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read this comment about transgenderism

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  • read this comment about transgenderism

    This is about correcting something that is wrong not slapping some mythical fairy tale creator in the face. By your logic repairing a child's cleft palate, spina bifida repair or correcting any of a multitude of birth defects is going against how they were "made by their creator." So should we just go back to letting these things go unchecked or use our medical and scientific advances to fix them?

    There have been brain scan studies of transgender persons done that show they have the brain structures of the gender they know themselves to be but weren't necessarily born. Current theory is that there is a hormone imbalance while the fetus is developing in the womb that causes the brain to develop as one gender and the body to develop as the other.

    Gender is not as cut and dried as some would have you believe. There exist a large variety of conditions, both overt and very subtle, that cause people not to fit into a binary gender. Take for instance the case of middle distance runner Caster Semenya in 2009. This was a girl that grew up in an impoverished South African village but became a very accomplished runner. That is until someone questioned if she was cheating or even *gasp* a woman at all. This 18 year old was forced to undergo a series of very invasive gender confirmation tests. After all was said and done she found out something about herself that she never knew, she did not have a uterus and she had internal testes as well as a vagina and breasts. So if she attempts to undergo corrective surgery to remove the internal testes is that going against how she was made?

    I wouldn't wish the transgender condition on anyone because I know how tough it was growing up in small town Ohio like this. Surrounded by bible thumping, right wing, gun loving hypocritical sunday christians. Trying to find a therapist and physician versed in the care and treatment of transgender people seemed nigh impossible at one time and finally necessitated travel to the big city. It takes most people many years of therapy and hormone treatment before they can finally live as the person they've always known themselves to be on the inside. Heck, it's a couple years before a therapist will sign you off to have surgery.

    Undertaking gender transition is not some frivolous undertaking as there are many hurdles and heartaches involved. Most of us lose a lot of family members in the process because they can't adapt or understand the condition. For a lot of transgender people it basically comes down to living their life in an authentic fashion to be who they are or not living at all.

    Children seem to take gender transition the easiest of all because they don't have nearly as many preconceived ideas about people. Children aren't born prejudiced, they learn it from the adults around them. Children, especially the teens that may be struggling, need to know that things do get better and they can be the person they know themselves to be on the inside. Unfortunately due to discrimination around them the suicide attempt rate for transgender individuals is around 35% according to a study released earlier this year by the Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. The suicide attempt rate for the normal population is only around 1.6%.

    Children and adults both need to be educated that this is not some deviant condition but just one of a multitude of birth defects that can be bettered through current medical advances.
    i admit it's kind of confusing. is it real? are ppl pretending? is it girly men trying to trick straight men? or manly females tricking straight women? then you think all the different hormones and chemicals and just more ppl in the world today. i'd never have but i'd rather hang out with a girly man than a manly girl tho. manly women seem like *******s.

    did you see the video of a transgender chick get her ass kicked at mcdonalds recently. she couldn't have acted more feminine. and you know men don't get their asses by women. but, i would think transgender ppl know pretty soon who they are. i mean, you don't just don't wake up on day and say i feel a man or woman.

    moral of the story is: don't give your kids weird names like Chastity. they'll just grow up transgendered because of it!.. what kind of name is Chaz? im not sure thats better.

  • #2
    ah ****. i meant "i" read this comment... not YOU read this comment.


    • #3
      Originally posted by nullnor View Post
      i admit it's kind of confusing. is it real? are ppl pretending? is it girly men trying to trick straight men? or manly females tricking straight women? then you think all the different hormones and chemicals and just more ppl in the world today. i'd never have but i'd rather hang out with a girly man than a manly girl tho. manly women seem like *******s.

      did you see the video of a transgender chick get her ass kicked at mcdonalds recently. she couldn't have acted more feminine. and you know men don't get their asses by women. but, i would think transgender ppl know pretty soon who they are. i mean, you don't just don't wake up on day and say i feel a man or woman.

      moral of the story is: don't give your kids weird names like Chastity. they'll just grow up transgendered because of it!.. what kind of name is Chaz? im not sure thats better.
      LOL. I'm thinking you got the message and moral wrong, here, nullie. I think it's pretty clear that transgenderism, like homosexuality, is a lot more attributable to nature and a lot less attributable to nurture than has been historically believed.

      As for what we should do when we identify a newborn with both male and female parts, or a child with a gender-sex mismatch, I don't know. But ultimately I suspect that at this point in history, it's easier to change a human's sex to match their gender than the other way around. And in my opinion, there's a huge difference between transgenderism and homosexuality. The vast majority of homosexuals are not psychologically or physiologically transgendered. I would never support 'fixing' a homosexual. I probably can, in the right situations, support a medical fix for transgenderism.


      • #4
        My half sister (15 years younger than myself) always acted like a boy from the day she was first able to make decisions for herself. I recall her fighting with my step-mom at the age of 5 because she refused to wear a dress to a family affair. She would spend her weekends with the boys that lived across the street and showed zero interest in wearing skirts or playing with dolls. But it was nothing like being a "tom boy." Due to divorce and the distance we lived from each other, we were never that close.

        As a father of 2 myself I knew that at some point I would have to explain to my kids that their aunt was a lesbian, which I was totally prepared to do. Well a couple of years ago, my father comes to my house to tell me something about my sister, and I was bracing myself for the "Your sister is gay" speech when he hits me with the "your sister is becoming a man" speech. Well, lets just say that i wasn't prepared for it and my dad said that he/she would understand if I wasn't quite ready to accept it. But after a few minutes of piecing everything together it made perfect sense. I called him/her up the next day (he is in college) to throw him my full support and let him know that we are here for him.

        He is currently going through hormone treatment and has a girlfriend that is actually quite attractive (don't ask how it works, I still don't know). I am not sure if he will eventually have surgery but his voice is as deep as mine now. I will say that he is about 300% happier than he was before announcing this.

        Since my kids were very young at the time (newborn and 3), we just refer to him as uncle and haven't had to explain the sex change to them as of yet.


        • #5
          A female friend who I grew up with has been in a relationship with a male-to-female transsexual both long before his sex change surgery and treatments and after. He was a biological male, sexually attracted to females, who was still very clearly psychologically-gendered as a woman. Now they're a same-sex couple and are expecting a child (through a sperm donor).


          • #6
            Originally posted by B-Fly View Post
            LOL. I'm thinking you got the message and moral wrong, here, nullie.
            lol, i was kidding about the name thing. but you knew that. not that it's my business but like Gwyneth Paltrow naming hers Apple or Jessica Alba, Honor. im not sure where the name Chastity ranks but it's up there. who names their kid Chastity or Honor?

            also, remember that college sexuality professor that recently had a live masterbation class? i got the bad reference of so-called tricking straight men after looking him up at the time. that guy was called a tranny chaser by the transgender community after he did research under false pretences and wrote a book and that was his lame conclusion.

            anyways i thought that readers comments were interesting. and probably accurate...i will go off the reservation tho and say i think men turning into women seems more natural than women turning into men. it is the default gender after all. but it is the same thing i guess.

            i don't have sex but sexuality facinates me. i also don't like carrots or peas, but i love pea soup and carrot cake.


            • #7
              I like peas.


              • #8
                I have a buddy whose 8 year old son is making the transition to a daughter, this was a 2 year counselling/psych effort on the front end. Maia has always identified as a girl. They need to wait until farther in puberty to start hormone treatment, but dressing/naming has made the shift to female. I have a daughter the exact same age, and she and her buddies have had the least problem with the whole thing
                "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

                "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski

