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Checking in from Dublin

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  • Checking in from Dublin

    Well, RJers. Checking in from Dublin. There was a time where I was on The Bull Pen every single day. I suppose that's Twitter now. But RJ was always an amazing place, with some amazing posters.

    These are strange and disturbing times. To the East of me there is Brexit. To the West, Trump. Marine Le Pen on the rise in France; the already-risen Erdogan in Turkey perhaps a vision of what an unmanaged Trump might become.

    But enough of that.

    In the last year we have bought a house and I have had a child. A very, very good year. House is old and cold but ours. No idea how we're going to add a third bedroom to it, but somehow I'm sure we will find a way. Having a son and managing the 9-5 meant taking some time out from the newspaper side of my existence. That was tough, but obviously a great conflict to have. Now dipping my toe back in, when time permits. Wrote about it a while back, if you feel like reading

    Have added a weekly podcast to my journalism/media portfolio. It's paid, which is good. It's on a Sunday afternoon, which is bad. But it's the right opportunity for me right now. They originally wanted me as contributor - statsy analyst alongside current & former professional players - but then asked me to double-job as host. It's a nice fit. Really enjoying it, but it's a big commitment. Couldn't do it without a *very* understanding wife.

    So, life is complicated. But good.

    Hope all you guys are well, and that Trump the First never has a Soju moment.


  • #2
    First, congrats on the child and house!

    Second, it always amuses me when a couple with ONE child feels overwhelmed! But I suppose it's like a high school kid who got drafted playing in Rookie ball. We all gotta start somewhere! You'll get used to it real quick.

    Stop in every now and again. We're not bad guys.


    • #3
      Good to see you and congrats on your Son and the new house.

      If you put it on your calendar/schedule you could squeeze us in for 20 minutes a week...just sayin.


      • #4
        Congrats on your momentous life experiences.
        "Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." Oscar Wilde
        "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Gandhi
        WRL (AL-only) Champion (league started in 1997) - 1997, '98, 2000, '03, '08, '15, '16, '17
        PVRL (NL-only) Champion (league started in 1986)- 1993, 2004, '05, '06, '10, '11, '14, '16, '17


        • #5
          Glad to hear you're doing well.

