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It's Back: Exceelent Movies I've Seen Lately

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  • The Tree of Life is the only nominated movie I've seen thus far, and it was excellent.
    If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
    - Terence McKenna

    Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

    How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


    • Originally posted by heyelander View Post
      Saw The Decendants last night. I thought it was very good. In a normal year I think it's one I would be rooting for and be pleasantly surprised to see get a nomination. But you are right, it is a really weak year.
      Nicely put ...

      Here's Spielberg's next disaster (after he sentimentalizes Abraham Lincoln to death)

      A re-imaging of The Ten Commandments with Moses as a kick-ass Braveheart style leader ...


      • Like usual, most of the movies nominated for Oscars just came out in theaters so I haven't had a chance to rent them yet. I did get to see some of the ones that are out on DVD though...

        The Help - A somewhat typical redemption story but the performances raise it above the shmaltz level. Overall it was quite enjoyable even if it was a bit too paint-by-numbers.

        50/50 - Funnier than a movie about cancer should be, but still not quite a true comedy. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is excellent as usual and Seth Rogen does a good job of being the immature best friend. So far it's my 2nd-favorite movie of the year behind...

        Rise of the Planet of the Apes - It surprised the hell out of me how much I liked this movie, but damn was it well done. I'm not really surprised that it got snubbed for Oscars since it's somewhat of a popcorn movie, but the story flowed perfectly and there were some truly touching moments even when CGI was involved.

        The Future - Not for everyone, this is a very strange indie drama focusing on a mid-30's couple who decide to adopt a cat they find but want to live it up during the 30 days leading up to it. They're both total hippies, but while the guy acts on his hippie tendencies and tries to get people to sponsor tree plantings, the girl becomes infatuated with another man. It's not exactly an easy watch, but there are enough fascinating scenes to make it a worthwhile watch.

        Moneyball - With the burden of knowing too much about the proceedings, I just couldn't lose myself in this movie. I'm sure it works way better on those who don't know the whole story about the 2002 A's season so I'll abstain from giving an unbiased review.

        Midnight in Paris - I had high hopes since I usually love Woody Allen and the premise seemed quite brilliant, but I feel like it wasn't executed fully and only half lived up to its promise.

        As for the rest of the best picture nominees - not in a big hurry to watch War Horse or Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; Tree of Life is near the top of my queue; hoping to see The Descendents in theaters soon; will probably have to wait for The Artist and Hugo to come out on DVD.


        • Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
          Here's Spielberg's next disaster (after he sentimentalizes Abraham Lincoln to death)
          With DDL, it's a must-see.


          • Originally posted by off_the_wall View Post
            With DDL, it's a must-see.
            True dat. I wonder how DDL will deal with Lincoln's pet dog Puffy ... who is both charming, funny and displays strangely human characteristics for some light hearted comedic effect ... until he gets tragically hit by an Amish buggy. This could be the most challenging role of his career.


            • Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
              50/50 - Funnier than a movie about cancer should be, but still not quite a true comedy. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is excellent as usual and Seth Rogen does a good job of being the immature best friend. So far it's my 2nd-favorite movie of the year ...
              saw this on the weekend ... loved this movie. got pretty heavy at times, as expected ... excellent performances, great writing, simply a very well done movie about a difficult topic. highly recommended.
              It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


              • Originally posted by TranaGreg View Post
                saw this on the weekend ... loved this movie. got pretty heavy at times, as expected ... excellent performances, great writing, simply a very well done movie about a difficult topic. highly recommended.
                Ewan McGregor was supposed to play the lead role, in fact they actually started filming with him, then he had to quit for some family emergency. Joseph Gordon-Levitt makes this movie IMO ... I don't think we hear anything about it if Ewan McGregor had kept the role ... he's such an over-rated and unsympathetic actor ... totally wrong for this role ... totally wrong for any role if you ask me.


                • Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
                  Ewan McGregor was supposed to play the lead role, in fact they actually started filming with him, then he had to quit for some family emergency. Joseph Gordon-Levitt makes this movie IMO ... I don't think we hear anything about it if Ewan McGregor had kept the role ... he's such an over-rated and unsympathetic actor ... totally wrong for this role ... totally wrong for any role if you ask me.
                  I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...


                  • It seems like everyone who acted in the Star Wars prequels has had their career go downhill except for Natalie Portman.
                    Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
                    We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


                    • Originally posted by heyelander View Post
                      Yeah ... he was good in that and a few others (Big Fish I liked) ... but IMO he just not versatile / talented enough to play the roles he accepts. His accents are terrible sometimes.

                      When he plays himself he's great ... his motorcycle travel series are good viewing.


                      • Originally posted by Erik View Post
                        It seems like everyone who acted in the Star Wars prequels has had their career go downhill except for Natalie Portman.
                        Rose Byrne played Queen Natalie's double


                        • Samuel L.'s been in some decent stuff since the prequels, but he's also turned into an indiscriminate script approver, like Michael Caine before him.
                          Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
                          We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


                          • Finally got around to seeing Moneyball and Ides of March. I enjoyed them both a lot. I liked Moneyball a bit more, both movies give a nice look behind the scenes of two things I like a lot, baseball and politics.


                            • Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
                              Ewan McGregor was supposed to play the lead role, in fact they actually started filming with him, then he had to quit for some family emergency. Joseph Gordon-Levitt makes this movie IMO ... I don't think we hear anything about it if Ewan McGregor had kept the role ... he's such an over-rated and unsympathetic actor ... totally wrong for this role ... totally wrong for any role if you ask me.
                              It was actually James McAvoy, not Ewan McGregor. Either way, JGL was the only guy I could see playing the role as effectively as he did.


                              • Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
                                It was actually James McAvoy, not Ewan McGregor. Either way, JGL was the only guy I could see playing the role as effectively as he did.
                                ... now that you mention it, I did briefly wonder whether I had the correct annoying Scot. Guess not.

