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Wealth Inequality in America

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  • #16
    Excellent article from Robert Reich that echoes a lot of my thoughts on the recent elections and inequality.

    If you want a single reason for why Democrats lost big on Election Day 2014 it's this: Median household income continues to drop. This is the first "recovery" in memory when this has happened. Jobs are coming back but wages aren't.

    Fifty years ago, just 29 percent of voters believed government is "run by a few big interests looking out for themselves."

    Now, 79 percent think so.

    According to Pew, the percentage of Americans who believe most people who want to get ahead can do so through hard work has plummeted 14 points since 2000.

    What the president and other Democrats failed to communicate wasn't their accomplishments.

    It was their understanding that the economy is failing most Americans and big money is overrunning our democracy.

    And they failed to convey their commitment to an economy and a democracy that serve the vast majority rather than a minority at the top.

    And the Democrats? They have a choice.

    They can refill their campaign coffers for 2016 by trying to raise even more money from big corporations, Wall Street, and wealthy individuals.

    And hold their tongues about the economic slide of the majority, and the drowning of our democracy.

    Champagne for breakfast and a Sherman in my hand !
    The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
    George Orwell, 1984


    • #17
      "Invest in education and infrastructure - We spend more on education than any other developed nation. There is clearly a disconnect in terms of efficiency and results for each we dollar spend. I do agree with your infrastructure idea but these funds must be freed up at the expense of other items in the budget. There is too much frivolous spending."

      This is a whole separate topic of conversation, education and what needs to be done to fix it. We all have ideas, but I have a pretty good feeling the constant changes to curriculum that I see going on is one of the big issues. STOP CHANGING SHIT!!! We have this obsessive need to constantly tinker, and can't just leave shit alone.
      Considering his only baseball post in the past year was bringing up a 3 year old thread to taunt Hornsby and he's never contributed a dime to our hatpass, perhaps?

