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i feed this fish at work his name is nemo

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  • i feed this fish at work his name is nemo

    he not mine. but on someone's desk. they work weekdays and I work weekend nights. they leave the food out. and then during the long vacations I save him from starving. but whoever owns him knows what they are doing. always the right water. clean bowl and little filter.

    I make sure to try not to let him miss any food as I know it will pollute the bowl and kill him. it's one of those Japanese fighting fish. sometimes he blows up his face at me. like he's communicating. one thing I find interesting is when he's trying to digest food. he'll swim away to the other side of the bowl as if to say not to drop more food until he's ready.

    I talk to a fish. I figure my voice makes certain vibrations in the water. water does carry sound 3 times better than air. but mostly when trying to wake him up gently. he seems to go into some sort of hibernation during the weekends. so takes a little while to wake up.

    I have a co-worker who is a real nerd, and got him worried about nemo too. I only allow him to look at him but not feed him. and I actually think after 2 years nemo can recognize me. he's like it's that dude that feeds me on the weekends.

    it's helped me develop a theory about the dual wave theory. everything likes good attention. even fish, even chemical particles. when you look at a particle it manifests into reality. you give it energy by paying attention to it. it's thermodynamics. even plants respond to heat and light. everything responds to attention.

    he gets his little flippers moving and I know he knows he can waste that energy in response because he's going to be fed and have that energy replenished.

  • #2
    It is also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish and the Chinese Fighting Fish. Kind of funny because they are not from Japan or China. They are from Thailand. They are also known as Beta Fish.

    Beta Fish are beautiful, but you need about 2-3 gallons of water per fish. And you can never put two males in the same tank...unless you want to find out why they are called fighting fish.

    We had a beautiful blue one. My daughter named him FredEx. He knew when it was time to eat.

