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there's two fisher cats battling for territory behind my house.

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  • there's two fisher cats battling for territory behind my house.

    on monday i was watching baseball and heard something yelling outside at 10:30 pm. it sounded like kids yelling. then i realized it was an animal. it was loud cause my windows were closed. so i put my boots on and grabbed a machete and flashlight and ran outside shirtless in sweatpants. ran into the woods and up some paths and waited. heard a big ruffle of leaves and then 5 minutes later a 2nd ruffle as the other animal left. at the time i thought it was a regular cat crying out as it was getting treed by a fisher cat.

    then last night i heard it again. so this time i was quicker. and grabbed my machete and flashlight and ran out again at 1:30 am. it's right next to houses. so some ppl turned on their outside lights while this guy with a flashlight and machete was walking around in their yard.

    then at 4:30am it happened again. and i ran out again. thats when i realized it wasn't a house pet vs wild animal but 2 wild animals. i can't describe a fisher cats roar but it's really loud. i think im gonna buy some night vision goggles. during the 1:30 am event my neighbor let his beagle petey outside. started barking at me as i walked by. went up and told him to 'go back inside buddy', as the neighbor looked on seeing me walking down the street with a flashlight and machete

    i often wondered why there's not many cats, crows, or raccoons in this neighborhood. my woods are infested with fisher cats.

  • #2
    Originally posted by nullnor View Post
    . my woods are infested with fisher cats.
    and shirtless guys with machete's it would seem.


    • #3
      q: What would make you say 'time to move' quicker than shirtless guy with machete?
      a: Shirtless guy with machete and nightvision goggles.
      people called me an idiot for burning popcorn in the microwave, but i know the real truth. - nullnor


      • #4
        everyone should own a machete. i was suprised myself when i went into home depot and saw it was legal and only $14. i think the blade is graphite, rubber handle, and saw on one end and blade on other. it's like a sword! it's not very sharp tho, and it doesn't have a leather case like in the movies. i didn't take it with me for the fisher cats but if there were any coyotes that might get any ideas, or maybe a bear. we don't have many bears tho.

        i was just trying to save someones pet. i don't understand how these ppl can hear these sounds and stay in their houses.


        • #5
          people called me an idiot for burning popcorn in the microwave, but i know the real truth. - nullnor


          • #6
            it's gonna happen again tonite. and every night that i deny these beasts their food. accelerating it until they starve or move.


            • #7
              this may sound strange coming from me. but only when all wild animals are wiped out, will humanity reign, and evolution be over... .


              • #8
                There's just no words...
                "There is involved in this struggle the question whether your children and my children shall enjoy the privileges we have enjoyed. I say this in order to impress upon you, if you are not already so impressed, that no small matter should divert us from our great purpose. "

                Abraham Lincoln, from his Address to the Ohio One Hundred Sixty Fourth Volunteer Infantry


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nullnor View Post
                  i was just trying to save someones pet. i don't understand how these ppl can hear these sounds and stay in their houses.
                  If someone's pet gets killed, they're a good chance they're going to believe the shirtless guy with a machete did it. You could be terrifying some people. Get some sleep.
                  people called me an idiot for burning popcorn in the microwave, but i know the real truth. - nullnor


                  • #10
           bring a smile to my face when I read posts like this. Thank you.

                    Shirtless guy with a machete wearing night vision goggles. Awesome.
                    Bob- I'm not exactly sure it would ROCK as you say it Byron.. it may be cool, by typical text book descriptions. Your opinion of this is shallow and poorly constructed, but allow me to re-craft your initial thought into something tangable.


                    • #11
                      it just happened again and it's only 8:15 pm. night hasn't even completely fallen yet. i can't even let my cat out at 8pm. ..someone knocked on my door earlier today but i didn't answer it. i wonder if it was that neighbor. i think this thing must be rabid starting up this early. should be an interesting night. if it is rabid, i think i might be able to get it to come at me and get in close with the machete. getting tired of running out there tho.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Controller Jacobs View Post
                        If someone's pet gets killed, they're a good chance they're going to believe the shirtless guy with a machete did it. You could be terrifying some people. Get some sleep.
                        thats good advice except that there are no cats left in my neighborhood. and i know. they used to harrass my cat but i never see them anymore. plus you get the signs on telephone poles of missing pets, but not as much anymore. i was even able to make friends with a few of them and convince them to leave my cat alone. they'd still come around tho, but they'd leave her alone.

                        it's a tricky thing making friends with a cat harrassing your own. you have to let them in the yard but not make it a confrontation. once they know they are allowed it takes all the fun out of it for them. for example there was this really bad ass one. i knew him. so he's stalking my kitty one day and i let him. he ahad a real temper too. but i let him know he was allowed here. but when he finally went for my cat, i stumbled forward and accidently tripped and fell. he looked at me and was like, dude you just fell flat on your face. heh. and then i let him hang around until he got bored and left. my cat wasn't very happy about it, but we made an understanding.

                        another time, he was right at her in front of the door. he could've got her too but didn't. i ran out and coaxed her back inside. but not before she turned around and gave him the word. he looked at up at me and not her, and was like dude you gotta do something about that bitch or he was like wow, thats one unhappy kitty. but the point was he was communicating with me not her. so it's like kitty kindergarten.

                        i hope he's ok. i haven't seen him i months.

                        this fisher cat has been killing everyones cats for like 10 ****ing years. he might have even gotten my cat's father. im going to kill it.


                        • #13
                          does anyone have any crossbow tips? im gonna buy one. why did i wait so long to kill this thing.

                          also i need some hunting tips.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nullnor View Post
                            does anyone have any crossbow tips? im gonna buy one. why did i wait so long to kill this thing.

                            also i need some hunting tips.
                            Stick 'em with the pointy end.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nullnor View Post
                              does anyone have any crossbow tips? im gonna buy one. why did i wait so long to kill this thing.

                              also i need some hunting tips.
                              if you get into hand to hand combat don't let him take the machete from you.
                              It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.

