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is it unusual for a doctor to ask your sexual orientation?

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  • is it unusual for a doctor to ask your sexual orientation?

    I finally got a physical, my 2nd one in 20 years. im glad the doctor accepted to see me. but then afterwards i started thinking he's gay. and he wants me to know this just in case im anti-gay and have some kneejerk reaction when i realize it. actually i'd rather have a gay doctor because then there's no homophobia when he has to check out your junk. isn't that weird? which is why i like the idea of having a female doctor. but then that has problems too.

    the first question was what my sexual orientation was. and i didn't think anything of it. i sat there and proudly announced that i was straight with a smile. like there was nothing wrong with me. so that could've come out better. so im thinking he's checking on my mental state too. they ask you questions like whether your depressed and stuff, and if i was gay, that would be added pressure based on how society has been behaving. then he asks if im sexual active. that's a standard question. more important for women than men tho cause their parts are more complex. and again the answer was no. which i think im trying to win some award in. heh. then he asks me if im concerned about AIDS. this question i almost aced cause i said, 'oh no, i got tested for that in the 80's when it was all the rage'. and he smiled about that. i thought ok, he needed to know if i think i have hiv because nurses will be drawing blood from me. but then now if he's gay then i just belittled the aids epidemic in the gay community.

    he wasn't very good with sports either. i smoke cigarettes and i developed 2 black dots one on my bottom lip and another below my nose right above it. i imagine it's no different from developing spots on your lungs. so it's pre-cancer. so he mentions Michael Douglas, like he got cancer from smoking. tho i didn't say the word cunilingus, but i tried to correct him. so then he mentions Curt Schilling's cancer which i told him a better example is Tony Gwynn cause Curt Schilling is a fucking redneck. tho i didn't say that about Schilling. i mentioned how Ernie Zampese would smoke a lot and that i needed to change my whole lifestyle in order to quit smoking. which im trying to do. so that was more sports stuff which he knew even less about.

    then there was other things how i said im not really interested in quitting smoking, and whether that bothered him. and he briefly referred to himself as a bleeding heart liberal trying to help or cure ppl. tho i think he was actually trying to get me to talk about politics there. which even tho im liberal, i learned a lot from being on rotojunkie in the sports bar. politics is not worth it. you learn what its all about then you keep it to your vest. let everyone discover their stuff in their own time.

    i think it was because i mentioned my cat at one point and then started balling my eye's out. it's a strange thing to be handed kleenexes when you're a guy. the female vet did for me once, and he also did. tho there i am getting my snots all over the place so it could've been a hygiene thing.

    im good a being dumb. and when it comes to gays i really am dumb. i just don't notice it unless it's obvious. and i kind of look at it like a racial thing, like there is no difference. but being gay and being black are kind of different things. gays want you to know. while blacks don't need to tell you. my main issue was hygiene tho. i have a genital wart, and after i dropped my drawers and touched my junk to show him, i think i started touching my face and head and shit without washing my hands. i noticed after the physical and he took of his gloves he was furiously washing his hands in the sink. so on the follow check up, he reached out to shake my hand and i paused and said 'i washed my hands', before shaking his hand. i think the most important thing is to keep a clean doctors office.

    i know im not gay. sometimes i wish i was. I've looked at gay porn, it doesn't work for me. and it's terrible porn. it's totally unimaginative too. for a brief moment i thought i'd say i liked shemales maybe. but that's not reality. that's a creation of the porn industry. transsexuals are real, but real ones look like guys. and that doesn't work.

    the guy is young, smart, handsome, neat, clean, etc.. im pretty sure he's gay. is it really my responsibility to acknowledge it? do gay doctors really need to know that their straight patients know and are ok with it? can't i do what i always do and just be dumb? im really good at being dumb. it comes natural. i'd rather not see a difference.

  • #2
    The straight to the point answer in my experience is I have not been asked my sexual orientation during a physical exam.

    But onto your meandering train of thought post, are you embellishing a bit your thought process or is this really how you think, because you are a bit of a mess, dude. We all have issues, but this paragraph in particular is a trip in the "Naked Lunch" sense.

    he wasn't very good with sports either. i smoke cigarettes and i developed 2 black dots one on my bottom lip and another below my nose right above it. i imagine it's no different from developing spots on your lungs. so it's pre-cancer. so he mentions Michael Douglas, like he got cancer from smoking. tho i didn't say the word cunilingus, but i tried to correct him. so then he mentions Curt Schilling's cancer which i told him a better example is Tony Gwynn cause Curt Schilling is a fucking redneck. tho i didn't say that about Schilling. i mentioned how Ernie Zampese would smoke a lot and that i needed to change my whole lifestyle in order to quit smoking. which im trying to do. so that was more sports stuff which he knew even less about

    I dont have issue with you crying about your dead cat. I completely am a dog guy, and when my dog of 17 years passed I cried like a baby and it took me a couple of years of mourning to get over the loss and get a new puppy. I actually think in some ways a persons capacity to feel suffering, pain, depression etc is is an expression of the depth of ones character. I mean as long as you didnt stuff and mount the pet and put him on your dining room table or anything like that.


