results...

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  • #16
    I'd like to say that I had a strategy to bid on DL guys Glen but I'd be lying if I did. I was not as high on my keeper list as you, so I was willing to take some chances. And I did so in spades unfortunately. I already had Morrison as a keeper who is coming back who knows when, and probably nobody can say for sure what he'll give me when he does make it back. So drafting Hart, Hanley, McCann and D.Young in hindsight was probably a poor idea. They will all be back at some point however and with Gyorko in minors ready to replace one of them I do have hope of having a pretty good team in May. I just have to hope that I'm not to far behind in the counting categories by then that a good trade here or there will help propel me to the money spots. I do think there is good trade value in some of those guys though if it comes to that. I also drafted a few Pitchers that are going to start out on the DL as well, but I was able to cover up for most of that by drafting lot's of SP. As JC noted there is nothing on the waiver wire to help my injured hitting however.

    Any way my strategy going into the draft was to get at value guys and bargains if available, especially on the hitting side and acquire as many AB's as possible. I thought there was plenty of that with pitchers but not tons elsewhere. Although I will say that if I had spent a little more wisely in the last quarter of the draft I think I had a shot to grab full time AB's at every position (counting DL'd guys of course). Which is something that would have been unbelievable after losing the Astros this year. I'm not overly aggressive by nature so spending in the 40's and 50's for star power has never been something I do, unless I feel my keeper list warrants it. Which I no longer did after losing a $6 Morse in the off season. I liked my keepers, no doubt, but guys like Segura, Rutledge, Laroche, Morrison and even Harper to a certain extent, do come with some question marks. Overall I think I have a shot which is really all I could ask for.
    Last edited by BubbaJack; 03-31-2013, 03:50 PM.


    • #17
      We are still at the start line, but the lay of the land at this point is clearer than when we auctioned. Mc Crushers leading the way, His kept $15 Kershaw covers a multitude of issues. Big Tymers 3rd, Stomp 4th, WE 5th, Dangerfield 6th. None of those feel too out of place relative to rosters. Salamanders at 11th makes sense with the 45 guys on dl, but that is a ton of value when they get healthy and to me can be the winning combo. I know I would swap my entire roster for his, so make of that what you will.

      Last year we had rebuilders, Big Tymers did a back to back rebuild, so his team is not only armed for bear, its equipped like doomsday preppers in their bunker counting cans in the pantry. But to what extent should we play the long game? Franco rebuilt last year, sitting in last place now, but he went farm heavy, as in the value is in the unhatched stage. Next year those guys will be sprouting.

      I won last year, and in process wrecked my farm going for gold in swaps. So this off season I foolishly traded away my $5 A Chapman, who at the time was being touted as an SP, which made me nervous. I swapped him out in a trade for 3 farm guys, Z Wheeler, T Story, and a pick that ended up being N Syndergaard. Now I look at Chapman, and in the present day value I surrendered and the right now points in standings he would be worth to me if I hadnt jettisoned him.

      How much of an eye should we have to future when we are playing the game now? Evidently I have strong faith that the league is very healthy and will be around for next 5 years, as the trio of Z Wheeler, T Story, and N Syndergaard wont come close to matching 2013 value of A Chapman.


      • #18
        Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
        Big Tymers did a back to back rebuild
        I did? I finished 5th in 2011 with 74.5 points (80.5 got 3rd) so don't remember "dumping". I do remember only getting 19.5 pitching points that year which is just pathetic.


        • #19
          My bad Big Tymers, 2011 you did come in 5th, your team just looks ridiculously loaded now.

