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Can't we all just get along?

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  • Can't we all just get along?

    Screw politics screw religion. We're al humans.

    Both parties are full of ****. They all have their own agenda while doesn't include YOU. All this **** is just BS. We get ****ed over either way.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Roto Rooter View Post
    Screw politics screw religion. We're al humans.

    Both parties are full of ****. They all have their own agenda while doesn't include YOU. All this **** is just BS. We get ****ed over either way.
    Wow. We agree.
    "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."


    • #3
      well fair warning i'm just going to drink all day, so my filter is just gone today. Honetly i like you Mith. You tell it like it is


      • #4
        Obama and the socialist agenda is a bunch of ull****. If you want to succed and make money then be proactive. The republicans and morns with this religipon BS and the rish get risher BS. Woever wins the the iddle class guy who works hard everyday ill still get screwed over. We can't win whoever is in power.


        • #5
          Now I'm completely plwoed at the moment as a reuslt of my neighbor comign back from Japan tonight and giving me a dammed waterlglass of %&^&$*%^( aprciot soju to drink without tellign me that the %&^* is 180 proof, so my frame of mnid mitght be a bit off-- nobody should be thid drunk off of somethinf that tastes like aprico9ts... but waht do odds means whenh you can';t figure out the qusetion. We don';t undrerstand the universe, so putting odds onn things that occur within it is what....? Stupid. Just not a good idea, it isn';t. Dumb and bad too do whath you don't knoww about. Silly, like not smart from sdmart enough people.
          "Jesus said to them, 'Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.'"


          • #6
            HAHA Bob Kohm classic. You know how many times Bob Kohm ahs banned me from this site? I still love that fat bstard.


            • #7
              Confession. I used to be BeanBall. Bob kohm banned mr for saying towel head. I apologize for that, but ome on towel head is funny


              • #8
                If Obama's a Socialist, I'm a big hairy spider-chicken


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Roto Rooter View Post
                  Confession. I used to be BeanBall. Bob kohm banned mr for saying towel head. I apologize for that, but ome on towel head is funny
                  This Episode of RJ True Confessions...
                  "Looks like I picked a bad day to give up sniffing glue.
                  - Steven McCrosky (Lloyd Bridges) in Airplane

                  i have epiphanies like that all the time. for example i was watching a basketball game today and realized pom poms are like a pair of tits. there's 2 of them. they're round. they shake. women play with them. thus instead of having two, cheerleaders have four boobs.
                  - nullnor, speaking on immigration law in AZ.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
                    If Obama's a Socialist, I'm a big hairy spider-chicken
                    How i sobamaa and the demo's not socialit? they absoultely want to redisribute te wealth?

                    i can;' fault a man for awanting to protect his invenstment.


                    • #11
                      it's all bull**** these stpuid p[olls by moon,ight j and GWITH. Seriously we all humans. scroew this polictialca bullsiot buys onbama and romney are both **** holes. we get screwewd eithe weay


                      • #12
                        I do not get involved with serious political discussion - on this board or ever - so this will be my one and only sober statement on the subject and that's it. I'm not saying Obama has all the right answers and we should go along with everything he says. I do believe his intentions are in the right place. This country needs a serious reset button. Congressional and senatorial positions were designed in the constitution to be voices for the people. They haven't been that for years. Even at the local level, politicians are so scared of not getting re-elected, that can't just do the right thing, they have to do the most cautious thing and they have to act in the best interest of their re-election campaign. "We must keep our phony-baloney jobs gentlemen. Harumph, harumph, harumph."

                        If you feel it's necessary to call fiscal redistribution socialism, then so be it. If that label helps you sleep better at night, fine. The 4% that control wealth will always have more money than you or I could ever dream about. Why shouldn't they give up a bit more to help out the rest of the country that feeds their wealth on a daily basis? The Greeks had it right - all things in moderation. If moderation is observed with regards to fiscal redistribution, then smack my kid and call me a socialist. There's no negative connotation to doing the right thing, no matter how the right wants to label it. If the extreme right is that patriotic, they shouldn't care about the color of the skin of the man with the plan - they should be evaluating the plan based on its merits regardless of the petitioner.
                        "Igor, would you give me a hand with the bags?"
                        "Certainly. You take the blonde and I'll take the one in the turban!"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Long John View Post
                          I do not get involved with serious political discussion - on this board or ever - so this will be my one and only sober statement on the subject and that's it. I'm not saying Obama has all the right answers and we should go along with everything he says. I do believe his intentions are in the right place. This country needs a serious reset button. Congressional and senatorial positions were designed in the constitution to be voices for the people. They haven't been that for years. Even at the local level, politicians are so scared of not getting re-elected, that can't just do the right thing, they have to do the most cautious thing and they have to act in the best interest of their re-election campaign. "We must keep our phony-baloney jobs gentlemen. Harumph, harumph, harumph."

                          If you feel it's necessary to call fiscal redistribution socialism, then so be it. If that label helps you sleep better at night, fine. The 4% that control wealth will always have more money than you or I could ever dream about. Why shouldn't they give up a bit more to help out the rest of the country that feeds their wealth on a daily basis? The Greeks had it right - all things in moderation. If moderation is observed with regards to fiscal redistribution, then smack my kid and call me a socialist. There's no negative connotation to doing the right thing, no matter how the right wants to label it. If the extreme right is that patriotic, they shouldn't care about the color of the skin of the man with the plan - they should be evaluating the plan based on its merits regardless of the petitioner.
                          Party politics has always been the biggest impediment to real democracy ... and more so in today's mass media circus than at any time before. No matter what intentions they start off with, they always become self-serving agencies.

                          The mass consumption side of US politics is so simplistic that using terms like Socialism, or letting them being used out of context, is dangerous. Socialism is pejorative word in US politics, and using it to describe Democratic Party politics is also pejorative ... and wildly inaccurate. What Obama is trying to do is a kind of watered down neoliberal Third Wayism ... which is a centerist species (some would say abomination) of Social Democracy used by center-right political parties to masquerade as "left" (see the monster Tony Blair created). Socialism is a million miles away from this. Has real Socialism ever existed in US politics? Maybe it gathered some momentum in the 30's ... before the war put an end to that.

                          That's not to denigrate things like the PPACA which is clearly a vast improvement on the way things are. Still a long long way from having a proper health system, and a step sideways rather than a step in the right direction, but better than nothing. Socialism it aint.


                          • #14
                            This thread turned too serious...

                            Bartender!! More whiskey, por favor!
                            I always liked Alfonseca and he is twice the pitcher Hall of Famer Mordecai Brown was - cavebird 12-8-05
                            You'd be surprised on how much 16 months in a federal pen can motivate you - gashousegang 7-31-06
                            "...That said, the hippo will always be the gold standard here" - Heyelander's VD XII avatar analysis of SeaDogStat 1-29-07
                            It's surprising that attempts to coordinate large groups of socially retarded people would end in this kind of chaos. - Cobain's Ghost 12-19-07


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SeaDogStat View Post
                              This thread turned too serious...

                              Bartender!! More whiskey, por favor!
                              Go f^ck yourself. Is that better?
                              I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

                              The Weakerthans Aside

