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i have this schtick at work

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  • i have this schtick at work

    **disclaimer i don't and wouldn't do this to ppl that officially have problems with verbal gluttony or congruity.

    over the years i've found it increasingly difficult to have normal conversations with my coworkers. for example, a coworker might have three stories he/she tells. and they'll rotate them to try to throw you off, waiting for the right time to tell you it again. and once they trap you, you start asking yourself if they realize this is the 15th time in 10 years they've told it to you? sometimes i think they do, and they are thinking, wow i can't believe this will be the 15th im getting away with telling this story as they look at you.

    there is also the coworkers that seem to have trouble breathing and talking at the same time. they don't have a disability. they just seem to get excited and their brains can't decide whether to talk or breathe at the same time. so i realize there is already some internal struggle going on.

    so for the past 2 years when they make a statement during the story like 'i did this' or 'this happened', i say quickly 'no you didn't or 'no it didn't.' this causes a brief pause in the conversation where they reply 'yeah i did' or 'yeah it did'. now, you would think they would say something like, 'how the fuck would you know because you weren't there'. but this never happens. and i say 'oh ok' and see if they can continue.

    so this has gone on for about 2 years before anyone noticed i was doing it. but alas, they have finally outed me. even tonite while i was talking someone did it to me and i discovered what it was like. my stomach got warm from sensing some type of conflict and my brain got briefly confused while it decided what to say while trying to complete my story.

    and the other day i got one of those brochures they send to you in the mail for night school. and i saw a course that said
    GETTING UNSTUCK: HOW TO MANAGE DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS: understanding the nature of conflict, and how to 'get unstuck' with a collaborative approach. learn how conflict impacts us. styles for managing conflict, how to turn conflicts into opportunities, and how to approach and manage conflict conversations. discuss how to productively express different perspectives, and how to negotiate better outcomes. students will have an opportunity to practice some of the skills, tips and tools discussed.
    you know these aggression training courses like EST, those type of things? im a shy person but someone suggested taking one of these uh. anyway, it cost 39 bucks! 39 bucks to join this thing? so it basically cost nothing and only lasts one night . uh, a real tough one. so i figured this is perfect for me.

    whats the worst that can happen? ppl raise their hands in class and start telling a story that they are practiced at telling, and across the room i can interrupt them and momentarily disagree. i'd like to see how the teacher handles that! so maybe they'll eventually get security to escort me out. which would seem to defeat the whole purpose of learning how to handle conflict?

  • #2
    anyways i highly recommend trying it. i did it for 2 years. you'll be surprised how long you can get away with it before anyone notices.


    • #3
      My schtick at work is to wear headphones all day, even if I'm not listening to anything. It certainly keeps inane co-worker conversations to a bare minimum.
      "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
      "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
      "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."


      • #4
        Originally posted by nullnor View Post
        anyways i highly recommend trying it. i did it for 2 years. you'll be surprised how long you can get away with it before anyone notices.
        no you didnt

