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RIP Jack Layton

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  • RIP Jack Layton

    Leader of the opposition in our federal government passed away this morning.
    Leader of the New Democratic party he leaves behind a wife, 2 daughters and a grad daughter.

    One thing I truly admire about Jack is that when the mud slinging would begin, there was a line he wouldn't cross when it came to personal attacks. The other leaders act like most every politician but Jack always seemed just a tad more honourable.

    RIP Jack.

  • #2
    yeah, a sad day up here in Canada. 61 years old, just took his party from relative obscurity to being the official opposition based on a platform of social justice.

    You know a man is respected when our business-oriented papers open with sentences like this:

    Originally posted by The Globe & Mail
    Jack Layton’s passing leaves a hole in the moral centre of Canadian political life.
    It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


    • #3
      One of the few politicians I would believe he meant it when if he said "head or gut" - i'd know it wasn't going to end up balls or between the shoulder blades.

