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2016 Weight loss thread.

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  • #46
    I dug up some numbers from 5 years ago, the 2011 weight loss thread (only because the earlier ones are obviously gone). Pretty interesting.

    virgonomic 259.8 / 246.4 / 240
    Judge Jude 202.4 / 197.2 / 185
    heyelander 211 / 206 / 195
    In the Corn 269 / 262.6 / 250
    Teenwolf 216 / 220 / 190
    Fielding Melish 253 / 241 / 230
    Papa Deuce 285 / / 260
    jefeboy 287 / 280.6 / 250
    wombat104 262 / / 210
    fuhrdog 228.5 / 225 / 210
    GwynnInTheHall 200 / 181 / 165
    I woke up today at 153 lbs, down 63 lbs from 5 years ago. I've been between 151-155 for the last 3 months because of the strict diet I'm on (No sugar, and almost zero processed food, mostly homemade) I have zero cravings for sugar now, and almost zero cravings for snacks, but not quite.

    When I was 216 lbs, you couldn't have convinced me I'd be close to 150 in a few years, in the best shape of my life. At the time, I had just quit drinking alcohol, and I was drinking 2-4 litres of coke zero per day (for my calorie counting, ha!) and I was eating 3-4 chocolate bars, 5-6 bags of chips, 2-3 bags of sugar candy, every single week, and surviving mainly on cereal and cheap processed meat for food... and I was tracking all of my calories! I was also usually going into these weight loss threads with an attack plan. (Calorie counting, lifting weights, running/walking, drinking excessive water) Although it felt good, every year losing 10-30 lbs, it didn't help me over the long haul. Every year I'd come back heavier.

    Interestingly, after being a landscaper for the last 10 years, where I'd lose weight during the summer and gain it back the next winter, I've now completely stopped exercising over the past 6 months. I was heavier and in worse shape when I was running 15-25 miles every week. It's 100% about the food, as my only exercise now is healthy eating.

    Here's a week of meals for me from last week, since I track all of my food intake now:

    4 x double-size smoothie: Milk, banana, strawberry, white chia seeds, hemp protein, maple syrup, matcha powder
    6 x rolled oats w/ black chia seeds, blueberries, banana, maple syrup, milk
    3 x salads (nice salads, with some fruit or squash for sweetness, plus maple syrup sweetens my Maple Ginger kale salad, so it tastes quite rich)
    1 x frozen black bean burrito
    2 x chickpea scramble with red peppers, red onion, potatoes, and fresh dill.
    3 x brown rice bowl with broc + sweet potatoe fries, tofu, and gravy
    4 x giant beet burgers with buns (brown rice, beets, almond butter, spices... I've been amazed by these! New regular in rotation.)
    3 x chips (avg. 150 grams)
    2 x homemade ice cream (coconut milk/sw. potato base with cinnamon and candied walnuts, sweetened with maple syrup)

    Does it look painfully strict or unsatisfying? All of the dinner meals, I stuff myself, given that I'm only usually eating 3 meals a day. I eat my rice bowls out of a salad bowl, usually with 3/4 head of broc.

    One thing it is, is time-consuming, but I never regret the time spent cooking something great from scratch.

    I was forcibly dragged kicking and screaming into this. I didn't ever want to eat healthy, and I would have dismissed this entire rant 5 years ago, as I was too strongly addicted to sugar and junk food to ever see a way out of it.

    Good luck to everybody still working on things, as we are bombarded and surrounded by unhealthy food. I wanted to provide the exact opposite perspective from Frae, as I've gotten into my best shape without exercising at all. Running marathons and flipping giant tires (Biggest Loser style) just isn't going to work for most people (and it'll actually injure a lot of overweight people), and counting calories is not a sustainable lifestyle, so if you want to earn your weight loss with diet optimization instead of running marathons, there's another way to achieve significantly improved health.

    I'm still working on things too. Now that my stomach issues are starting to go away (only pain/bleeding once or twice a week now, if I cheat with restricted foods... fingers crossed I can figure it out completely by the end of 2016), I'm able to take on more physically. Started weight lifting again yesterday after 6 months off, and was shocked that I actually held some of my gains from last year! Can't wait for the snow to melt, and start bike riding again!
    Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


    • #47
      Originally posted by Mithrandir View Post
      183.9. Down about a pound. Yay!
      Weighed in today and went up to 184.7. Which is difficult to accept as I have really been watching what I eat. Ah well...maybe next weigh in will be better!
      "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."


      • #48
        Originally posted by eldiablo505
        Decided to check my scale today.

