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Gun control stats...along with other big "killers"

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Pogues View Post
    It's WHY you want to own a handgun that matters....which I would like to own one...or two.

    When I was in the Army, I really enjoyed target shooting. I found it relaxing, fun, and challenging. I never had the chance to fire a handgun, just the M16 (AR15 in the public world). So I would like to own one or two handguns to allow myself the opportunity to go to gun ranges and practice shooting.

    My like you. So I've yet to actually own one. But if you don't feel you need a gun for defense (and I've never lived in a place where I thought I would), then keeping the gun locked in a lock box with ammunition and magazines locked in a separate box in a separate location, with keys stored in separate areas, then they are safe to have in the home.

    Having a loaded handgun in the nightstand ready to pull out and play Dirty Harry if you hear a strange noise...well THOSE are the guns that kids end up picking up and shooting someone or themselves.
    I've taken permit to carry classes, I've shot targets with a handgun, and I've had fun. But it's finally come home to me...there is NO reason to own a handgun, period. If you really care about defending your home, get a dog, a big one, or a small yappy one, either is going to be more effective in driving an intruder off. If that doesn't do it for you, get a 12 gauge, which is a MUCH more effective weapon for home defense that any handgun. Just racking the thing is likely to make any intruder go back out the way he came...and if it doesn't, well you don't have to be a crack shot with a shotgun.
    "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
    - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

    "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
    -Warren Ellis


    • #17
      Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
      I mean, was anybody else shocked to read that you don't need a background check if you buy guns from gun shows??? It's completely ludicrous that anybody would defend such a loophole in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. And yet, partisanship and stubbornness and fear dictate that people refuse to limit how damn easy it is for ANYBODY to acquire a gun. Unreal.
      I attended a gun show last year with my son. Not to buy...just to look. Every place I went by that had guns had the background check sheets sitting in plain view. They also had signs that stated background checks had to be performed for all handguns, and the waiting period would need to be completed.

      I'll go again this year, just to test out if rifles and shotguns could be bought without any kind of background check. I do believe all guns SHOULD have that background check done...but gun shows are not any different in sticking to the laws as any store is. Well, legally run store.
      Considering his only baseball post in the past year was bringing up a 3 year old thread to taunt Hornsby and he's never contributed a dime to our hatpass, perhaps?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Pogues View Post
        I attended a gun show last year with my son. Not to buy...just to look. Every place I went by that had guns had the background check sheets sitting in plain view. They also had signs that stated background checks had to be performed for all handguns, and the waiting period would need to be completed.

        I'll go again this year, just to test out if rifles and shotguns could be bought without any kind of background check. I do believe all guns SHOULD have that background check done...but gun shows are not any different in sticking to the laws as any store is. Well, legally run store.
        Here's a major problem with gun shows...

        Current law requires licensed gun dealers to conduct background checks, because that is the only way to determine whether a person is eligible to buy a gun. Licensed dealers must also keep records about the buyer so ATF can trace the gun if it is recovered at a crime scene.[i]

        The law does not, however, require so-called occasional sellers to do these checks – and there’s no clear definition of what qualifies as an occasional seller.[ii]
        Many sellers at gun shows abuse that loophole by calling themselves occasional sellers. Because they concentrate at gun shows, it is easy for felons and other prohibited possessors to find someone who will sell to them without a background check.

        ATF concluded that “gun shows and flea markets are a major venue for illegal trafficking.”[iii]

        "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
        - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

        "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
        -Warren Ellis


        • #19
          I dare say it is easy for felons and other prohibited possessors to find someone to sell them a gun just about anywhere. But I see your point. It is up to gun show organizers to make sure the right folks are selling weapons, and other checks are put into place to be sure guns aren't making their way into the wrong least within the gun show.
          Considering his only baseball post in the past year was bringing up a 3 year old thread to taunt Hornsby and he's never contributed a dime to our hatpass, perhaps?


          • #20
            Well gentlemen, you can call Mith's chart anything you want to, but let's take a look at some real other killers as well as guns. Why not the outcry for some legislation on those.

            165 kids a day are seen in the ER for poisoning. Most related to them ingesting meds that they should not have gotten into.

            What about the abuse of young adults ingesting perscription drugs that are not theirs?

            Much larger death toll, but no government invite for intervention?

            You guys are probably better at digging up the statistics than I am. So how about one of you find an annual poison statistic that we can agree on?

            Lastly, I cannot understand why some of you would be so eager to have gun control and not have much harder regulations as to the prevention of drinking and driving.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Gregg View Post
              Well gentlemen, you can call Mith's chart anything you want to, but let's take a look at some real other killers as well as guns. Why not the outcry for some legislation on those.

              165 kids a day are seen in the ER for poisoning. Most related to them ingesting meds that they should not have gotten into.

              What about the abuse of young adults ingesting perscription drugs that are not theirs?

              Much larger death toll, but no government invite for intervention?

              You guys are probably better at digging up the statistics than I am. So how about one of you find an annual poison statistic that we can agree on?

              Lastly, I cannot understand why some of you would be so eager to have gun control and not have much harder regulations as to the prevention of drinking and driving.
              poisons, gun control, drug abuse, and drunk driving laws are all being lumped together - hmmm

              I can't sort out all of those totally different things.

              Guns are designed to kill things and people and should be regulated at least - why is that so complicated?

              Assault weapons are designed to kill multiple people and things at the same time - why do we need those at all?


              • #22
                Originally posted by swampdragon View Post
                poisons, gun control, drug abuse, and drunk driving laws are all being lumped together - hmmm

                I can't sort out all of those totally different things.

