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Getting the economy going.

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  • Getting the economy going.

    In the discussion of the debt and deficit, the economy has occasionally been raised. I agree that a robust economy would help, but how do we get one? In the general sweep of things, what can the federal government do, without hurting its already dangerous fiscal position?

    The stimulus bills have been so much pork, and helped not one measurable bit. The argument can be made that the tax cuts helped the economy in 2002 and 2003, but that was then, and they are integrated now. Even those that supported the tax cuts then, are not arguing for new ones--except Ron Paul.

    One method for improving the economy is to loosen regulatory pressure. This can take many forms. I will give some examples.

    1) Mineral exploitation of Federal land. ANWAR, for example, would be paying its coin now had it been approved in 2001. Drilling offshore is another. It is not trivial to say that every gallon we produce is a gallon we do not buy. Evironmental factors also play a large role here.

    2) Home loans were a major disaster in the middle of the last decade. One large factor was that banks were forced, by regulations, to give loans where need was high, and ability to repay was not. The irony is, that the banks were then accused of predatory lending.

    3) Drug smuggling and distribution takes a massove amount of our police time and energy. Some illegal drugs, hemp for example, have legitimate medical use. Others are better dealt with as public health issues than as criminal matters. A similar case can be made concerning illegal immigrants.

    4) Obamacare has been entirely the disaster it was predicted it would become. Exemptions are being handed out in piles, because the law is self contradictory. Throw it out and start over.

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    Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

    GITH fails logic 101. - bryanbutler

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