        Feb 24th - 223.4

        Goddamn worthless scale. I have no idea how much weight I'm losing, lol.
        Can I make a suggestion? (get a new scale)


        • #49
          I was watching some youtube clips about healthy eating, and one of the things that I kept hearing was surprising to me, that basically "if you eat a super healthy, zero sugar, plant-based diet, with an 80/10/10 ratio of carbs/fat/protein, you'll need to devote attention to making sure you consume enough calories because your food is so nutrient dense and calorie efficient." So I checked my diet, and I get all the protein I need from rolled oats, brown rice, quinoa, broc, etc, so that was good. Fat seems to give me pain. Nuts, coconut milk, chips, and fries all give me pain, probably from the high saturated fats in them. What it also means is that my weight loss can be attributed to, as El Diablo continues to say, eating less calories. Now, I don't know how it's possible that I'm eating such a low amount of calories, considering that I feel like I'm stuffing myself to the exact extent that I used to gorge on sugar. I usually have 2, sometimes 3 giant rice bowls for dinner. Although last nights 3 giant rice bowls with sweet potatoes, broc, and tempeh did put me up 2.5 lbs from the day before, so maybe that's it. I need to concentrate on stuffing myself more to keep weight on.

          So there it is. Calories are the key... however, you will never be able to change your metabolism, weight, hunger, or ultimately your health, if you insist on eating less of the same foods. It's just not possible without malnutrition... you need to increase the calorie efficiency, not decrease your calorie intake. Decreasing your calorie intake without changing the content of food is unsustainable and unhealthy. Eating healthier will make you feel good, and crave less of the caloric dense crap that's artificially inflating your calorie count.

          If you look at your diet/calorie count like would your fantasy roster/standings, you're going to see that some players (foods) are putting up vastly superior numbers to other players, right? So if you have a roster of pizza, beer, bacon, packaged foods, fast food... that's similar to owning CC Sabathia nowadays, he's just gonna kill the rest of your good numbers. Anyway, the point is, your roster needs a stronger foundation of superstars to support the occasional calorie bomb.

          I hope some of you are still motivated in this!
          Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


          • #50
            Jan 11 - 220 (Monday, first day of program)
            Jan 19 - 217.4
            Jan 26 - 215
            Feb 3 - 213.4 (Wednesday)
            Feb 9 - 214 (back up a little, but overall trend is downward)
            Feb 17 - 213.4 (not much progress - but not discouraged yet.)
            Feb 23- 216 (had a hectic weekend - did not watch what I ate like I should have) (still not discouraged - considering myself a "work in progress")
            March 2 - 216 (still)


            • #51
              I started working out recently. Not to lose weight but to get in shape and for something to do.

              An issue I've encountered is that it is very difficult to find any info on regular workouts, as any google search I do is overwhelmed by websites that use words like "blast" "fuel" and "pump". Does anybody have a link to a regular site that for example might tell me what machines best complement each other?
              people called me an idiot for burning popcorn in the microwave, but i know the real truth. - nullnor


              • #52
                I am by no means bulking, I am just trying to tone, but I am happy to give you what I am trying to do. I would mostly suggest free weights when you can. The only machine I use is the low row and the lat pull down. I do 3 sets of 10 for each. I don't have a lot of time so I do 5 days of 35 minute workouts. You could do this in 3 days if you have more time. I used this site that has short demos on how to do these to help as I hadn't lifted a weight since high school...

                Learn to perform every exercise! The Exercise Guide has exercise videos, photos, details, community tips and reviews to help you reach your fitness goals

                If this isn't for you no big deal, just thought I would share. Good luck!

                Tricep/Bicep Workout

                DAY 1

                Tricep push downs

                Tricep kick backs

                Tricep over head extensions

                Ez bar bicep curl tight

                Ez bar reverse grip bicep curl

                Hammer curls standing alternate bicep

                DAY 2

                Tricep skull crushers

                Tricep dips

                Tricep ez bar ben press close grip

                Dumbell alternate curls bicep 20 lbs

                EZ bar wide grip bicep 50 lbs

                Dumbell incline hammer curls bicep 60 lbs

                Back and Shoulder Workout

                Day 1

                Seated Low Cable Row

                Wide Grip Lat Pull Down

                Arnold Dumbell Press

                Front shoulderRaises

                Lateral shoulder Raises

                Day 2

                Standing Military Press

                Dumbbell Shoulder Press sitting

                Reverse Flyes

                Close grip lat pull down

                One Arm Dumb bell Row

                Pull ups

                Chest/Legs Workout

                1 Day a Week

                Bench Press

                Dumbbell flyes

                Pushup till burn out

                Barbell Squat

                Dumbbell lunges


                • #53
                  I thought I would bump this and share a bit.

                  This summer went fast and I ate pretty much what I wanted. Corn on the Cobb, Brats on buns, summer stops for ice cream, lots of potatoes, bad night time snacks.

                  My weight got back to 224.5 which according to my doctor was a 5 pound weight gain in 8 months. My type II is not under control.

                  I committed to eating healthy, getting more exercise, and losing some weight. My next appointment is Nov. 21st. I want to be 210 by then as well as have my A1C test at 6-6.5.

                  I thought I would post up here to have a bit of accountability.

                  I think I am going to weigh in on Mondays.

                  In the last two weeks I am down to 219.6. This was kind of expected, now will see if I can get these 10 lbs off in two months.


                  • #54
                    9/26= 218.6


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                      9/26= 218.6
                      10/5 = 217.6

