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iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S III

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  • #31
    Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
    I reckon Samsung and Dropbox are praying they don't need it :-) They'd be broke if every GS3 user took up the 50gb allowance.

    Apple have the high end market by the balls, they'd be wrong to give that up. I think they got the price point for the Mini right ... No point competing with Android on price ... They will then just be another manufacturer.

    IMO the big battle will be Microsoft v Android in the mid-low end PC market. Apple will just keep on keepin on. Outside of the USA and some other affluent markets, PC and Android already rule, and they will eventually dwarf the American and Euro markets.

    I reckon Android can make huge gains into the mid-low end ARM based laptop and desktop market. Going all in on Windows RT could be the best decision Microsoft ever made. They will be able to get Windows 8 on millions of super cheap low end ARM devices over the next 5 years.

    It's hard to bet against Google overall, but I'm not sure there will be a clear winner. The market is big enough for all to co-habit ... as long as Wall Street keep their noses out. I mean last week Apple announce record profits, and Wall Street was 'disappointed'. What more do they want?
    I agree, while Google may not seem like a "sexy" company to many people, it ability to stay relevant and pivot is quite scary. I actually like the size of the 5 relative to the GS3.


    • #32
      Originally posted by JudeBaldo View Post
      I agree, while Google may not seem like a "sexy" company to many people, it ability to stay relevant and pivot is quite scary. I actually like the size of the 5 relative to the GS3.
      I can't believe that Apple will stick to their 2 year cycle on the iPhone. The rapid release of the new iPad4 would suggest they are changing their strategy a bit. In just the next few months we will be getting the Note 2, the HTC One X+, the new LG Nexus (supposedly ... LG? Really?), the Lumia 920, and some variant of this HTC device (edit: the HTC DLX on Verizon)... with an insane 440ppi resolution on a 5" display. That's just within a couple of months. 2 years seems like an eternity.
      Last edited by johnnya24; 10-27-2012, 02:46 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by DMT View Post
        Google+ does that for me for free.

        Google+? Their social network thing? That's some diverse functionality.

        Regardless, Apple will back iDevices up to the cloud for free, too. Problem is that I have an enormous backup file - much bigger than the basic 5GB or whatever they give you at no cost. I know people who use the free storage for backup purposes only.


        • #34
          Originally posted by JetersGlove View Post
          Google+? Their social network thing? That's some diverse functionality.

          Regardless, Apple will back iDevices up to the cloud for free, too. Problem is that I have an enormous backup file - much bigger than the basic 5GB or whatever they give you at no cost. I know people who use the free storage for backup purposes only.
          Maybe Google Drive?

          Found a price comparison, and Dropbox and Apple iCloud are both very expensive. Microsoft Skydrive looks like the best deal right now, Google Drive a close second. Dropbox and iCloud are 4x more expensive than Microsoft.

          Is there free storage if you have an iDevice? The minimum Dropbox package is 100GB ... I can't see that I'll ever have 100GB stored in the Cloud (although I've said similar things with tech in the past) ... and it's $100 per year or $10 per month.

          Sometimes a table says a thousand words. Now that Google has finally announced its cloud service, Google Drive, we're sure more than a few of you are crunching the numbers in your head in an attempt to figure which is the best deal. Far be it for us to tell you which service to use when we've barely had a chance to poke around Drive, but for now, better if we lay out those gigabytes and dollars in number form, rather than squeeze them into a crowded paragraph, don'tcha think? Follow past the break for a brief breakdown of what you'll get from Google, along with Dropbox, Microsoft SkyDrive and iCloud.
          Last edited by johnnya24; 10-28-2012, 07:46 AM.