    • #3
      couple of side notes I forgot to add.

      1) I didn't mess myself up drinking yet. he said the pain in my stomach was from a hernia, not drinking. actually I think it's my hip. but that's still better than pancreatitis.

      2) did I ever tell you the dumbest thing a chick ever said to me in bed? it was awesome because us guys are usually the ones with shitty pillow talk. so this chick turns to me during sex and decides to give me a list of the things she does and doesn't do. so she gets to the anal sex part and then says she doesn't do it because she doesn't want to get AIDS. this was during the 80's but still. so now im thinking, did she just accuse me of having AIDS? which could actually happen during that time. but then I realized that she thinks just the act of having anal sex would cause it, even if neither partner was infected. lol.

      I don't know, I think it's funny still. I think im deprived cause I went out with too many smart women. I never catch them saying dumb shit.


      • #4
        I never saw naked lunch. knew someone once that loved that movie. that paragraph.. I could've gone on forever but realized I needed to consolidate even if it messed up the logic. I was just trying to point out the doctor was bad at using sports to make his point. like a girl or gay guy would. he'd get the person and the reference wrong. and he was referencing someone that I imagine was anti-gay in Schilling to boot. so I redirected him to Gwynn. who I didn't know his beliefs but he's gotta be better when making a reference to sports, tobacco and cancer. I think he picked up on it. my goal wasn't to jump on the train and call Curt a redneck here. I just went with it. maybe I shouldn't have. twitter can be dangerous. I think it was George Clooney that pointed out ppl can get drunk and start posting on twitter.

        also, I didn't have my cat stuffed etc.. I did learn that you can't clone something after it dies. not exactly. not that I would've. you really need live flesh to clone something correctly. Im not really sure about cell memory. but if I thought my cat still had some memory stored in her cells I might've tried. there are some multi-celled organisms out there that that if you cut off their heads and brains they show memory after regenerating their head.

        I have a plan for improving my life. the doctor is the only one I've told my plan to. I want buy a house and get 3 cats and a small pig and do some charity work. I think once I can do that nothing in the world can affect me.


        • #5
          Can I answer the question without reading the post?


          • #6
            I think they ask you because they want to know if you engage in high-risk behaviors in general. I don't recall being asked but I haven't gotten a new doctor in a while.
            In the best of times, our days are numbered, anyway. And it would be a crime against Nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were presumably designed in the first place, and which the gravest statesmen and the hoarsest politicians hope to make available to all men in the end: I mean the opportunity to do good work, to fall in love, to enjoy friends, to sit under trees, to read, to hit a ball and bounce the baby.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mjl View Post
              I think they ask you because they want to know if you engage in high-risk behaviors in general. I don't recall being asked but I haven't gotten a new doctor in a while.
              So are you trying to say that nully engages in high-risk behavior?


              • #8
                Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
                So are you trying to say that nully engages in high-risk behavior?


                • #9
                  "i learned a lot from being on rotojunkie in the sports bar. politics is not worth it

                  makes me feel like the David Carradine character in "Kung Fu"

                  you have learned well, little grasshopper...
                  finished 10th in this 37th yr in 11-team-only NL 5x5
                  own picks 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 in April 2022 1st-rd farmhand draft
                  won in 2017 15 07 05 04 02 93 90 84

                  SP SGray 16, TWalker 10, AWood 10, Price 3, KH Kim 2, Corbin 10
                  RP Bednar 10, Bender 10, Graterol 2
                  C Stallings 2, Casali 1
                  1B Votto 10, 3B ERios 2, 1B Zimmerman 2, 2S Chisholm 5, 2B Hoerner 5, 2B Solano 2, 2B LGarcia 10, SS Gregorius 17
                  OF Cain 14, Bader 1, Daza 1


                  • #10
                    You've got a gift amazing gift.
                    Considering his only baseball post in the past year was bringing up a 3 year old thread to taunt Hornsby and he's never contributed a dime to our hatpass, perhaps?


                    • #11
                      If you think that's bad, you wouldn't believe what my gynecologist had the nerve to say.
                      people called me an idiot for burning popcorn in the microwave, but i know the real truth. - nullnor


                      • #12
                        It seems that it is both unusual and unprofessional for a doctor to ask a patient that question.


                        • #13
                          nullie? How about a pic of yourself!


                          • #14
                            Lemme guess, you told him that you watched (and were disappointed in) gay porn?
                            Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
                            We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Controller Jacobs View Post
                              If you think that's bad, you wouldn't believe what my gynecologist had the nerve to say.

