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White deaths exceed white births for first time in US history

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  • White deaths exceed white births for first time in US history

    For the Sports Bar old timers, this is fucla's worst nightmare coming true. We've known for a while to some degree that the birth rate for Latinos in particular was trending us toward a time when white's would no longer be the majority of American residents and even American citizens, but then immigration from Mexico slowed significantly. But it seems that without even accounting for immigration patterns, there will be material demographic shifts that leave whites as a lower and lower percentage of the Amercian people. Meanwhile race relations continue to be at a flashpoint level in much of the country. Will the demographic trends, if they continue, ameliorate or exacerbate that?

  • #2
    it's the inequality in the economy. birth rates drop in a recession. it's not the old days when you can put your kid to work. nowadays it's expensive to have children.

    therefore, in contrast to his economic policies i think donald trump is only pretending about caring about white babies!

    ..but seriously, aren't the red states more poor than blue states? i never understood why they say republicans are better at business or with money. you can try to criticize education, but that will keep birth rates up only so long. if people don't feel financially safe, or are underemployed or underpaid and benefits go to a smaller portion of the population...where businesses have things like mandatory arbitration or your job could be outsourced it's going to cause birth rates to drop, which will then eventually cause wages to increase from a shortage of labor.