          • #35
            Get them to give you one of these babies ... Padfone 2:

            It's only been half a year since the peculiar PadFone made its much-delayed entry into select markets, and earlier this week, ASUS' launch of its second-gen phone-in-tablet brings us back to this old question: are we better off with just one mobile screen instead of two? Ask any ordinary manufacturer and the answer is likely the latter, because who doesn't want to sell more products? Similarly, carriers would likely back such manufacturers for the sake of selling more data plans, even if they admire ASUS' efforts (and they could already be selling ASUS tablets in the first place). Some folks also argue that if you have to carry the tablet module with you anyway, you might as well have two separate devices for better multitasking. It seems like there's a huge mountain to climb here, but on the flip side, ASUS' innovative differentiation does have some advantages. You only need one data plan (and no tethering required) for both form factors, you get to keep the same data in one place instead of having to duplicate them and you can pretty much instantly switch between a small screen and a large screen for the same content. Not to mention that there's also the added functionality of charging up the phone while it's sitting inside the tablet. Alas, the original PadFone and PadFone Station didn't quite hit the spot: the combined weight and bulk made it tough to justify the phone-in-tablet idea, which is why we said it's all about the PadFone 2 in our review. Let's see if ASUS has done it right this time 'round.%Gallery-168881%

            Last edited by johnnya24; 11-01-2012, 09:58 AM.


            • #36
              This is kinda funny ... it was obvious the original statement was a breach of the court order, hell it even mocked the courts decision ... and now they have every media outlet running the story again, and repeating the court order again. Not a good strategy you'd think.


              • #37
                Well, the final decision was made and I went with...the Galaxy S III.

                It should be in around mid Nov.

                Thanks for everyone's help.


                • #38
                  Check out the insane specs on this for 1/3 the price of the iPhone5, and less than half the S3:

                  Google Nexus 4

                  Very high quality building materials, fastest quad core chip, 2GB RAM (double iPhone5 and GS3), big battery, wireless charging, NFC, epic 4.7" screen that beats the HoX and the iPhone5 ... and guaranteed to have the very latest version of Android .... up to 6 months before everyone else.

                  Direct from Google from only £239 ($299) unlocked (£279 for the 16GB model - $349), without a contract ... best spec'd phone on the market for cheaper than a typical mid-low range Android? 3+ year old second hand iPhone4's go for that price on eBay.

                  The only downside is that it offers only 8GB and 16GB internal storage (and no expandable slot) ... WHY! Memory is dirt cheap. You think they'd learn the HTC One X lesson!

                  Also, no 4G yet ... but it has DC HSPA+ which can get LTE-type speeds on T-Mobile USA ... if you can get a fast connection on T-Mobile you can save somewhere between $800 & $2000 over a 24 month contract and still get about 7/8 MB connection (see link below). If you can't get T-Mobile's DC+, it's only a 3G HSPA device. This was an interesting discussion about The Verge's instant reaction to the Nexus 4 not having LTE ...

                  Google are clearly eyeing the non-contract and International markets ... which have much more competition among providers, and is more consumer oriented ... and much larger. You know if they it had LTE, Verizon and AT&T would simple charge $199 upfront with a ridiculous contract, and defeat the purpose of building a price busting non-contract device. Interesting strategy, and hard to knock considering only 3% of the international market are on LTE (I won't be considering LTE for at least a year, possibly much more).

                  ... this is "Photo Sphere", new to stock Android 4.2.

                  Last edited by johnnya24; 11-02-2012, 09:44 AM.


                  • #39
                    The other thing that was announced for 4.2 is multi user, not so important for phones but very much awaited for by those of us with android tablets.
                    It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by TranaGreg View Post
                      The other thing that was announced for 4.2 is multi user, not so important for phones but very much awaited for by those of us with android tablets.
                      If they can do a better job of marketing the Nexus 4, it should be a mega seller. I'm getting really sick of 2 year contracts.

                      It's so tilting looking at these deals, and not being able to budge for 18 months ... and it's at least 6 months before I can buy out of my contract without losing money.


                      • #41
                        Samsung Galaxy S3:


                        I would recommend you to buy a Samsung Galaxy S3 Mobile Phone.It has good features,applications,speed internet etc..big display and the price is also too good.
                        You can buy a locked phone because it is very less cost when compared to an unlocked phone.Then visit the site here they are providing the unlock code at low cost with easy step by step unlocking instructions and unlock it.After unlocking it,you can use freely any GSM network SIM card.This is the safe,fast and permanent unlocking method.


                        • #42
                          peeple are making it less likely that I will buy a samsung. but I guess i shouldn't hold it against them.
                          I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by heyelander View Post
                            peeple are making it less likely that I will buy a samsung. but I guess i shouldn't hold it against them.
                            Well, yeah, that, and the price is too good. You don't want that. A little higher price and it might seem like a better choice.
                            "Jesus said to them, 'Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.'"

