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i looked at my profile even tho i didn't want to really look except thru google

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  • i looked at my profile even tho i didn't want to really look except thru google
    Originally posted by Pip's Invitation
    Seems like every board I'm on has at least one bat****-crazy leftist -- usually from California -- whose view of the world is so far removed from a normal person's that it boggles the mind.

    Ham at FBG
    Nullnor at
    PhillytheKid at
    Beavercleaver at

    Sometimes I wonder if those are all the same person.
    im honored really. but the link was already gone.
    Nullie and "Quote" - Free people check - is a discussion forum powered by vBulletin. ... There's a great nullie post in the test forum: Quote: Originally Posted by nullnor ... mail.rotojunkie. ...
    i wonder what quote that was. i had some good really ones in the test forum knowing they would be deleted. i guess i sort of jinxed myself. .. but im happy i don't have many google hits. is short. we aren't meant ot live forever or have our rantings spammed all over creation.

    i have an idea for my next post, it's gonna be about aliens. and whether they are friendly or mean. the idea has been getting a lot of play lately. i guess it can mean either two things, it needs contemplation or that aliens will be visiting us soon. heh.

  • #2
    ok, ok change the subject a little. i heard something the other day that got me thinking about craziness.
    Do Some Leaders Have ‘First-Rate Madness’?

    Provocative stories and authentic voices from around Boston.

    In 1841, Abraham Lincoln descended into a deep depression, his second debilitating depressive episode. The future president was 32 years old at the time. He’d have a third in the midst of the Civil War. But in 1841, the effects of Lincoln’s depression were already so marked, a friend noted, “The Doctors say he is within an inch of being a perfect lunatic for life.”

    In the eyes of Dr. Nassir Ghaemi, it is this near-perfect lunacy that made Lincoln a magnificent leader in the crisis of the Civil War.

    Ghaemi explained that he specializes in bipolar disorder and treats “a lot of people with mania or depression,” Ghaemi told Radio Boston’s Meghna Chakrabarti. “I noticed that a lot of great leaders appear to have a lot of the same symptoms that my patients have, and historians either didn’t note this or deny this. So I tried to set the record straight.”

    In his new book, “A First-Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness,” Ghaemi makes a provocative claim: “The best crisis leaders are either mentally ill or mentally abnormal; the worst crisis leaders are mentally healthy.”

    The statement has won Ghaemi as many critics as it has admirers. We take a closer look.
    there's a link to listen to the interview. it's quite good. it also explains why calm leaders like Barack do not work during a crisis.

    .. this is just my way of showing you how everything works. this one is quite the revelation.

    i love getting old. so many answers to all our questions. sometimes it's so invaluable. it's a shame growing older and learning can't be shared more. life really is too short. just imagine the power humanity will have when we live longer. it really can't be understated. all that knowledge stored with equal personal experience will be very effective. in the future.


    • #4
      Originally posted by nullnor View Post
      [url]im honored really. but the link was already gone. i wonder what quote that was.
      Except you're not a bat&^*% crazy leftist.

      Now that GITH we're talkin'
      I'm just here for the baseball.


      • #5
        Originally posted by chancellor View Post
        Except you're not a bat&^*% crazy leftist.

        Now that GITH we're talkin'
        Nor is he from California!

        California is by far the greatest state in the Union, and if ever there was a state that should leave the Union, it should be California....
        "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

        "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski

