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The new COVID thread

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  • lol the title of the reuters fact check was wrong I thought I did it and edited it. it should read protease/reverse-transcriptase inhibitor I guess. I can see why they would avoid that term. this is what happens when your fact checker is a 20 year old millennial with a 2 year degree in journalism fact checking a senior MIT research scientist with 2 PHD's in electrical engineering and artificial intelligence and a BA in biology performing genetic computational biology and bioinformatics.
    Last edited by ; 01-28-2022, 05:50 AM.


    • it's kind of a dumb idea. how would covid use junk DNA to cause different symptoms. that's not really what they are saying. I saw the word HERV's and was matching up my HERV's. heh


      • Originally posted by johnnya24 View Post
        We both know that any kind of prior infection to a virus provides a degree of protection. The more your immune system is familiarized with a virus, the easier it will fight it off.

        South Africa is the prime example. Vaccine uptake in SAF prior to Omicron was poor - average (lot's of vaccine skepticism). But they had 3 previous waves of Covid that caused widespread natural immunity - and the Omicron wave just bounced off SAF.

        The resistance we saw in SAF to Omicron, despite its incredible infectiousness, came primarily from natural infection immunity. We have now seen that replicated in countries with high vaccine uptake and lower natural immunity.

        Basically both vaccines and natural infection are providing similar degrees of protection - and although i'm not an expert, both vaccines and natural infection have their own particular ways of tutoring you immune system. They aren't exclusive.


        Like I mentioned previously in this thread, there is a partisan mindset that has developed over the course of this pandemic (vrs the anti-science lobby) that is now a part of the problem.

        Prior to Omicron:

        Wear masks in public please vrs "aint no-one gonna make me do anything I don't want to"
        Some restrictions to help protect our vulnerable vrs "you aint takin' away mah freedumb"
        Vaccines will provide protection against the virus vrs "what virus? I don't know anyone who died from covid"
        Any restrictions are temporary vrs "it's a global illuminati conspiracy to take all the power!!!!!!"
        etc. etc.

        It was annoying for all of us dealing with this imbecility. Problem is, after Omicron, many of those arguments we used are redundant. Once Omicron displaces Delta:

        We shouldn't be wearing masks to prevent spread
        We shouldn't have restrictions to stop infection, except in certain medical circumstances
        Vaccine isn't our only solution / protection. With Omicron we now have a viable natural route to acquiring herd-immunity that will be faster and perhaps as (more?) effective than vaccines.
        We therefore don't need restrictions in the same way as prior waves.

        However, because of pride, stubbornness, pride, an overly conservative mindset, pride, a lack of courageousness, pride, conditional partisan herd behavior etc. etc. - most of us don't seem to be able to extricate ourselves from this partisan conditionality.

        AND - we could miss this window of opportunity for fast and effective herd-immunity if another wave comes along and we haven't allowed Omicron the freedom it needs (a) to infect the dumbasses and (b) give additional protection to the vaccinated. is the current status of Covid in Washington state.

        See the latest charts and maps of coronavirus cases, deaths, hospitalizations and vaccinations in Washington.

        New highs in hospitalizations and deaths. Cases are about 6 times the previous peak and still rising. So lots of opportunity realized for gaining immunity, hopefully lasting. Thankfully Omicron is mild. I'll keep wearing my mask for now. This decision isn't based on a partisan mindset, stubbornness, or pride. If I thought it would be my best choice for my health and that of others I would be very happy to ditch my mask.

        EDIT: That said, I'm meeting some friends for dinner outside tonight. I agree that complete lockdowns at this point (not that we have ever that in U.S.) don't make a lot of sense.
        Last edited by The Feral Slasher; 01-28-2022, 07:40 PM.
        Champagne for breakfast and a Sherman in my hand !
        The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
        George Orwell, 1984


        • A Washington State Patrol officer who defied a statewide vaccine mandate and signed off for the last time by telling Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee to “kiss my a–” is dead from COVID-19.

          Former Trooper Robert LaMay, 51, who served 22 years with the State Patrol and retired last October, died on Friday.

          LaMay garnered attention from Americans across the country after he signed off for the last time as an officer and told Washington Gov. Jay Inslee he “can kiss my a–” over forced vaccine mandates.

          Following LaMay’s death, Washington State Patrol Chief John R. Batiste released a statement praising him for his service, which Batiste said “will be long remembered and appreciated.”

          A Washington State Patrol officer who defied a statewide vaccine mandate and signed off for the last time by telling Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee to “kiss my a–” is dead from COVID-…


          • Originally posted by revo View Post
            A Washington State Patrol officer who defied a statewide vaccine mandate and signed off for the last time by telling Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee to “kiss my a–” is dead from COVID-19.

            Former Trooper Robert LaMay, 51, who served 22 years with the State Patrol and retired last October, died on Friday.

            LaMay garnered attention from Americans across the country after he signed off for the last time as an officer and told Washington Gov. Jay Inslee he “can kiss my a–” over forced vaccine mandates.

            Following LaMay’s death, Washington State Patrol Chief John R. Batiste released a statement praising him for his service, which Batiste said “will be long remembered and appreciated.”

            Maybe we should start a new thread to recognize all of the anti-vaxxer Darwin Award winners.
            “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

            ― Albert Einstein


            • Originally posted by madducks View Post
              Maybe we should start a new thread to recognize all of the anti-vaxxer Darwin Award winners.
              It already exists on Reddit:


              • The US Army, who mandated 17 different vaccinations before the pandemic struck, is going to immediately discharge the dipshits who refuse to get the 18th.
                More American children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active duty military.


                • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
                  This is long, but interesting to someone like me who wanted someone like her to write something like this about Malone. Thanks for sharing it.
                  i thought this was the was the most important one.
                  So our leaders have failed America. The media has failed America. But where are the scientists? Why aren’t the workhorses of this pandemic, the people who are quietly behind the scenes doing the best they can, people who are subject-matter experts and who don’t have an agenda, presenting clear information to the public and explaining the ways in which Robert Malone is full of shit?

                  I think the answer is twofold. First, the scientists have their hands full, fighting the pandemic and “doing science” in a very rapidly changing information landscape, and they are consumed with talking among themselves, not communicating with the public. It’s really not Joe Q. Scientist’s role (or forte) to communicate science information to the public.
                  this actually cuts into the populism of science. it creates another debate. it is our role though. Stephen Hawking started it. his book a brief history of time. he had big contributions to science but the movement he started, where it was cool to communicate, started it. it is Joe Q. Scientist’s role to communicate science.


                  • Originally posted by Bene Futuis View Post
                    The US Army, who mandated 17 different vaccinations before the pandemic struck, is going to immediately discharge the dipshits who refuse to get the 18th.
                    This is how you know it's political. The Armed Services require so many vaccines, and of course these men and women exude bravery under fire, but a vaccine that their political party disagrees with? That's the end of the line. Makes zero sense.


                    • This is sobering:

                      "Jesus said to them, 'Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.'"


                      • I've known several people who have had some cases of covid in a house where some did not get it. Given how transmittable COVID is, that has long surprised me. This article talks about research being done on why some folks seem not to get COVID, even with frequent and significant exposure. The hypothesis is that the "never COVID" group has a higher T-Cell response based on prior exposures to other coronaviruses.

                        "Dr. Rhia Kundu, first author of the study from Imperial's National Heart and Lung Institute, said that "being exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn't always result in infection, and we've been keen to understand why."

                        "We found that high levels of pre-existing T cells, created by the body when infected with other human coronaviruses like the common cold, can protect against Covid-19 infection," she said.

                        However Kundu also cautioned that, "while this is an important discovery, it is only one form of protection, and I would stress that no one should rely on this alone. Instead, the best way to protect yourself against Covid-19 is to be fully vaccinated, including getting your booster dose."


                        • wait what?

                          I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...


                          • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
                            I've known several people who have had some cases of covid in a house where some did not get it. Given how transmittable COVID is, that has long surprised me. This article talks about research being done on why some folks seem not to get COVID, even with frequent and significant exposure. The hypothesis is that the "never COVID" group has a higher T-Cell response based on prior exposures to other coronaviruses.

                            "Dr. Rhia Kundu, first author of the study from Imperial's National Heart and Lung Institute, said that "being exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn't always result in infection, and we've been keen to understand why."

                            "We found that high levels of pre-existing T cells, created by the body when infected with other human coronaviruses like the common cold, can protect against Covid-19 infection," she said.

                            However Kundu also cautioned that, "while this is an important discovery, it is only one form of protection, and I would stress that no one should rely on this alone. Instead, the best way to protect yourself against Covid-19 is to be fully vaccinated, including getting your booster dose."
                            I am one.

                            Mrs. Gregg started feeling ill on New Years Day. Over the next several days she kept getting sicker. She was tested at a site and found negative. After about 7 days she started feeling better. We went to my Grandson's Hockey game. The next day she got hit hard again, tested again negative. This went on until a week ago Wednesday when I took her to the Doctors office. There she tested positive for covid. Lung X Rays showed no pneumonia or blood clots. She started feeling better this last Monday. All symptoms of covid are gone with the exception of some gastro intestinal issues and reoccurring headaches. Doctor does not think these are covid related.

                            She had covid before the vaccine, had the vaccine when it became available as well as the second round. Add this to the fact that she was tested for antibodies (positive) her rheumatologist recommended that she pass on the booster (she would have had to go off existing meds that would have been painful).

                            I on the other hand followed her same path except I did get the booster. I live with her and did not get covid again. Or if I did I had no symptoms.


                            • Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                              I am one.

                              Mrs. Gregg started feeling ill on New Years Day. Over the next several days she kept getting sicker. She was tested at a site and found negative. After about 7 days she started feeling better. We went to my Grandson's Hockey game. The next day she got hit hard again, tested again negative. This went on until a week ago Wednesday when I took her to the Doctors office. There she tested positive for covid. Lung X Rays showed no pneumonia or blood clots. She started feeling better this last Monday. All symptoms of covid are gone with the exception of some gastro intestinal issues and reoccurring headaches. Doctor does not think these are covid related.

                              She had covid before the vaccine, had the vaccine when it became available as well as the second round. Add this to the fact that she was tested for antibodies (positive) her rheumatologist recommended that she pass on the booster (she would have had to go off existing meds that would have been painful).

                              I on the other hand followed her same path except I did get the booster. I live with her and did not get covid again. Or if I did I had no symptoms.
                              Sorry to hear that but glad she's feeling better. But this seems to me a clear example of how important the boosters are.
                              If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                              - Terence McKenna

                              Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                              How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                              • Originally posted by DMT View Post
                                Sorry to hear that but glad she's feeling better. But this seems to me a clear example of how important the boosters are.
                                My thoughts exactly.

                                She said as terrible as she felt is still wasn't as bad as the first time. She was really sick this time as well.

                                Thank you for the kind words.

