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Not a synopsis, but the plot of my movie from the aborted Movie Character Draf

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  • Not a synopsis, but the plot of my movie from the aborted Movie Character Draf

    Basically, the plot was going to be this:

    Ming the Merciless was able to take over the minds of Iron Man, Batman, Superman, Thor, and Green Lantern. He was using them to wreak havoc on the Earth. Rufus (from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure) was forced to take to time travel to find help. He landed in the Old West and recruited Doc Holiday, Trinity, Chris Adams, Waco Kid (Jim), and Paden. How on earth will the cowboys be able to stand up to some of the most powerful beings of all time?

  • #2
    Pretty funny stuff. Cowboys vs. Super Villains. Not a bad plot.
    "Igor, would you give me a hand with the bags?"
    "Certainly. You take the blonde and I'll take the one in the turban!"


    • #3
      I would guess this would be better than a Cowboys vs. Aliens movie.
      Considering his only baseball post in the past year was bringing up a 3 year old thread to taunt Hornsby and he's never contributed a dime to our hatpass, perhaps?

