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Should Criminals that Help Society be Pursued?

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  • Should Criminals that Help Society be Pursued?

    This story details a case where a woman seeks to hire a hitman to kill her lover's wife. The Dark Web site she paid 5k to was a scam, and the admin of the site provided detailed evidence against this person and many others, because he felt it was his moral duty and he did not want harm to come to the intended victims.

    Such scams are a growth industry on the dark web. I deplore scammers and enjoy watching Youtube videos of scammers bilking old folks out of gift cards getting pranked. They are a scourge, because their victims are vulnerable and innocent. And I understand the slippery slope looking the other way can lead to for one class of scammers, but I can't help but feel anything but amusement and appreciation for this particular scammer and his ilk that are choosing to focus their scams on those seeking to hire hitmen to kill people. The result is a win-win for the scammer who gets the money and law enforcement, who gets all the evidence they need to find the people trying to hire hitmen. It is a sting where instead of tax dollars paying leos, the potential killers are paying for their own capture.

    So, my poll question question, which I put here, because I don't think this will be a hot topic as much as just a regular discussion, is posted, because I think it makes for an interesting conversation about ethics and morality.
    Leos should actively pursue the scammers; illegal activity should not be tacitly condoned
    Leos should not actively pursue the scammers; it would discourage them from reporting