                Guns are designed to kill things and people and should be regulated at least - why is that so complicated?

                Assault weapons are designed to kill multiple people and things at the same time - why do we need those at all?
                Because there are much bigger problems out there. Why do you think that legislation is the answer? Why do you think taking away freedoms is the answer? If it is the answer why not address all of the "killers?" I want to add I am not saying that the problem should not be addressed. I just do not think laws are the way to go.

                I happen to agree with the assualt rifle ban. Those that defend it would say it is in the event that they are needed to protect us from the historical tyranny of evil government. Some believe that this is the first step.

                I would be willing to trade hollow points, and true assault rifles for everyone needing to blow into an alcohol testing device to start their car. If over the .08 limit car does not start. Let's all give up a little freedom for the common good.

                Obviously none of this is going to happen but it is interesting to talk about.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                  Well gentlemen, you can call Mith's chart anything you want to, but let's take a look at some real other killers as well as guns. Why not the outcry for some legislation on those.

                  165 kids a day are seen in the ER for poisoning. Most related to them ingesting meds that they should not have gotten into.

                  What about the abuse of young adults ingesting perscription drugs that are not theirs?

                  Much larger death toll, but no government invite for intervention?

                  You guys are probably better at digging up the statistics than I am. So how about one of you find an annual poison statistic that we can agree on?

                  Lastly, I cannot understand why some of you would be so eager to have gun control and not have much harder regulations as to the prevention of drinking and driving.
                  These are completely off-topic issues, but if we must get off-topic...

                  If people could replace expensive pain medication with legal weed, you'd see a lot less kids getting their stomachs pumped. I watch my mom (53, lupus, permanent disability), take dozens of pills every day, all with side-effects which require ADDITIONAL pills to counteract those side-effects... and carry new ones. It's insane. It's also expensive.

                  How many people would be saved if alcoholics had access to legal weed? Rates of assault would go way down. Drinking and driving would go WAY down, if marijuana took over as the "chill with your buddies" indulgence of choice. Driving with marijuana impairment is different than drinking and driving, as it doesn't affect motor skills in the same way as alcohol. It would be a new and difficult issue to deal with, but it couldn't possibly be worse than the way things stand today.

                  The affect of alcoholics themselves switching to weed would be great as well. People would live longer, and be less of a burden on your new shiny public health care system.

                  So in a way, marijuana advocacy gives me faith that we can limit the dangers of prescription drugs. So long as the government is able to replace the revenue from the taxation of billion dollar industries of booze and big pharma. That's the biggest issue. It's a money thing.
                  Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
                    These are completely off-topic issues, but if we must get off-topic...

                    If people could replace expensive pain medication with legal weed, you'd see a lot less kids getting their stomachs pumped. I watch my mom (53, lupus, permanent disability), take dozens of pills every day, all with side-effects which require ADDITIONAL pills to counteract those side-effects... and carry new ones. It's insane. It's also expensive.

                    How many people would be saved if alcoholics had access to legal weed? Rates of assault would go way down. Drinking and driving would go WAY down, if marijuana took over as the "chill with your buddies" indulgence of choice. Driving with marijuana impairment is different than drinking and driving, as it doesn't affect motor skills in the same way as alcohol. It would be a new and difficult issue to deal with, but it couldn't possibly be worse than the way things stand today.

                    The affect of alcoholics themselves switching to weed would be great as well. People would live longer, and be less of a burden on your new shiny public health care system.

                    So in a way, marijuana advocacy gives me faith that we can limit the dangers of prescription drugs. So long as the government is able to replace the revenue from the taxation of billion dollar industries of booze and big pharma. That's the biggest issue. It's a money thing.
                    They are not off topic issues if the issue is controlable death and government intervention.

                    Just for the record, my off duty policeman cousin was on his way to go fishing early one morning when a man who was very high crossed the center line and hit him head on. It killed him leaving his wife and 2 year old son to fend for themselves. The driver walked away.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                      Because there are much bigger problems out there. Why do you think that legislation is the answer? Why do you think taking away freedoms is the answer? If it is the answer why not address all of the "killers?" I want to add I am not saying that the problem should not be addressed. I just do not think laws are the way to go.
                      I think that we have the fundamental difference here.

                      You think that you should have the freedom to possess an object whose sole purpose is to kill something without government intervention or regulation.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                        They are not off topic issues if the issue is controlable death and government intervention.

                        Just for the record, my off duty policeman cousin was on his way to go fishing early one morning when a man who was very high crossed the center line and hit him head on. It killed him leaving his wife and 2 year old son to fend for themselves. The driver walked away.
                        Are you trying to imply that weed and booze provide the same level of impairment to drivers? Or are you just repeating what I said about it being a complex issue, but certainly no more complex than our current problems with booze?

                        Maybe we should just stop letting people drive?
                        Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                          Lastly, I cannot understand why some of you would be so eager to have gun control and not have much harder regulations as to the prevention of drinking and driving.
                          Oh, I'd love to talk stricter laws for driving while under the influence. Although, when I mention what I'd like to see to folks I associate with, they usually stare at me like I'm a maniac.
                          Considering his only baseball post in the past year was bringing up a 3 year old thread to taunt Hornsby and he's never contributed a dime to our hatpass, perhaps?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                            I would be willing to trade hollow points, and true assault rifles for everyone needing to blow into an alcohol testing device to start their car. If over the .08 limit car does not start. Let's all give up a little freedom for the common good.
                            Then again...maybe I'm not such a maniac.
                            Considering his only baseball post in the past year was bringing up a 3 year old thread to taunt Hornsby and he's never contributed a dime to our hatpass, perhaps?


                            • #29

