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many "interacting" worlds interpretation of QM

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  • many "interacting" worlds interpretation of QM

    In his theory, Poirier postulates that small particles from many worlds seep through to interact with our own, and their interaction accounts for the strange phenomena of quantum mechanics. Such phenomena include particles that seem to be in more than one place at a time, or to communicate with each other over great distances without explanations.
    it's a new theory from 2010. it's getting popular now. it's different from hugh Everett's many worlds interpretation. what Everett did was apply the wave function to everything, not just the particles. but what Poirier does is remove the wave function altogether.

    I mean, it's really not acceptable to have a quantum measurement and spooky action at a distance problem.

    I suppose if you, in a science fiction sense, tied in biocentric universe theory and your actions influence reality in this universe or 'world', and different but similar worlds can interact, then your actions would influence the other worlds too.

    --- Bill Poirier is Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Research Professor and also Barnie E. Rushing Jr. Distinguished Faculty Member at Texas Tech University, in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and also the Department of Physics. He received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of California, Berkeley, followed by a chemistry research associateship at the University of Chicago. His research interest is in understanding and solving the Schrödinger equation, from both foundational and practical perspectives.
