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Eating Season

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  • Eating Season

    We are two days before the official start of eating season!

    This year the season will be 41 days ending on Jan.1st. It starts with the traditional Thanksgiving Feast at my Sister's House and ends with leftover ribs and fixins from New Years Eve rib fest on New Years Day.

    In between lots of traditions and celebratory luncheons.

    Do you have traditions?

  • #2
    Yearly traditions we look forward to in winter...

    Tubing at the ski hill. We take our daughter every year. When the "pushers" at the top of the hill are into it, it's especially fun, but when they're dumb kids, it can be frustrating.

    Family album making. We design and decorate yearly albums to remember the fun times.

    Wreath making. Did this on the weekend. I always cut pine branches and make a new wreath every year.

    Conservatory visit. Something about visiting the conservatory in the winter, stepping into all that tropical plant atmosphere... always a nice getaway from -30.

    Also seems like watching university women's basketball has become our winter thing. First game is Nov. 30th. My daughter cant wait to see the returning players.
    Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."

